The Left Is Officially Insane

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
a compilation of evidences of the insanity of the leftist members of this board:

regarding russia and the US:
...we should...escalate our response... If that turns into a hot war, or a declared war, so-be-it...

from annabananahead:
Fox is state-run TV now.

foxfire posted: If Trump instigates any sort of civil unrest, he could invite Russian troops as "UN Peacekeepers"
...I could actually imagine him doing just that.

rex again:
By the way, our NATO ally, the UK, has taken three chemical weapons attacks from (russia)...

i asked "Should we just declare war on Russia and let the ICBMs fly?"
foxfire's response?
We won't have to. Trump already surrendered.

i expect we'll see barbie in here often now that he's blue again. Today's insanity?
We executed the Rosenbergs for aiding the Russians pretty much as Trump has done.

The Helsinki Betrayal was just that: a betrayal of the U.S. by Donald Trump.

barbie's trump derangement syndrome brings him back for a followup!
Trump seems to have been the first president to consider United States sovereignty to be negotiable.

Those leftists who are insane are welcome to post in this thread, to thrash against the evidences of their words or just to fling poo and attempt to distract - for example, feel free to point out the typo in the thread title. Or feel free to make up names for me, or nitpick my choice of word.

it's all good :thumb:
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like marbles on glass
Fox is state-run TV now.

sorry, anna, but you're as insane as rex if you believe that

Good grief, that's the only thing you can sink your teeth into? :chuckle: It's figurative, but you knew that.

Trump speaks, and the Fox & Friends/Hannity/Carlson sycophants bow down.

In word and deed, if not in funding, that's the way Fox works, and has worked, for a long time (except for Shepard Smith, I'll give him credit where credit is due).

wouldn't know and don't care :idunno:

So you have no way of knowing how much like state-run TV they look?



Well-known member
What a mess.......
The OP quotes three individuals (all highly smart and aware folks) to prove his claim that:-
The Left Is Ofiicially Insane (sic)

Time to learn to spell, OK Doser..........
Sad......... most saddening....... heartbreaking really ....... tragic...... the incompetence ....

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We executed the Rosenbergs for aiding the Russians pretty much as Trump has done.


wiki said:
(the rosenbergs) provided top-secret information about radar, sonar, and jet propulsion engines to the USSR and were accused of transmitting nuclear weapon designs to the Soviet Union (when the US was the sole owner of the technology)

yep, seriously insane :dizzy:
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Well-known member
i asked "Should we just declare war on Russia and let the ICBMs fly?"

foxfire's response?

Yes yes.....
But we in the UK are hearing that many strong Republican Politicians and leaders are saddened by President Trump's diplomatic-meeting with President Putin, and by his apparent change of mind about various matters after his return to the USA.

They can sort it all out between themselves, I expect.


Yes yes.....
But we in the UK are hearing that many strong Republican Politicians and leaders are saddened by President Trump's diplomatic-meeting with President Putin, and by his apparent change of mind about various matters after his return to the USA.

They can sort it all out between themselves, I expect.

They may be saddened but they do not have the moral courage to do anything about it. There are few Republicans who are running again who have the honesty to criticize the leader of their party. But then again, he got the big donors some big tax benefits.
It is a combination of money, Know-Nothing nationalism and the evangelical focus on abortion that runs Trump's base.

The Barbarian


Barbarian observes:
We executed the Rosenbergs for aiding the Russians pretty much as Trump has done.

(Rosenbergs handed over highly classified-information to Russia)

[Trump hands over highly-classified information to Russia)

Late on Monday, the Washington Post published a bombshell: President Trump had shared highly sensitive, highly classified information about the ISIS fight with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov when the two men met in the Oval Office last week.

The facts of the situation are a little murky, as the Post’s reporters (Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe) took a lot of care to avoid revealing any more classified information in their piece. But here’s what the Post scoop is clear about:

The information Trump revealed to Lavrov concerned information about an ISIS plot to bomb airplanes using laptops.

Revealing it “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State,” according to the Post — specifically by giving the Russians enough information about the nature of the source to easily identify who or what it is.

That intelligence came from “espionage capabilities of a key partner,” per Jaffe and Miller. It was so sensitive that it wasn’t being shared with other allies, though we’re not sure which one it is.

Reportedly, the gaffe — something unprecedented in recent American history — came because Trump was bragging about the quality of his intelligence. “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” the president reportedly said.

yep, seriously insane :dizzy:

Possibly he's just senile. Or maybe Putin has something on him; there's a reason he's the only recent president who refuses to show his tax returns.

