The Jewish calendar starts tomorrow on the astronomical new moon?


Well-known member
The Jewish new moon should start with the sighting of the first sliver of light seen on the moon over Jerusalem. However, the 16th of February on the 'Jewish' calendar starts the 1st Adar on the astronomical new moon new moon:


The reason why this is so is because the modern Jewish calendar was invented by Jewish Rabbi Hillel II in 359 AD and he used the 19 year repeating lunar cycle known as the Metonic cycle, (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) to approximate when the observable new moon is but it is only correct about half the time.

This proves that the modern Jewish calendar is man made and was designed to replicate God's original calendar given to Moses and which Jesus also used. The reason why this is important is because all of the feasts Jesus fulfilled were calculated using this Calendar:

Passover = Easter
Shavuot = Pentecost
Tabernacles = Harvest Festival

Deuteronomy 16:16
Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose:

1. Passover = Easter - FULFILLED BY JESUS
2. Shavuot = Pentecost - FULFILLED BY JESUS
3. Tabernacles = Harvest festival -TO BE FULFILLED BY JESUS AT HIS SECOND COMING!
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Well-known member
The reason why this is so is because the modern Jewish calendar was invented by Jewish Rabbi Hillel II in 359 AD and he used the 19 year repeating lunar cycle known as the Metonic cycle, (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) to approximate when the observable new moon is but it is only correct about half the time. ...

As I have already explained, there is no error in the calculation. It predicts the astronomical new moon correctly and accurately. The celebration of the New Moon, e.e. Rosh Hodesh, sometimes is not on the day of the astronomical new moon. This is deliberate, not an accident or error.

Your "God's calendar" remains nonsense.


Well-known member
As I have already explained, there is no error in the calculation. It predicts the astronomical new moon correctly and accurately. The celebration of the New Moon, e.e. Rosh Hodesh, sometimes is not on the day of the astronomical new moon. This is deliberate, not an accident or error.

Your "God's calendar" remains nonsense.

You are ignorant of the scriptures that clearly state the new moon feast is on the new moon (and this was the observable light on the new moon that could be seen! You can not see the astronomical new moon, that is impossible).

1 Samuel 20:18 + 24-27
18 Then Jonathan said to David, “Tomorrow is the New Moon feast [Day1] . You will be missed, because your seat will be empty.

24 So David hid in the field, and when the New Moon feast came [Day1], the king sat down to eat. 25 He sat in his customary place by the wall, opposite Jonathan, and Abner sat next to Saul, but David’s place was empty. 26 Saul said nothing that day, for he thought, “Something must have happened to David to make him ceremonially unclean,20 surely he is unclean.” 27 But the next day, the second day of the month, [Day2] David’s place was empty again. Then Saul said to his son Jonathan, “Why hasn’t the son of Jesse come to the meal, either yesterday or today?”


Well-known member
You are ignorant of the scriptures that clearly state the new moon feast is on the new moon...

I am quite aware of the scriptures. When I said "astronomical new moon"- I meant when theoretically one can see the first sliver of the new moon. That is the "MOLAD" ("birth"). I understand that this is not the correct usage of the term "astronomical new moon". So I stand corrected on this.

Again, the Rabbinical astronomical calculation is correct. When we celebrate the New Moon feast sometimes differs from that. That is how we do things. My apologies that we don't run our religion according to your ideas of how we should run it. You are welcome to start your own cult.


Well-known member
I am quite aware of the scriptures. When I said "astronomical new moon"- I meant when theoretically one can see the first sliver of the new moon. That is the "MOLAD" ("birth"). I understand that this is not the correct usage of the term "astronomical new moon". So I stand corrected on this.
Yes and it is one of many things you do not understand about this subject. Like what you say next:
Again, the Rabbinical astronomical calculation is correct.
Clearly you still don't understand. Why don't you just Google things before making yourself look like a fool:

Astronomical new moon: 'In astronomy, the new moon is the first lunar phase, when the Moon and Sun have the same ecliptic longitude. At this phase, the lunar disk is not visible to the unaided eye, except when silhouetted during a solar eclipse.'

The astronomical new moon is always before the visible new moon which can be seen by the naked eye when there is just enough light on the moon to be seen as the first crescent. This was how it was always calculated but as I have explained the modern Jewish calendar was invented by Jewish Rabbi Hillel II in 359 AD and he used the 19 year repeating lunar cycle known as the Metonic cycle, (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) to approximate when the observable new moon is but it is only correct about half the time.

This is why the modern Jewish calendar can have months starting on both the Astronomical new moon and the visible crescent mew moon and is one of the proofs it is not God's Calendar.

When we celebrate the New Moon feast sometimes differs from that. That is how we do things. My apologies that we don't run our religion according to your ideas of how we should run it. You are welcome to start your own cult.

You have no idea about any of this subject as you have shown here and in the other threads I have talked with you about this subject.


Well-known member
Yes and it is one of many things you do not understand about this subject. Like what you say next:
Clearly you still don't understand. Why don't you just Google things before making yourself look like a fool:

Astronomical new moon: 'In astronomy, the new moon is the first lunar phase, when the Moon and Sun have the same ecliptic longitude. At this phase, the lunar disk is not visible to the unaided eye, except when silhouetted during a solar eclipse.'

The astronomical new moon is always before the visible new moon which can be seen by the naked eye when there is just enough light on the moon to be seen as the first crescent. This was how it was always calculated but as I have explained the modern Jewish calendar was invented by Jewish Rabbi Hillel II in 359 AD and he used the 19 year repeating lunar cycle known as the Metonic cycle, (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) to approximate when the observable new moon is but it is only correct about half the time.

