The Kerfeve Kerfuffle


New member
By Gary Demar

The kerfuffle over Pres. Trump’s “Covefe” tweet shows that today’s media seem only to accent the foibles of those who are not in their club. They love to tear down those with whom they disagree. If they can’t do it with facts, they do it with ridicule. It’s easier. No research of a story is needed. When there are no facts, cite “anonymous sources.”

When a news story does not fit the leftist narrative, ignore it. The endgame is not truth; it’s one-upmanship for “the cause.” The thing of it is; there is no real endgame except to destroy all opposing views and bury all evidence to the contrary.

Pres. Trump is an easy target. He often makes his own mess, and there is no one in the media who will lift him out of it. This was never the case with Pres. Obama.

The following article is from Wesley Bruce. Mr. Bruce is an Australian commentator who has studied libertarianism, environmentalism, technology, and some economics. An advocate of new and untested conservative solutions. He has a Bachelor of Science in human ecology and geography from the Australian National University, Canberra, with archaeology, physics, and some planetology and cosmology.


The tweet tells us several interesting things about Trump and has raised several very important questions.

The tweet which said: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” it was followed by Trump joking about it with another tweet: “Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘covfefe’??? Enjoy!”

This tells us several things.

Trump does these tweets himself. Conservatives knew this. The radical left knew this, but most in the middle are still shocked. Most politicians have someone, a staffer, running the Twitter account, but Trump is hands on. It means that even though his staff is*monitoring the Twitter feed, a staffer does not have the authority to correct or delete a tweet. That is important. It means Donald Trump is not afraid of errors and wants to maintain control. What many see as errors may be intentional, and he does not want a staffer second-guessing him.

It also tells us that Donald Trump actually does sleep. The tweet was made at*12:06 AM*and only deleted at*6 AM. It shows he gets 5 to 6 hours of sleep; normal for older people. The mistake tells us that he should have gone to bed 6 minutes earlier. He was clearly a bit dozy and missed the error. At least he’s only running the country not driving a car at that hour.

It also tells us that while he is accused of having small hands, his fingers are still too big for those teeny-tiny buttons on a cell phone, like everyone else over the age on seven on the planet. This is a fundamental problem with cell phones design since they were invented and no perfect solution has been developed. This will drive a new batch of inventors working on the problem. That may be a very good thing. I have a few ideas but can’t write computer code to save my life. I can’t even see what I’m writing properly. Dyslexia is a pain.

I suspect he was trying to type “kerfuffle” while most think he was completely botching commentary. “Kerfuffle” comes from the Scotch “carfuffle” – “agitation of mind, perplexity” – and until the late 20th*century it was spelled “carfuffle” or “curfuffle,” not “kerfuffle.” Remember, Donald Trump’s mother is Scottish. She would have always used the “C.”

It is clearly a bad typo from someone that is a bit dozy. Trump was trying to type the word as he probably always heard it from his mother in her Scottish-accented American English: “Despite the constant negative press kerfuffle.” Makes perfect sense since it means disturbance, fuss, a perfect synonym for fake news. A better definition is a fuss and a lot of discussions based on incorrect information. MSM, he’s talking about you.

This tells us something about Trump’s cell phone; it can’t spell kerfuffle. It did not auto correct or flag it as wrong. Maybe, Trump, has it turned off, but why bother? Have you ever tried to turn off autocorrect? It’s really hard on most phones. It argues with you. The programmers, it seems, can’t see why you would even want to.

Within hours this has raised another question about the quality of American English teaching. I’m someone who watches a lot of YouTube and participates in forums, and it is clear that whatever passes for English teaching in USA makes no attempt at spelling, grammar, pronunciation or apparently anything else. I’m watching very smart people, adult computer programmers, making some very basic mistakes. If it’s small kids coding Minecraft mods, it’s excusable. (Embarrassing perhaps when their mods work and mine don’t.) If it’s programmers and YouTubers from Europe, Asia, and Africa, it’s also excusable. Often you see an apology “sorry for my bad English” followed by a statement in perfect English.

