The Marxist Left Now Is Not Like the Left In the Counterculture of the Sixties


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The Marxist Left Now Is Unlike the Left In the Counterculture of the Sixties

Michael Savage wrote a book called Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder. "Liberalism" is one of the words Marxist Leftists use to describe their movement in 2016-2017.

"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder stayed on the Top 10 New York Times best-seller list for three weeks, after its release on April 12, 2005." From:

I was looking on some Google links a few days ago and saw this one: "Movement(s) in Dialogue: Kaleidoscope and the Discourse ... - UReCA
... “A Day in the March…,” Kaleidoscope, October 6, 1967, p. 3; Kois, “Leads & Changes,” ibid., “The I Ching: An Introduction,”"

Kaleidoscope was a Leftist magazine from the relatively small Milwaukee Counterculture community in the sixties and it was sold in Madison also.

Yet if issues of Kaleidoscope were available to look at, that would show how different the now totally Marxist Left is now from the Left then. I Ching would probably not mean anything to the contemporary Leftists in the universities or elsewhere. Most Leftists now would never have heard of the I Ching. "The interpretation of the readings found in the I Ching is a matter of centuries of debate, and many commentators have used the book symbolically, often to provide guidance for moral decision making as informed by Taoism and Confucianism."

And again most Leftists today would never have heard of Taoism. But in the sixties Counterculture the I Ching - also called the Book of Changes - was a part of the interest in Far Eastern Religions often associated with the LSD Drug movement within the Counterculture. The LSD-Psychedelic-Far Eastern Religious Movement goes back to Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert who were both Ph.D. clinical psychologists and were junior professors at Harvard. The LSD drug movement was also promoted by Aldous Huxley. And Gregory Bateson at the Palo Alto VA Hospital helped to popularize the use of LSD. Bateson served in the OSS during World War II. According to…/ Gregory Bateson played a role in the creation of the CIA. He was not a psychologist, but was an anthropologist. Bateson gave Ken Kesey his first dose of LSD. Kesey soon organized a group of of LSD users called “The Merry Pranksters.” They toured the country in a bus giving out LSD and helping to develop the then very small Counterculture."

During the 1960-1961 academic year, Ken Kesey was a Wallace Stegner Fellow at the Stanford University Creative Writing Center, where a quite different guy who became a well known American writer was also a Stegner Fellow,and friend of Ken Kesey, Larry McMurtry.

Another movement that helped to create the Counterculture of the sixties was the Beat Poets, such as Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti (who is still be alive at 98),Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, and others.

And still another movement that fed into that sixties Counterculture were the Art Bohemians, especially in San Francisco and on the Lower East Side of New York City, where the early Hippies
lived in bohemian neighborhoods amongside the Art Bohemians of the Abstract Expressionist movement in painting and sculpture.

All this - the LSD-Psychedelic-Far Eastern Religious Movement, the Beat Poets and the Art Bohemians - is now foreign to the totally Marxist Leftists who are dumbed down compared to many Counterculture people of the sixties, who get their talking points from the Leftist mass media of TV, magazines and newspapers.

"The total eclipse of sanity is now under way across America. Mass hysteria has gripped the minds of the gullible, many of whom now hallucinate their “reality” on a moment-by-moment basis.

Before the Charlottesville violence, the entire Left of America was hallucinating Russians behind every corner. Now, they’re hallucinating Neo-Nazis everywhere they look. This isn’t hyperbole, either: The hysterical Left is quite literally hallucinating almost everything they now believe: That all Trump supporters are Hitler-saluting Nazis; that all White people are racists; that America is still a slave-ownership nation; that Civil War statues might come to life and put them all back in chains, and other absurdities.

Never in the history of our country have so many people been brainwashed to believes such obvious absurdities and lies. That’s because never before in our nation’s history has the globalist-run fake news media been so determined to undermine America and everything it stands for. The goal of the twisted, anti-America media as it operates today is to indoctrinate the masses with ginned-up hatred, intolerance and violence so that the nation can be thrust into a civil war from which radical Marxism, communism and Left-wing totalitarianism can sweep into power.
Mass hypnosis generates two kinds of hallucinations

Mass hypnosis generates two kinds of hallucinations:

Positive hallucinations: Imagining things exist even when they don’t. For example, “the Russians hacked the election.”

Negative hallucinations: Eliminating things that are right in front of your eyes, such as believing that when ISIS terrorists ram vehicles into crowds of innocent protesters, that’s somehow not terrorism.

Here are some examples of the positive and negative hallucinations now being pushed by the media as part of the “total eclipse of sanity” now threatening America:
Positive Hallucinations from the Left (imaging things exist when they really don’t)

The Russians hacked the election.
All Trump supporters are Neo-Nazis and KKK members.
Civil War statues have the power to “possess” modern-day people and turn them into racists who want to own slaves.
All White people benefit from invisible “privilege” even though nearly every preferential benefit in society today — college scholarships, college admissions, job hiring, job advancement, social credibility, legal immunity and so on — is granted exclusively to non-White people.
Trump is about to be impeached and thrown out of office at any moment.
CNN and the rest of the mainstream media are all credible news sources that function with the intention of honestly informing Americans about the things that really matter, without any political bias or selective censorship.
In the New York City subway system, hysterical Left-wing citizens are now imagining Confederate flags when they look at subway tiles. Yes, this geometric design, shown below, is now considered “racist” by the Left, and the tiles are being demolished in the name of “equality” (or something). If you see a Confederate flag in these tiles, you might also be under the hypnotic influence of the media’s hate spell."

