The Heretics Message to the World:Be Baptized to be Saved! (HOF thread)


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Excellent response!

Excellent response!


That was a beautiful post. Amen to everything you said. It's comforting to know that in a world filled with false teachers that there are people like you, Apollos, ServantofChrist, and Carri that will continue to let the truth shine.

God bless you.


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Handle the Work Correctly.

Handle the Work Correctly.

c.moore said:
Thanks JustAchristian.
God be with you

"Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2:15 ASV.



New member

It seems you are slandering Kevin, myself and others, calling us Mormons.
Kevin , Carri and the other please forgive me if I think this of you all no matter if you deny this but I have a problem not believing your not mormons, or elders of salt lake city that just join the TOL to see what real christians has to say about water baptism which you build you faith on and works of salvation with all yopu can do methods

Nice try you guys we know who you are, yes revealed.
It is obvious you are only saying this to discredit us and make us look bad.

Earlier you said to me:
But the way you explain not knowing about the anointing, and no ardain pastor , I could figure you maybe just have a house group church with 10 or 15 at the most members that been there for the last 10 years maybe, and Kevin is one of the members which makes it 16 people. WoW
Here you say we are a small house group church, and then later say we are elders of Salt Lake City and Mormons. We obviously can't be both.

You don't know about the church that Christ established of which we are members, or you wouldn't be following wolves in sheeps clothing, like Benny Hinn. You wouldn't accept, as a preacher, a woman, because it goes against God's Word. You allow these wolves to lead you astray because either you don't read your Bible or you can't handle the truth in His Word.

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor honosexual offenders not thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
You have slandered Kevin and myself among others by calling us Mormons. Scripture says you will not inherit the kindgom of heaven unless you repent. Many of your tv evangelists are guilty of sexual immorality (does the name Jimmy Swaggart ring any bells?) thievery, greed, and swindling. Are these the types of people you are counting on to teach you the Truth?

Try reading your Bible. Follow it instead of those jokers on tv and you might just make it to heaven.



New member

I forgot something. You said:
elders of salt lake city that just join the TOL to see what real christians has to say about water baptism
Real Christians happen to say the same thing as Christ: those who believe and are baptized will be saved. It's the wanna be Christians that leave out the baptism part:D

Go read your Bible!



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The Distinctiveness Of The Lord's Church.

In order to understand the necessity of baptism for salvation, you must understand the Lord's church. Do you realize that the church of Christ has distinctiveness? By this, I mean that there are things unique about the church of Christ that is not found in any other religious institution. And further, because of these distinctive characteristics, God is well pleased with it. Let us look at the differences of the church of Christ that makes it so distinctive.

First of all we can see that the church of Christ was from eternity within the mind and purpose of God. Paul told the Ephesian church about the church saying, "Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of His power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be know by the church the manifold wisdom of God: (Eph 3: 7-10). We can see that God planned for the church to reveal the gospel to the world, and did so from the beginning. All other religious institutions began with a man or a group of men upholding a purpose or idea, and are not as old as the first century church of Christ. Well you might be thinking, "Wasn't the church of Christ just some work of Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone, or James O'Kelley or some other man in the 19th century?" It is true, the church of Christ was not known openly in the colonies or the United States before the 19th century, but this is not saying that there were not men and women worshipping God in Spirit and truth ( Jn 4:24) in the United States before the 19th century. Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone and other faithful men began to uphold the Bible as the exclusive doctrine of faith in the early 19th century. They were men who left the creeds of men and institutions of men to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without the connection to man made institutions. They had a single battle cry, "We will speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent; to say Bible things in Bible ways and call Bible things by Bible names. They shunned the titles given to men such as Reverend and Right Reverend. They travelled extensive through the United States and the frontier preaching the saving gospel of Christ and baptizing believers for the remission of sins, just as Peter and the apostles did on that faithful Pentecost day when the church of Christ began in Jerusalem about 33 AD. In this manner, they were a duplication of the church of the first century and well pleasing in God's sight. If not, then why not? (2 Jn 9).

