The genders are equal or not?


Both men and women are necessary to society for the obvious reason; but does it mean that they are equally important:-

(P) Both genders are necessary

(C) They are equally important

The premise (P) is true; therefore, the conclusion (C) is true or not?

Is C a Logical Non sequitur?

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Both men and women are necessary to society for the obvious reason; but does it mean that they are equally important:-

(P) Both genders are necessary

(C) They are equally important

The premise (P) is true; therefore, the conclusion (C) is true or not?

Is C a Logical Non sequitur?

Both your P and C are correct, but your title is not.

Man != Woman

Woman != Man

They both have their roles to fill.


Both men and women are necessary to society for the obvious reason; but does it mean that they are equally important:-

(P) Both genders are necessary

(C) They are equally important

The premise (P) is true; therefore, the conclusion (C) is true or not?

Is C a Logical Non sequitur?

They are equal in the eyes of the law regarding their rights.

They are NOT equal physically, emotionally and spiritually.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Yes and no. They are of equal value in the eyes of God. But men and women are not the same. A man cannot ever be a woman and vice versa. They are designed differently. God created humans male and female to build families which are foundational to society.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Both men and women are necessary to society for the obvious reason; but does it mean that they are equally important:-

(P) Both genders are necessary

(C) They are equally important

The premise (P) is true; therefore, the conclusion (C) is true or not?

Is C a Logical Non sequitur?

the conclusion C is true, although your premise is written poorly and you don't define your terms

are you familiar with the saying "for want of a nail"?


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I was not familiar with "for want of a nail" thanks

I called it cascading error
Building one's house upon sand tends to have disastrous consequences.

However, if one builds his house upon The Rock of Ages, he has a sure foundation that will never fail.


equally impertinent? :banana:

No; the idea of ‘equality’ is null and void; but the power relationship is asymmetric.

As all people are biting the hand that feeds them; as all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:10, 23), but no one can be saved without God’s mercy (Romans 9:15, 16), nor enter the Kingdom of heaven without His permission (John 14:6).

God has the final say (Romans 9:16, 21), which is why the power relationship will always be asymmetric.

Consequently, the idea of ‘equality’ is null and void; but any suggestions to the contrary is delusional.

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The Berean

Well-known member
Yes and no. They are of equal value in the eyes of God. But men and women are not the same. A man cannot ever be a woman and vice versa. They are designed differently. God created humans male and female to build families which are foundational to society.

Amen Sherman. :thumb:

Men and women are equal since we are all God''s creation. We are also all equal under the law. You are correct that men and women are different in so many ways and that is a good thing There are things women can do that men can't do and vice versa. And these different strengths compliment each other.


New member
Both men and women are necessary to society for the obvious reason; but does it mean that they are equally important:-

(P) Both genders are necessary

(C) They are equally important

The premise (P) is true; therefore, the conclusion (C) is true or not?

Is C a Logical Non sequitur?
The two genders are not equally important because men are more expendable than women.

Male Expendability: Inspiring or Exploitative?

Of all the factors that have made masculinity — the biological essence of males — perhaps none is as consequential and underappreciated as this: wombs are more valuable than sperm. A man can impregnate multiple women at a time, but a womb can only hold one baby (occasionally two or three) at once; thus twelve women and three men can re-populate a society to a far greater extent than three women and twelve men.

This makes men more expendable than women.

Male expendability — the survival-based calculation that men’s lives can more readily be sacrificed to a greater objective — has had an outsized effect in determining what behavior we consider manly, and even on the structure of society itself.

For thousands of years, male expendability, combined with men’s greater physical strength and testosterone-driven drive for aggression and dominance, placed men in the role of taking on riskier pursuits like hunting and fighting.

And if you think this idea of male expendability is null and void in our post-modern society, you need look no further than a newscast after a big accident or terrorist attack. Inevitably, the reporter will solemnly intone that “women and children are among the dead” — making it clear that they represent an especially tragic category of victim, while the loss of men’s lives is expected.



Both men and women are necessary to society for the obvious reason; but does it mean that they are equally important:-

(P1) Both genders are necessary

(P2) Necessary things are important.


(C) They [both genders] are equally important