The left’s ‘triggers’ now include chicken sandwiches and long hair


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The left’s ‘triggers’ now include chicken sandwiches and long hair

Wednesday on “The Morning Blaze,” Doc Thompson shared the latest roundup of things that “trigger” the politically correct.

“Do chicken sandwiches trigger you? Listening to vice presidents speak about life makes you unsafe? Having long nice hair is wrong because of ‘hair privilege’? … All triggers, all horrible things you need a safe space from.”

Last month, a student at Duquesne University said the school’s plans to bring a Chick-fil-A restaurant to campus might put LGBT students “at risk.”

“The chicken is good. That’s all you need to know,” Doc said, referencing NFL linebacker Justin Durant’s 2012 tweet which said Chick-fil-A was “too tasty” for CEO Dan Cathy’s personal beliefs to matter.

In another recent example of PC culture gone amok, University of Notre Dame students launched a campaign against Vice President Mike Pence after he was asked to be their commencement speaker. Students wrote on whiteboards about feeling “unsafe” hosting Pence on campus, rallying around the Twitter campaign #notmycommencementspeaker.

The “hair privilege” story, meanwhile, comes from a Villanova student who shaved her head so she could be “liberated” from social norms.

After reviewing these bizarre developments, Doc found himself flabbergasted: “Have you lost your minds?”

Mass mental illness. Especially the hair thing.


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Villanova Student Shaves Her Head to Confront ‘Hair Privilege’

A Villanova student claims that shaving her head helped her confront her “hair privilege,” as well as “society’s oppressive gender norms.”

“I’m not a big fan of being oppressed, and I don’t like it,” said Yvonne Nguyen in a Facebook live video where she shaved her head on camera to Beyoncé songs. Since this article’s publication, she has taken down the video.

[her shaved pic and what she did look like]

In an op-ed for the student newspaper, Nguyen said that the oppressive societal gender norms had made her feel like she was only a “true girl” if her hair was “long, straight and silky.”

“Shaving my head enabled me to be reflective of ways society forces me to conform to labels that I didn’t choose,” she wrote. “Shaving my head liberated me, as I allowed myself to be faithful to my values and genuine self.”

“At the same time, I’m also very privileged,” Nguyen added in her Facebook video, explaining that her bald head was a show of solidarity for people with cancer or alopecia. “I would like to remember the privilege I have in terms of being able to grow my hair out,” she wrote in the accompanying post.

“Dude, this is awesome that you’re doing this,” one of Nguyen’s friends commented as she shaved her head.

“I’m saving all this money so I can go to grad school and save the world,” Ngyuen said in the video when her haircut was complete.

Nguyen said she chose to shave her head on St. Patrick’s Day—also celebrated as St. Baldrick’s Day, where people shave their head in support of childhood cancer research. Since she posted her Facebook live, it has gained more than 1,400 views.

Reflecting on her decision nearly three weeks later, Nguyen said that going bald was part of a choice “to be a woman for others.”

“One must forgo some of their undeserved privileges to provide justice for others,” she concluded. “Are you wiling to shave?”

How utterly weird.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Didn't college kids used to eat gold fish some time ago ....

yes, they did

“One must forgo some of their undeserved privileges to provide justice for others,” she concluded.

did they eat goldfish in the belief that it would magically "provide justice for others"?


yes, they did

“One must forgo some of their undeserved privileges to provide justice for others,” she concluded.

did they eat goldfish in the belief that it would magically "provide justice for others"?

What part of "who cares" did you miss?

Latch on to a cause that actually amounts to something beyond your petty whining and moaning.

The Horn

The reason they object to Chick-Fil-A is because the owners, the Cathy family, have contributed millions of dollars to vicious anti-gay organizations such as The Family Research Council, the American Family Association and others .
How can you blame them . These organizations aren't just opposed to same sex marriage, but gay rights in general .


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Hall of Fame
The reason they object to Chick-Fil-A is because the owners, the Cathy family, have contributed millions of dollars to vicious anti-gay organizations such as The Family Research Council, the American Family Association and others .
How can you blame them . These organizations aren't just opposed to same sex marriage, but gay rights in general .

Can they not just not eat there? Or do they think a sandwich will attack them?


New member
Can they not just not eat there? Or do they think a sandwich will attack them?

Exactly. If you do not share in their outrage then you are just as bad. Guilt by association of a chicken sandwich. Or, if you're not with them, you're against them.

I'm sure The Horn would ban Chick-Fil-A but allow Planned Parenthood representatives on campuses across the country without seeing it as hypocrisy.

The Horn

Wizard, I would not ban Chick-Fil-A anywhere even if I had the power to do this . Which doesn't mean I approve of or condone what they have done contributing money to anti-gay organizations .
I don't think I would want to eat there myself, but I wouldn't bar anyone else from doing this .
The real hypocrisy is approving of Chick-Fil-A while wanting to ban people from PP from appearing places .


New member
Wizard, I would not ban Chick-Fil-A anywhere even if I had the power to do this . Which doesn't mean I approve of or condone what they have done contributing money to anti-gay organizations .
I don't think I would want to eat there myself, but I wouldn't bar anyone else from doing this .

What would tell the LGBT's supporters who oppose Chick-Fil-A on their campus?

The real hypocrisy is approving of Chick-Fil-A while wanting to ban people from PP from appearing places .


Liberals Attack Chik-fil-A For Voter Registration – Ignore Planned Parenthood Doing Same Thing


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Can they not just not eat there? Or do they think a sandwich will attack them?
Do you see this differently than when Christians boycott various companies for what they do/support? Didn't some people just refuse to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie because of the gay character in it? Are they afraid watching it will make them gay?


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Hall of Fame
Do you see this differently than when Christians boycott various companies for what they do/support?

I dont like chipoltes spending their proceeds on gay pride junk, so i dont eat there, i dont picket them or ask others to or try to block their business license.

Didn't some people just refuse to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie because of the gay character in it?
yes, yet gays are who picketed theatres who refused to show it, and attacked owners and threatened their lives.

Are they afraid watching it will make them gay?
No, why do you feel we must see it, if we aren't picketing it?

There is a difference in not eating/seeing/participating in, and picketing and boycotting.