The worship of the church of Christ is very distinctive as it has always been. The assembly has always met on the first day of the week (Sunday) since the first century. It never met on Saturday to worship God as an exclusive day of worship. It has always preached the Bible as was delivered by the prophets and apostles by the Holy Spirit and never the dictates of man handed down by conventions and synods. It partakes of the Lord's supper of unleaven bread and grape juice as has always been done, and never substituted water for the grape juice and one major religious institution has done. It sings songs without the use of man made instruments of music just like the first century church. It took a collection for the work of the church on the first day (Sunday) exclusively, and not every time the church came together, just like the first century church. It prays with men in leadership of the prayer, in every place where men and women meet together (1 Tim 2:8), just like the first century church, and women are to keep silent ( that is they are not to openly preach or pray in the church assembly) in the church (1 Cor.14:34). All this makes the church of Christ different from man made institutions, and its a difference you should consider in your religious life

So when you meet a member of the church of Christ, don't think of him or her as a freak or wierdo. Think of them as people seeking to do God's will through Jesus Christ; speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent on non-biblical subject but religious subjects. Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the eternal gospel and to those who would listen and believe it, who would be obedient to its commands, be baptized for the remission of sins, God would allow them to become his children. (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:26-27).

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New member
I am sorry first of all if you are offended, because the way I think.
Sometimes I like to say really what on my mind and in my heart but I sometime forget how the other person feels, so I apologize, and I hope you and you wife Carri can forgive me. I wanted to respond to your post, but I am trying to stay away from debates, and arguement,and false doctrines and teachings.If some is really searching for the truth I am alway available, but a person is prideful and is decieved with some dogma revelation of the bible I have no time.
Kevin I am a born again christian also baptized by water more than once so I have the Spirit of Christ in me to also apologize on the TOL so you don`t get offended by my thinking and believing OK?
I just heard that there is a church that believe like you on this water baptism salvation theology strongly , but they believe a person is not really truly baptized till they are dunk in the Jordan river like Jesus , and they don`t eat the Lord supper unless it is direct from Isreal.
There is churches that say if you are not baptized in the name of Father ,Son, and Holy Ghost you are not baptized.
If a person is baptized just in the name of Jesus he is not Baptized says one teaching.You need to go to a anointed filled church with about 1000, to 5000 people attending that church and tell the people about your baptism saves and I know you will run across at least half the church that can explain you wrong better than me and anyone on TOL from the bible, and they can prove your wrong praise God.
I got baptized because like you said it is commanded of me to get baptized and it`s was an outward act of obedience by which I will not and did not get baptized for salvation or being saved I was saved when I said AMEN after my siiner prayer.
I know even though we don`t understand and have the same interpretations of the bible I believe we will be together one day with Jesus in Heaven with our Father praise God.

God Bless you


New member

I am sorry first of all if you are offended, because the way I think.

Wrong. I'm not offended because of the way you think of me. What you think of me and my beliefs is your business. What you did was make a false, presumptous, public accusation about me even though I have told you otherwise. You are spreading a LIE. If you want to think such and such about me, that's fine. But if your going to publiclally accuse me of something, you better know what you are talking about and be able to back it up. The fact is, you are wrong.

I don't want an apology for the way you feel about me, I want an apology for publicly spreading lies about me.

I wanted to respond to your post, but I am trying to stay away from debates

I'm not asking for a debate. You don't want to debate me? Fine. I'm just asking for a public apology for the fact that you publically slandered my name. You said something about me that simply is not true. I have provided evidence to prove this.

I have the Spirit of Christ in me to also apologize on the TOL so you don`t get offended by my thinking and believing OK?

Again, your personal belief about me vs. making a false, lieing statement about me on a public forums are two different things. The next time you want to accuse somebody of something, I would advise that you be able to back up what you are saying.

I don't see any acknowledgment from you that you spread a lie about me. Do you not see this?
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Mr Kevin and any one else who read my accusation on Kevin.

Please accept my apology for saying that you are a mormon or a ex mormon believer which you really Kevin prove to be true that you are not a mormon I hope you can forgive .



New member
Thank you.

Thank you.


Please accept my apology for saying that you are a mormon or a ex mormon believer which you really Kevin prove to be true that you are not a mormon I hope you can forgive.

Thank you for the apology c.moore, and of course I accept it and forgive you.


New member
C. Moore, before you finally leave, can I ask you one question? Well, I'm going to ask hoping you will see and answer. Where do you get your authority for saying a sinners prayer for salvation? Don't you know that God does not hear (unto granting their patitions) sinners (John 9:31). What makes you sure that God even gave ear to your prayer?



