The Fine-Tuning of the Universe, Solar System and Earth


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The Fine-Tuning of the Universe, Solar System and Earth

This is the show from Friday, November 27th, 2020


* A Fun RSR List Show: For this Thanksgiving weekend, a special rebroadcast. In our List of the Fine-Tuned Features of the Universe, Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart quotes leading scientists and their astounding admission of the uncanny and seemingly never-ending list of the just-perfect finely-tuned parameters of the physical features of the Earth, the solar system, and the entire cosmos. This program is brought to you by God, maker of heaven and earth and other fine products!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
He's also the One Who wrote the story in the rocks, instead of words and glyphs, it's fossils and sedimentary layers, scars and gashes, left by "comets" and "meteor impacts". That story is a fantasy, it's obviously incredible, full of ridiculously long-odds propositions that nonetheless win out, time and again, and again and again, inexplicably, until we have the earth and the universe as it is today, which just happens to be absolutely perfect for human life.

But while the story in the rocks is fictional, the story in Genesis is fact. God wrote both stories, but there's only one of them that's not ridiculously unlikely, and that's the one in Genesis.