The Lessons from Job


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The Lessons from Job

This is the show from Thursday September 5th, 2013

Every tragedy is not orchestrated by the devil. Every disease is not brought about because God is trying to prove a point. In the book of Luke Jesus said, I know you guys, you’re superstitious. And you think that those on whom the tower in Silom fell - those 18 people who were killed when the tower fell - you think they were the worst sinners and that’s why it happened, like there’s a good reason why everything happens. Jesus said, I tell you no. Do you think they were the worst sinners and they got killed in that accident because there was an ultimate reason? No!

Do you think Pilate killed those Galileans because they were deserving, because somehow the Big Plan said they had to be killed now? No! They were just murdered by Pilate. He’s evil.

Summary:Job Overview: Bob begins his Bible study of The Book of Job by presenting an overview of the book.

Today's Resource: In the Book of Job verse by verse Bible Study we learn how Job was tested by God.