"Negative Hallucinations from the Left (imagining things don’t exist when they actually do)

The Alt-Left (Antifa, Black Lives Matter) never commits any violence whatsoever. (So why do they always wear masks, then?)
When ISIS terrorists ram vehicles into crowds, that’s not an act of terrorism.
Trump is a bumbling, stupid idiot who has no competence or intelligence. (Before he ran for public office, he was routinely described as one of the most brilliant business minds in America.)
Hillary Clinton did NOT delete 30,000+ emails as part of an obstruction of justice effort, even though she admitted she did.
The KKK was not largely founded and run by Democrats, according to the Left. The historical fact that the predominant leaders of the KKK were Democrats has been scrubbed from their minds.
When Leftists use violence to stop their political opponents, that’s not really “violence” at all because it’s justified. When Antifa terrorists attack with baseball bats, in other words, Leftists don’t see any violence taking place at all. This is why the entire mainstream media was aghast when President Trump condemned “violence on both sides” in Charlottesville. The entire mainstream media literally did not see any violence from the Left, and they couldn’t believe Trump would “fabricate” such a fiction. This is perhaps one of the most powerful examples of negative hallucination in recent memory.

And of course, the most important negative hallucination from the Left is this one:

No Leftists are being manipulated, controlled or influenced with false information. They believe their view of the world is 100% accurate, independent and arrived at through critical thinking, evidence and facts."

The Horn

Golly, this post sets up so many straw men it's creating a fire hazard ! Call the fire department ! How could anyone take Mike Sewage seriously ? He is one disgusting excuse for a human being . Mike just lies,lies, and lies . He couldn't tell the truth about anything to save his life. Not that his miserable, worthless life would even be worth saving .
He's one of ht most vile fear and hate mongers in America who does nothing but spread mindless fear and hatred of blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, liberal Democratic politicians and anyone who doesn't share his fascist right-wing extremist views .
Naturally, he worships Trump, and he even claimed Trump is a "self-made man " who became a rich, successful businessman out ofd nothing , which is a crock, because Trump was born the son of a wealthy real estate mogul . Typical Mike Sewage lie .
There are no "Marxists "left in America , except for a tiny handful of left-wing extremist political science professors at some American universities, and they have zero political power or influence . The hippie era ended decades ago, and there are no hippies left in the democratic party, which isn more Marxist and communist than Antarctica is a burning sand desert .
The Communist party of America still exists, but it's a tiny and puny little organization which is no more dangerous than a kitten .
The democrats are still 100 % capitalist , but they wisely reject laissez-faire , supply side economics , which Ronald Reagan imposed on America and which have done almost irreparable damage to this country socially and economically .
But right-wing pundits and commentators still spread mindless fear of the non-existent threat of "socialism, Marxism and communism " to America . The real threat is the exact opposite - right-wing extremist fascist totalitarian tyranny where the big corporations control the government behind the scenes combined with the poisonous theocratic agenda of the religious right , which is in cahoots with the GOP and the big corporations .

patrick jane

Golly, this post sets up so many straw men it's creating a fire hazard ! Call the fire department ! How could anyone take Mike Sewage seriously ? He is one disgusting excuse for a human being . Mike just lies,lies, and lies . He couldn't tell the truth about anything to save his life. Not that his miserable, worthless life would even be worth saving .
He's one of ht most vile fear and hate mongers in America who does nothing but spread mindless fear and hatred of blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, liberal Democratic politicians and anyone who doesn't share his fascist right-wing extremist views .
Naturally, he worships Trump, and he even claimed Trump is a "self-made man " who became a rich, successful businessman out ofd nothing , which is a crock, because Trump was born the son of a wealthy real estate mogul . Typical Mike Sewage lie .
There are no "Marxists "left in America , except for a tiny handful of left-wing extremist political science professors at some American universities, and they have zero political power or influence . The hippie era ended decades ago, and there are no hippies left in the democratic party, which isn more Marxist and communist than Antarctica is a burning sand desert .
The Communist party of America still exists, but it's a tiny and puny little organization which is no more dangerous than a kitten .
The democrats are still 100 % capitalist , but they wisely reject laissez-faire , supply side economics , which Ronald Reagan imposed on America and which have done almost irreparable damage to this country socially and economically .
But right-wing pundits and commentators still spread mindless fear of the non-existent threat of "socialism, Marxism and communism " to America . The real threat is the exact opposite - right-wing extremist fascist totalitarian tyranny where the big corporations control the government behind the scenes combined with the poisonous theocratic agenda of the religious right , which is in cahoots with the GOP and the big corporations .
Once again the Horn rears his ugly head.