This is why the modern Jewish calendar can have months starting on both the Astronomical new moon and the visible crescent mew moon and is one of the proofs it is not God's Calendar.

You have no idea about any of this subject as you have shown here and in the other threads I have talked with you about this subject.

There are so many inaccuracies and misunderstandings in this post, that I don't even know where to start.

I admitted that I used the term "astronomical new moon " incorrectly. But you would actually have to READ my post to know that.

And I repeat, the calculation is correct, but the celebration is sometimes deliberately shifted away from the calculation. You would have to READ my post to notice that statement as well.


Well-known member
There are so many inaccuracies and misunderstandings in this post, that I don't even know where to start.

I admitted that I used the term "astronomical new moon " incorrectly. But you would actually have to READ my post to know that.

And I repeat, the calculation is correct, but the celebration is sometimes deliberately shifted away from the calculation. You would have to READ my post to notice that statement as well.

You keep talking about the Hillel II modern Jewish calendar invented by the said Rabbi in 359 AD as if God created it despite being shown over and over that is not, but despite all the proofs such as the OP of this thread that also shows you, you still have not got a clue what is going on. Brainless :dizzy:


Well-known member
You keep talking about the Hillel II modern Jewish calendar invented by the said Rabbi in 359 AD as if God created it despite being shown over and over that is not, but despite all the proofs such as the OP of this thread that also shows you, you still have not got a clue what is going on. Brainless :dizzy:

I am just explaining the modern Jewish calendar. I am not brainless or ignorant. I happen to know something about this topic. Considerably more than you do.

My diagnosis:

You have some difficulty with your ego. Something along the lines of an inferiority complex. In order to shore up your ego, you find it necessary to call others "brainless" or "ignorant". You also find it soothing to think that you have special 'inside' information that regular ignorant people don't have. Like how Ron Wyatt found about a dozen lost archaeological sites and treasures. Or the True (TM) God's Calendar. Or that The Shroud is for real. 'Knowing' these things makes you feel stronger and superior when compared to regular folk who just read and study the so-called 'normal' sources. You are smarter and better informed than us poor educated folk, because you watch the right videos online.

You enjoy drawing others into these discussions, because it boosts your ego. You will never admit that your logic is flawed, or that facts don't fit your notions. You aren't strong enough inside to do anything that intellectually honest.

I feel sorry for you, but I have no way to help you.



Well-known member
I am just explaining the modern Jewish calendar. I am not brainless or ignorant. I happen to know something about this topic. Considerably more than you do.

My diagnosis:

You have some difficulty with your ego. Something along the lines of an inferiority complex. In order to shore up your ego, you find it necessary to call others "brainless" or "ignorant". You also find it soothing to think that you have special 'inside' information that regular ignorant people don't have. Like how Ron Wyatt found about a dozen lost archaeological sites and treasures. Or the True (TM) God's Calendar. Or that The Shroud is for real. 'Knowing' these things makes you feel stronger and superior when compared to regular folk who just read and study the so-called 'normal' sources. You are smarter and better informed than us poor educated folk, because you watch the right videos online.

You enjoy drawing others into these discussions, because it boosts your ego. You will never admit that your logic is flawed, or that facts don't fit your notions. You aren't strong enough inside to do anything that intellectually honest.

I feel sorry for you, but I have no way to help you.


No, you are brainless, as you cannot see that I'm trying to educate you (and the body of Christ), into the real truths of this reality. All your pseudo-psycho-babble is just your attempt to defend what little knowledge you have and that is simply because of your pride. If you can overcome that pride you might learn some truths but you would really need to listen and look into these things that are new to you.


Well-known member
Whatever. If you can't straighten out your problems on your own, go find another punching bag.


Well-known member
Whatever. If you can't straighten out your problems on your own, go find another punching bag.

Apologies if my teachings feel painful but that is only because either your pride won't let you accept them or you don't have the intelligence? Not my fault. And blaming me or others for your failings is your problem.


Well-known member
Hey [MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] today is the 1st Adar but it is the astronomical new moon new! How come Jacob? I thought you said it starts with the sighting of the first slither of light seen on the new moon. :chuckle: moon:


The reason why this is so is because the modern Jewish calendar was invented by Jewish Rabbi Hillel II in 359 AD and he used the 19 year repeating lunar cycle known as the Metonic cycle, (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) to approximate when the observable new moon is but it is only correct about half the time.

This proves that the modern Jewish calendar is man made and was designed to replicate God's original calendar given to Moses and which Jesus also used.


Hey [MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] today is the 1st Adar but it is the astronomical new moon new! How come Jacob? I thought you said it starts with the sighting of the first slither of light seen on the new moon. :chuckle: moon:


The reason why this is so is because the modern Jewish calendar was invented by Jewish Rabbi Hillel II in 359 AD and he used the 19 year repeating lunar cycle known as the Metonic cycle, (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) to approximate when the observable new moon is but it is only correct about half the time.

This proves that the modern Jewish calendar is man made and was designed to replicate God's original calendar given to Moses and which Jesus also used.


Today is Rishon, 12-3.

It is not as simple as you say it is or imply it to be. However, do you observe the month Adar?

I do not know what you mean by slither.




Well-known member

Today is Rishon, 12-3.

It is not as simple as you say it is or imply it to be. However, do you observe the month Adar?

I do not know what you mean by slither.



It is because you are simple that you do not know how it really is.

slither! Opps :) that is a typo I meant sliver but I think you knew what I meant. You are a truth denier.