The Good Seed:


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Do any of you wiser than God and scholars know the origin of the Gospel?’ Or the origin of JESUS / “J-E-S-U-S”, the meaning of the WORD / “WORD” “JESUS”. --- “SAVIOR”; why or how can HE be termed “The Savior”, or “J-E-S-U-S”? – Where did ALL this come from, you smarter than God people? – You all are so smart; you One on One gang of know it alls, and cannot agree what the Truth is. --- It’s the SPIRIT OF THE WORD, and “NONE” of you can speak of anything from the Spirit of it. - You all must re-quote what the Letter of the Word says. – Jesus was the Letter of the Word, and He was KILLED at the hands of FOOLS. - However, FOOLS cannot come near the Spirit of Jesus / the Spirit of that Word. --- John 1:14 KJV – “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”. ----- Jesus the Carnal Word in the flesh DIED, and was resurrected the Spiritual / SPIRIT of the Word / BODY / Spiritual Body of Jesus Christ, anointed by the SPIRIT OF GOD! – Can not any of you smart guys SEE anything that is Spirit? – God is Spirit, - Jesus is Spirit, the Savior is Spirit, the Anointed / Christ is Spirit.- Jesus’ Body is Spirit, - Jesus’ Body was carnal and you could see that, but you killed Him, now you cannot see what you have built for ”YOURSELVES”; - the Body of Christ, the Church. - Now you wiser than Jesus cannot SEE HIM where, and what, and how he is, because He is SPIRIT.

AGAIN / “AGAIN” --- In the GARDEN OF EDEN, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of evil, “ate the fruit”, NOT THE SEEDS, OF EVIL!!! – Can you blind wizards see anything now! - Adam and Eve did not eat the seeds of the fruit that they did eat, but planted them / the seeds in their field or garden / WORLD. - THEY PLANTED THE SEEDS OF EVIL IN THE WORLD, AND THEIR GARDEN GREW AS DID THE WORLD OF THEIR FRUIT EATERS GREW. – This is the garden of the Devil, THE WORLD. - There were NO SEEDS OF THE GOOD FRUIT “YET”. – Do any of you smarter than God see anything “YET”?
Genesis 2:8 KJV – “And the LORD God “PLANTED” a garden”. ----- Where did God get the seeds to PLANT the Garden? --- Genesis 1:11 KJV – “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, AND THE FRUIT TREE YIELDING FRUIT AFTER HIS KIND, WHOSE “SEED” IS IN ITSELF”. ----- God Planted the Garden of Eden with the seeds from the fruit that was caused to spring up in the world the third day, and took seeds from the third day and planted those seed on the SEVENTH DAY. – Thus, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. --- Adam and Eve ate of that fruit and planted the seeds of the evil fruit in the World, AND THEY DID EAT THEREOF! – Romans 5:14 KJV – “Death REIGNED from Adam to Moses”. - ---- Jesus is the GOOD seed from the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, THAT WAS NEVER PLANTED / “NEVER PLANTED YET” in the world until the day of “PENTECOST”. - The Day of Pentecost the Good SEED was planted. - The seed from the World before sin came into it. Now if you cannot SEE anything “YET”, may you be wise enough to PROVE ME WRONG!

I want you to SEE, but I don’t care, and neither does Jesus, if you want to stay BLIND! – He that hath an EYE let him SEE, and he that hath not, let him STAY BLIND!

Paul – 071211

some other dude

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