The irony meter broke.. Did Fox miss that?! (re Hellary)


New member
yeh, Hellary said we pro lifers are the equivalent of terrorists

who don't live in the "modern" world..

by the way, does "modern" equate with "civilized"?

Answer: No

so Hellary thinks it is "not modern" to tell a woman she can't kill her baby

(I guess she's kinda right about that since these days, Modern seems to mean: Virtually Without Morals)


yeh, those who want the unborn to be allowed to continue living are to be compared with the jihadist murderers

while Planned Barren-head (see recent videos), why, they are "modern"

They cut up live babies... babies the pro lifers would save and care for...

Maybe the baby killers are "modern," but


The irony meter, broken once again by those lovely libs...

don't you want another 4 years of this?
