The Invisible LIGHT:


New member
Do any of you geniuses think for one minute that the LOST can go to a lost organization, or an organization that is not truly of God, for salvation? – Is that the way of thinking of you smart guys? – If so, then can a lost person go to, and find salvation in the KKK? – What about the NRA? - What about the CIA? - Can one find salvation in the U.S. Senate, the White House, or the Mormons, or the Catholics? – Can salvation be found in any organization that has nothing to do with God or Christ? ----- When one says “CHRIST”, he is referring directly to that which was ANOINTED / CHRIST, which is the Body of Jesus, THE CHURCH; The Church is anointed, because the Body of Jesus was anointed of the Holy Ghost. --- Do any of you wizards DENY that Jesus’ “Body” is the same “Body” as the “Body” of Christ, and the CHURCH? --- If you do, you are very foolish.

NOW! – Does the Church, or this Body of Jesus, or the Body of Christ have hands, feet, a mouth, a mind, and a command to fulfill? – Christ said by the Holy Ghost, through: --- Mark 16:15 KJV – “He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature”. ----- Jesus said that to His disciples, who later became the Church, the Body of Christ ON EARTH, -- Are you smart geniuses saying that the Church, the Body of Christ was not, nor is not going about the EARTH PREACHING THE GOSPEL? – Or is that YOU, SMARTER THAN JESUS DOING THE PREACHING WITHOUT JESUS? --- NO! – If the Gospel is being preached on the earth, IT’S JESUS DOING IT, - NOT YOU, BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST. - That’s who He is. WE ARE HIM. We make up the Body of Christ and it is that Body that does what ever His WILL IS, - NOT YOUR WILL. --- Colossians 1:14-15 KJV – “Who is the –( IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE )- God, the FIRSTBORN of every creature”? ----- “Can you not see what the Lord is saying there? - Who is this invisible creature that none of you geniuses can see? – It’s the Light of the Father; it’s the Church, the Body of Christ, and “HIM COME”! – YOU MISSED HIS COMING! - Jesus came with all HIS Holy Spirits with Him and “THEY” were the Body of Christ that came!

Are you smarter than God geniuses hung up on distances and directions? - There is no UP or DOWN, or this way of that way, or in or out, or higher and lower. - God just IS. - God is the SUPREME. That is God’s UP, the Highness, and the High Mountain. – God is the IN and the OUT, the OPENED and the CLOSED. God is everything that all you smart geniuses cannot KNOW.
If anyone is saved, it’s due to the Body of Christ, or Jesus teaching the Gospel, and Him baptizing them into the Church. -- Is it not Jesus that adds to the Church those who are being saved, and is it not Jesus who does the Baptizing? – You only see some Christian dunking some poor soul in the water. So what is that in the SPIRIT? – That is Jesus, the Body of Christ, with His own hands baptizing the soul into the Church. - Or are you mightier than God and Christ, and it’s YOU WHO DOES IT ALL? – Jesus cannot do anything like that IF HE IS NOT HERE AND HAS –( COME )---- PROVE ME WRONG, any of you mighty worshipers of god!

Who do you wizards think the Devil is? – The Devil is the exact opposite of Jesus. - Jesus’ Body is now made of many members, and so it is with the Devil, the Devil’s Body, ( the Antichrist ) is made of many members, ( many antichrists ) and thus we have the warfare between YOU AND ME. - So run and hide and NOT defend your christ. - Only Jesus has been ANOINTED. No one or no thing has ever been anointed of the Holy Ghost that has ever done sin. Only the eternally sinless has ever been ANOINTED BY THE HOLY GHOST. --- Prove that wrong WARRIORS!

If you are a member of the Body of Christ, where are you as a member? – Is the Body or the Church there on earth, your world, or is it in Heaven; or do you KNOW? – If YOU are the Church, then you are the Body that has NO head. - Jesus is the Head of His own Body, and if you are the Body the Church; then where is the Head of the Body, and where is the Body if you are espoused unto one husband? – Where do you walk with Christ, if Christ is not where you are to walk? - Jesus said, “I WILL COME AGAIN AND “RECEIVE YOU” UNTO MYSELF”. – Is that the union, or the marriage of the Head and the Body, the Bride; or is Christ just talking through “YOUR HATS”? - And you really can’t walk with Christ except in your wildest imaginations and dreams.
YOU! – You are waiting to receive YOUR GLORIFIED BODY! – “Glorified” means that it has been resurrected; and if you don’t take part in the “FIRST RESURRECTION”, the second death will take YOU. – Jesus has the perfect Body that was resurrected, and you will never see your own carnal body made as perfect as Jesus’ Body that was GIVEN TO EVERY CHRISTIAN. Not to foolish dreamers that think they are going to be made perfect without changing to the Body of Christ that we PUT ON and ENTER INTO. - The Body of Christ is our Body. - That is the GIFT OF JESUS. – There cannot be but one “CHRIST”, and that is the ANOINTED BODY OF JESUS, not YOUR foolish body. How do you smarter than Jesus people think that there can be more than one “Anointed Body”, when the Body of the Anointed or the Christ is JESUS? – And you are waiting for your more perfect body than that of Jesus’ Body? – You have already denied CHRIST, ( which is to say ) your body is more perfect than Jesus’ Body. --- HOWEVER, HAVE IT AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOUR OWN WAY, and not the Lord’s way.

All you guests out there who drop into TOL occasionally only to monitor, why don’t you SIGN UP, and JOIN IN, and see what you can do with some of us? – You can see here that “The Back Alley” is where the battle is with those who have the courage to fight it out the way the Lord said for the Christian to FIGHT, or WAR against the false doctrines, and false Teachers of the Devil. – They need your help.

Paul – 081011