Some have asked another question. I know I’ve asked it too. Is Donald Trump dyslectic? I have dyslexia, and the question makes perfect sense. “Covfifi” is the kind of typo we make. We can’t instantly see that it’s wrong because our vision system is messing with what we see. The letters are all dancing about on the tiny key screen and in the final tweet. It is not called “word blindness” for nothing. It’s taken me over an hour to write this, but to a dyslectic, a tweet is easy. It takes a few minutes for dyslexia to kick in. Still, the last tweet after a dozen others is at serious risk of going badly.

The clue that Trump may be dyslexic is the fact that he reportedly favors short messages, audiobooks, and direct instructions. Above average IQ but below average school performance is also normal. His biographies are full of that. Yes, he’s written books, but how much was dictated? If Trump is dyslectic then it explains much. Even his self-deprecating humor. However, that may be just a Republican thing. Remember, that was a characteristic of both Ronald Reagan and George W Bush. George H. Bush is the only Republican that did not do it. He didn’t have the timing.

The tweet created a proper kerfuffle. Was that his intention? We can’t rule out the typo was seen and left there intentionally. If that is true, then the USA has the smartest, scariest, most promising president ever. If not, then all we have is a President that makes normal mistakes and knows how to laugh at them.
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Gary DeMar writes:

"When a news story does not fit the leftist narrative, ignore it. The endgame is not truth; it’s one-upmanship for “the cause.” The thing of it is; there is no real endgame except to destroy all opposing views and bury all evidence to the contrary."

Actually Gary, the left (which Donald Trump is a part of, too bad that you and other RINO's don't acknowledge that) does have a very good case against Donald Trump and company when it comes to Russia connections. Do you have any articles defending Trump against these allegations or is a little gossip column on Trump's tweeting habits the best you can do?


New member
Gary DeMar writes:

"When a news story does not fit the leftist narrative, ignore it. The endgame is not truth; it’s one-upmanship for “the cause.” The thing of it is; there is no real endgame except to destroy all opposing views and bury all evidence to the contrary."

Actually Gary, the left (which Donald Trump is a part of, too bad that you and other RINO's don't acknowledge that) does have a very good case against Donald Trump and company when it comes to Russia connections. Do you have any articles defending Trump against these allegations or is a little gossip column on Trump's tweeting habits the best you can do?
A very good case on the Russia connection? Let's hear it. So far, you guys have a big fat zero. A very good case has actual evidence you know?
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The Kerfeve Kerfuffle

Words from an American President are important, and if Trump decides to tweet nonsense in the middle of the night, he is going to be held accountable!

In order to learn from your past mistakes, a person has to admit that they have made mistakes - something "The Donald" will never do!

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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In order o learn from your past mistakes, a person has to admit that they have made mistakes - something "The Donald" will never do!
Admit that which you decry. :AMR:


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The Kerfeve Kerfuffle

Words from an American President are important, and if Trump decides to tweet nonsense in the middle of the night, he is going to be held accountable!

In order to learn from your past mistakes, a person has to admit that they have made mistakes - something "The Donald" will never do!
Which has zero to with any claims I made here. Any more wasted breath you want to spend?


Which has zero to with any claims I made here. Any more wasted breath you want to spend?
Trump and is "birther" friends spent 8 long years trying to discredit a President without evidence - and they didn't have 2 Congressional Committees and a Special Council!

With the 2018 Midterms looming, just how long will House and Senate Republicans be content to "hitch their wagons" to a "toxic" President who has lost his ability to promote their agenda?


New member
Trump and is "birther" friends spent 8 years trying to discredit a President - and they didn't have 2 Congressional Committees and a Special Council!

Just how long will House and Senate Republicans be content to "hitch their wagons" to a "toxic" President who has lost his ability to promote their agenda?
Do you want to talk about my topic? No? Go somewhere else troll.


A very good case on the Russia connection? Let's hear it. So far, you guys have a big fat zero. A very good case has actual evidence you know?

I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say "you guys", as there are a lot of people like myself out here who aren't into partisan politics like yourself but are interested in the truth.