New member
JustAChristian said:
C. Moore, before you finally leave, can I ask you one question? Well, I'm going to ask hoping you will see and answer. Where do you get your authority for saying a sinners prayer for salvation? Don't you know that God does not hear (unto granting their patitions) sinners (John 9:31). What makes you sure that God even gave ear to your prayer?

quote c.moore
Joh:9:31: Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.

Do you remeber how you worship the Lord JAC??

Do you worship the Lord maybe I should ask this first????

The bible talks about worshiping in Spirit and in truth.

Do you know what this mean??

We are led by the Spirit do you know what this is???

In John the bible say God is Spirit.:)

Just something to think about but you don`t have to answer my question , because I am not for any answers I already know the truth.



New member
C. Moore--

Would you please post the Sinners Prayer or at least point me to the scripture where it is found? I've never seen it in my Bible so I don't know what it consists of. Which one of the apostles teaches us to say it? I'm pretty sure I've read the entire NT, but I don't remember that part.




New member
c.moore said:
JustAChristian said:
C. Moore, before you finally leave, can I ask you one question? Well, I'm going to ask hoping you will see and answer. Where do you get your authority for saying a sinners prayer for salvation? Don't you know that God does not hear (unto granting their patitions) sinners (John 9:31). What makes you sure that God even gave ear to your prayer?

quote c.moore
Joh:9:31: Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.

Do you remeber how you worship the Lord JAC??

Do you worship the Lord maybe I should ask this first????

The bible talks about worshiping in Spirit and in truth.

Do you know what this mean??

We are led by the Spirit do you know what this is???

In John the bible say God is Spirit.:)

Just something to think about but you don`t have to answer my question , because I am not for any answers I already know the truth.


C. Moore,
All I wanted was one verse authorizing a sinner to pray for his salvation. Just one. Not two or three. Just give us one.



New member
question by JAC
All I wanted was one verse authorizing a sinner to pray for his salvation. Just one. Not two or three. Just give us one.

answer c.moore
The bible king James version has many more verses but is is the main ONE that put your name in the book of life and saves you is this one sinners verse.

Ro:10:9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Just that you don`t ask where is the salvation just read the next verse which verify the speaking and saying with the heart and mouth is thee salvation prayer or what is called by us Evangelist the sinners prayer.

Ro:10:10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

I hope this helps if you go wittnessing and tell others the way to salvation.



New member
JustAChristian, two and no reply.

I'm a bit confused. Are you waiting for a reply from me about something? :confused:

I posted my "test" post after learning that my friend "ServantofChrist" was banned. I was curious if I was banned as well.


New member

Are you unaware that witnessing and praying are two different things?
Ro:10:9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Ro:10:10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

That passage says nothing about praying. Confessing Christ and believing is not the same as saying a prayer. Try again!!



New member
Where is the verse?

Where is the verse?

c.moore said:
question by JAC
All I wanted was one verse authorizing a sinner to pray for his salvation. Just one. Not two or three. Just give us one.

answer c.moore
The bible king James version has many more verses but is is the main ONE that put your name in the book of life and saves you is this one sinners verse.

Ro:10:9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Just that you don`t ask where is the salvation just read the next verse which verify the speaking and saying with the heart and mouth is thee salvation prayer or what is called by us Evangelist the sinners prayer.

Ro:10:10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

I hope this helps if you go wittnessing and tell others the way to salvation.


C. Moore,
I asked for a verse the will substanuate an (alian) sinner praying for salvation. The context of Romans 10 has nothing to do with prayer. Anyway, it is the church (the saved) that is being spoken of in context. Interpretation of scripture is done by context and by specifics. You have found no verse to justify your statement that one can say the sinners prayer for salvation. Keep looking!



New member
quote JAC
. You have found no verse to justify your statement that one can say the sinners prayer for salvation. Keep looking!

you are asking the same question like show me in the Word Of God the word BIBLE. you will be looking for ever.

Some people say they can still smoke cigarettes because cigarettes is not mention in the bible.

The Word (Rapture )which every born again christian is looking is not in the bible , but we know that the verse for caught up is the rapture the same is with ROM 10:9 spirit filled christians and evangelist knows this is the verse that saves you, and the verse where you put your first trust in Jesus.

A Carnal mind can not understand the spiritual things of God like belief, faith, grace, and confession, and getting saved is spiritual so I see why you debate about salvation, and sinners prayers.

1Co:2:12: Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
1Co:2:13: Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
1Co:2:14: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

God be with you