We do know that he was deeply into Russian funding sources when banks in the United States refused to lend him any more money.


like marbles on glass
You're worried about off-the-rails insanity? Okay, here's a Republican:

[h=1]A republican citizenry’s greatest, last-resort duty is to kill those seeking to impose tyranny[/h]
As this week’s end, it seems likely that it is quite near time for killing those involved in the multiple and clearly delineated attempts to stage a coup d’état against the legitimately elected Trump government and thereby kill our republic.

The week saw the alternative media document nearly 300 incidents of violence against loyal U.S. citizens that have been perpetrated by Democrats and the domestic terrorists that the party and its financial supporters keep on their payrolls. The Americans they are abusing and attacking – even those using concealed carry — have so far held their fire and sucked up the pain, trying to give Trump time to forever eliminate their violent tormentors. The well-armed patriot’s patience does not, and must not, last forever.

Fortunately, they have in hand a long and very precise list of the names and photographs of those who hate and threaten them, their families, their way-of-life, their liberty, their livelihoods and their republic. No self-respecting and determined-to-remain-independent citizenry can let themselves forever be held hostage by thug-civil-servants like Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Page, and Rosenstein; worshipers of tyranny, like the Democratic members of Congress, the Clintons, the FBI, and the Obamas; apparent traitors like Brennan, Hayden, and Clapper; all of the mainstream media; and the tens of thousands of government-admitted-and-protected, violent, criminal, and illegal immigrants.

American patriots have so far, praise God, been remarkably disciplined in not responding to tyranny and violence with violence. For now they must remain so, armed but steady. But the time for such patience is fast slipping away; indeed, that patience is quickly becoming an obviously rank and self-destructive foolishness. If Trump does not act soon to erase the above noted tyranny and tyrants, the armed citizenry must step in and eliminate them.

It is, of course, far better if Trump does so, and I pray and believe he will. That said, the sheer, nay, utter joy and satisfaction to be derived from beholding great piles of dead U.S.-citizen tyrants is not one that will be missed if Trump does not soon do the necessary to save the republic. But if he fails, the citizenry must act to ensure that Hillary’s predictive words are proven correct. “If Trump wins,” she apparently said, “we will all hang.”

The Barbarian

a compilation of evidences of the insanity of the leftist members of this board:

The plural of "evidence" is "evidence." "Evidences" is an archaism, like "heered" for "heard."

regarding russia and the US:

from annabananahead:

(anna gets sarcastic)
If Trump instigates any sort of civil unrest, he could invite Russian troops as "UN Peacekeepers"

Turns out, not sarcastic enough. Trump now is agreeable to letting Putin's people interrogate U.S. citizens for claimed "crimes."

WASHINGTON – The firestorm over President Donald Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin has broadened to include the revelation that Trump is open to allowing Russian investigators to grill American citizens, including former U.S. ambassador Michael McFaul.

Fluffbutton wonders:
Today's insanity?

Sod thinks that releasing classified information to other states is "treason." It's not necessarily treason, but it is a crime. That's what Trump gave the Russians. That's what the Rosenbergs gave the Russians. To be fair, if Trump declassified the information before he turned it over to our enemies, that would not be a crime,since as president, he has the power to do so.

Sod explains his purpose here:

to thrash against the evidences of their words or just to fling poo and attempt to distract

It's not working, fluffbutton.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
"Evidences" is an archaism, like "heered" for "heard."

Sounds like another one of your modern revisions.

Evidences is uncommon today, but it wasn't that long ago that it was common, while heared — we guess that's what you meant by "heered" in your obscure dialect — is nonstandard.

Time to quit with the haughtiness, um?

It's not working, Blablaman.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
"Evidences" is an archaism, like "heered" for "heard."

Sounds like another one of your modern revisions.

Post 1820, or thereabouts.

Evidences is uncommon today, but it wasn't that long ago that it was common,

That's what an "archaism" is, Stipe.

In language, an archaism (from the Ancient Greek: ἀρχαϊκός, archaïkós, 'old-fashioned, antiquated', ultimately ἀρχαῖος, archaîos, 'from the beginning, ancient') is the use of a form of speech or writing that is no longer current or that is current only within a few special contexts.

Maybe you should have been awake in English class.

while heared — we guess that's what you meant by "heered" in your obscure dialect

Until the early 1800s, English orthography was not standardized, and people wrote largely phonetically, even writing their own names in various ways. "Heered" was used as well as "heard."

Pronunciation of many words has changed considerably, too. Deef for deaf, heered for heard, afeared for afraid, cowcumber for cucumber, bammy for balmy, holp for helped, are a very few. Several distinct characteristics of the language of Elizabeth's day are still preserved.

If you're going to be prissy, at least get your facts right. Time to quit with the haughtiness, um?
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