Here's some evidence:


Now tell me that the above information isn't something that the American people should be concerned about (try to say it with a straight face).


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Now tell me that the above information isn't something that the American people should be concerned about (try to say it with a straight face).

I know it seems very shocking but, if it cannot be proved that any of these ties are criminal or that a criminal act has been perpetrated it really is just incidental contact. The fact that politicians in the federal government & big businessmen have contacts in other countries, and yes, even Russia, is not even remotely surprising nor does it make it illegal, heck our company buys rocket engines from the Russians, and the Russians fly our finished rockets to the launch sites in a huge Russian Antonov aircraft, with Russian national air crews onto a U.S. Air Force Base... so no, this really is not breaking news that these individuals or any American businessman, politician, or diplomat has foreign contacts unless it can be proved there was a crime committed. We are all still waiting for the proof of a crime, and so far there has not been a shred of evidence that points to one.

patrick jane

I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say "you guys", as there are a lot of people like myself out here who aren't into partisan politics like yourself but are interested in the truth.

Here's some evidence:


Now tell me that the above information isn't something that the American people should be concerned about (try to say it with a straight face).
Now do the same goofy picture showing the Clinton/Russia connections, rummy


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
[Climate Sanity] I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say "you guys", as there are a lot of people like myself out here who aren't into partisan politics like yourself but are interested in the truth.
Now tell me that the above information isn't something that the American people should be concerned about (try to say it with a straight face).

I know it seems very shocking but, if it cannot be proved that any of these ties are criminal or that a criminal act has been perpetrated it really is just incidental contact...

Please don't think that my post was directed towards you Rocketman. It was directed towards those who are interested in the truth, i.e. people who don't play the partisan politics game.

That being said:

I went over what you called "incidental contacts" in another thread, I guess I'll have to do it again here.

Keep in mind that we're not talking about some businessmen from "your company", but the most powerful man in the world (and I use the word "man" loosely when referring to Donald Trump) who shapes US foreign policy with the stroke of a pen.

Donald Trump:*Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does. He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests.*For example, in*2008 he made a real estate sale to*Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a*Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million. *

Michael Flynn: Flynn, President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, was asked to resign just weeks after he was sworn in. His resignation came*after it leaked that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his communications with Russian officials, specifically Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, before President Trump’s inauguration. In these communications, Flynn discussed sanctions imposed by the Obama administration on Russia – while President Obama was still in office.*Earlier last year, he stated that the U.S. needs to respect that “Russia has its own national security strategy, and we have to try to figure out: How do we combine the United States’ national security strategy along with Russia’s national security strategy,” raising troubling questions. In 2015, Flynn delivered remarks at a Moscow gala honoring RT, Russia’s propaganda arm, where he was seated next to Putin. Flynn accepted $33,750 for this speech by RT, and did not correctly report the payment, thus concealing payment from a foreign government, and possibly violating the law in the meantime. Flynn continued to appear on RT as a foreign policy analyst. Altogether, Flynn was paid more than $67,000 by Russian companies before the 2016 presidential election.

Jeff Sessions: Sessions, President Trump’s Attorney General, had two conversations with Ambassador Kislyak during the 2016 presidential election. However, during later confirmation hearings, he claimed that he “did not have communications with the Russians” when prompted by Senator Al Franken. Once reports of his meetings with Kislyak surfaced, Sessions recused himself from any investigation into Russia’s interference in our 2016 presidential election. Many officials are continuing to call for his resignation.

I believe all of the above 3 have "lawyered up".


Back with the degenerate Rex Tillerson (he's the guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the Boy Sodomizers of America) and his close ties to Russia and Putin, and Trump's son in law Jared Kushner.


BTW, feel free to refute any of the information that I've presented.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Please don't think that my post was directed towards you Rocketman. It was directed towards those who are interested in the truth, i.e. people who don't play the partisan politics game.

If you were interested in the truth you wouldn't be trying to derive your own version of it with circumstantial evidence.

That being said:

I went over what you called "incidental contacts" in another thread, I guess I'll have to do it again here.

