The Jewish Scriptures. What are they?



Today is Chamishi (Fifth), 11-23. It is Day.

What are the Jewish Scriptures?

I have heard of the Jewish Bible, though I have different understandings of what it is (either the Torah or the TaNaK). I have heard of the Hebrew Bible. I have heard of the Hebrew Scriptures. These (the Hebrew Bible (unless it be the Torah) and the Hebrew Scriptures) are the same, the TaNaK, different from the Ketuvim or K'tuvim, the Scriptures or Writings. However, some might say that the Hebrew Scriptures are the same as this, and are not the TaNaK. The TaNaK is the Torah the Nevi'im and the Ketuvim or the K'tuvim. The Law the Prophets and the Writings. I have seen that the word K'tuvim can be understood as Scriptures.

So, with these things being understood, or which can be talked about and deliberated, what are the Jewish Scriptures? What does this term or this terminology refer to?



patrick jane


Today is Chamishi (Fifth), 11-23. It is Day.

What are the Jewish Scriptures?

I have heard of the Jewish Bible, though I have different understandings of what it is (either the Torah or the TaNaK). I have heard of the Hebrew Bible. I have heard of the Hebrew Scriptures. These (the Hebrew Bible (unless it be the Torah) and the Hebrew Scriptures) are the same, the TaNaK, different from the Ketuvim or K'tuvim, the Scriptures or Writings. However, some might say that the Hebrew Scriptures are the same as this, and are not the TaNaK. The TaNaK is the Torah the Nevi'im and the Ketuvim or the K'tuvim. The Law the Prophets and the Writings. I have seen that the word K'tuvim can be understood as Scriptures.

So, with these things being understood, or which can be talked about and deliberated, what are the Jewish Scriptures? What does this term or this terminology refer to?


daqq can tell you. :chuckle:


New member

Today is Chamishi (Fifth), 11-23. It is Day.

What are the Jewish Scriptures?

The Tanakh + Matthew, Mark, Luke, John*
and Hebrews --> Revelation for the Tribulation.

Paul's Epistles are for the Gentiles


Well-known member
daqq can tell you. :chuckle:

The Jewish scriptures consist of the modern Masorete or Masoretic pointed text which came about a thousand years after the Yhudim scriptures found in the Septuagint. Know the difference between Jews and Yhudim and you might begin to understand what I have said. Jacob is currently becoming a Jew but that has nothing to do with what the scripture means by Yhudim and Yhodim, (lol, yes, that is a third difference). :chuckle:


The Tanakh + Matthew, Mark, Luke, John*
and Hebrews --> Revelation for the Tribulation.

Paul's Epistles are for the Gentiles


Today is Shishi, 11-24.

I do not know what you are telling me.

I accept the TaNaK and Matthew through Revelation.




The Jewish scriptures consist of the modern Masorete or Masoretic pointed text which came about a thousand years after the Yhudim scriptures found in the Septuagint. Know the difference between Jews and Yhudim and you might begin to understand what I have said. Jacob is currently becoming a Jew but that has nothing to do with what the scripture means by Yhudim and Yhodim, (lol, yes, that is a third difference). :chuckle:


Today is Shishi, 11-24.

I do not know what you are telling me.

Why do you say that I am becoming a Jew?

I do not know what Yhudim and Yhodim are.

I have read (/from) the Torah. I have not read the Septuagint. I do not know what you mean by modern Masorete or Masoretic pointed text. What do you mean by Yhudim scriptures?