Keep in mind that we're not talking about some businessmen from "your company", but the most powerful man in the world (and I use the word "man" loosely when referring to Donald Trump) who shapes US foreign policy with the stroke of a pen.

No it is not a "businessman" it is a multinational company, and some of the sanctions being levied against Russia directly effect my company so, my comparison is just as valid. The fact that companies, businessmen, politicians, or diplomats have Russian contacts is not illegal, in fact it is quite commonplace.

Donald Trump:*Not only does his past and current team have ties to Russia, but the President himself also does. He has traveled to Russia extensively, done business there often, and has ties to Russian interests.*For example, in*2008 he made a real estate sale to*Russian billionaire, Dmitry Rybolovlev. Trump bought a*Palm Beach mansion in 2004 during a bankruptcy sale for $41 million, and less than four years later, without ever having moved in, Trump sold the mansion to Rybolovlev for $95 million. *

Wow, that is compelling, a real estate mogul selling & buying real estate, now that is a crime. Unless you have more than that I fail to see the crime here.

Michael Flynn: Flynn, President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, was asked to resign just weeks after he was sworn in. His resignation came*after it leaked that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his communications with Russian officials, specifically Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, before President Trump’s inauguration. In these communications, Flynn discussed sanctions imposed by the Obama administration on Russia – while President Obama was still in office.*Earlier last year, he stated that the U.S. needs to respect that “Russia has its own national security strategy, and we have to try to figure out: How do we combine the United States’ national security strategy along with Russia’s national security strategy,” raising troubling questions. In 2015, Flynn delivered remarks at a Moscow gala honoring RT, Russia’s propaganda arm, where he was seated next to Putin. Flynn accepted $33,750 for this speech by RT, and did not correctly report the payment, thus concealing payment from a foreign government, and possibly violating the law in the meantime. Flynn continued to appear on RT as a foreign policy analyst. Altogether, Flynn was paid more than $67,000 by Russian companies before the 2016 presidential election.

Flynn had an obvious conflict of interest, that I will agree, and it was right to let him go for that very reason but, did he do anything criminal? So far, it doesn't look that way in spite of the innuendo to the contrary. The appearance is bad but, it takes more than how it looks to prove a crime, no?

B]Jeff Sessions[/B]: Sessions, President Trump’s Attorney General, had two conversations with Ambassador Kislyak during the 2016 presidential election. However, during later confirmation hearings, he claimed that he “did not have communications with the Russians” when prompted by Senator Al Franken. Once reports of his meetings with Kislyak surfaced, Sessions recused himself from any investigation into Russia’s interference in our 2016 presidential election. Many officials are continuing to call for his resignation.

Here is another nothing...Just because a sitting U.S. Senator has contact with an ambassador from a foreign country does not make the contact nefarious. Was Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, or numerous other U.S. politicians also guilty of a crime for speaking with this same ambassador? If there is evidence of a crime than produce it, otherwise the man is innocent until PROVEN guilty, it is called due process, have you abandoned that tenet of the constitution?

I believe all of the above 3 have "lawyered up".

As would anyone being accused of wrongdoing, having legal counsel doesn't prove someone is guilty of a crime either.

Back with the degenerate Rex Tillerson (he's the guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the Boy Sodomizers of America) and his close ties to Russia and Putin, and Trump's son in law Jared Kushner.

Aside from Tillerson's personal character which is a separate issue, the fact that Tillerson had close business contacts with the Russians or Jared Kushner is also circumstantial unless you can prove illegality. I am really surprised that you are so willing to assign a crime with absolutely no evidence of one being committed.

BTW, feel free to refute any of the information that I've presented.

There is nothing to refute, you have presented everything that we already know, a bunch of circumstance with no evidence of a dismissed.
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The Horn

I don't know exactly how or why Trump put up the laughable tweet he did , but it's basically irrelevant .
Donald Chump is totally clueless as president . He doesn't even have the vaguest idea of what he's doing . He may have some kind of inchoate desire to serve his country , but he's still using the presidency to feather his own nest .