The Enemy:


New member
Most of you Geniuses and Scholars and all you followers of the fools, say that Satan or the Devil is your Enemy. – WELL! Knock him off his Donkey, and slay his foolish Donkey with the Sword your god gave you, because you’ll NEVER slay your enemy the Devil your “WAY”!! – Stealing, cheating, envying, greed, lust, sexual thoughts, etc. etc. and etc. are not your enemy!! - Neither is the Devil, who godless people say tempted you, your enemy the Devil. You lying fools TEMPTED yourselves with your own lies, greed, and lusts!! --- TRUTH / GOD, JESUS, AND I AM YOUR ENEMY. - We are the enemy of the LOST; - not the Devil and all your temptations!! - You are your own enemy!! – Your house is divided into all your divided Denominations. They are all liars for their god, ( ABOUT THE GOD OF TRUTH ) teaching lies that were never said by my God. They are false prophets of the false gods, the lords of each of their divided houses of the Devil. – In your father’s house are many dark and dry dungeons. And ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. – Matthew 23:15 KJV –

There is nothing that one does or has ever done that is the reason for Salvation and the Gospel!! Salvation is from YOU CRUCIFYING JESUS THE CHRIST!!! – Galatians 3:1 KJV – The Gospel has set Jesus’ death before all of you, and by faith you saw with your very own eyes and then you lie about the Savior you crucified. – That’s what the forgiveness is for. All your petty sins are also washed away. But not if you have not OBEYED THE GOSPEL ----- BUT NOW it’s too late, the Gospel has been removed and you are LEFT IN YOU SINS OF REJECTING THE “TRUTH AND THE LIFE” OF THE CROSS!!! --- The enemy of the lost has always been the “TRUTH”. – He, the Spirit of Truth, and I am your enemy. And the Truth is, you are being judged by He who is TRUTH and SPIRIT, and not the LIES OF YOUR FATHER that our enemy teaches!!

All the Devil’s houses or denominations teach everything that cannot be found in the Scriptures, while at the same time READING from the Word the “WAY” that Satan has always done!! – “Just ask Jesus to come into your heart, and save you” is the most prominent false doctrine that can never be found in the Word of GOD in any form or suggestion. The Devil knows more about God and Jesus Christ than any of you-all dare try to know. – Therefore, you teach the things your father tells you to teach and DO!! -- None of you can agree on any one thing, or the whole thing of God. – You scream, shout, and sing the most godless songs that God despises and you would say you are singing to God, when any fool can see that you are singing to “YOURSELVES” with joy and not to God by the Word of Faith. - There is no Faith in anything any of you seek and desire of the carnal things you say your god has promised you. – God has never promised anything carnal of any kind. All of God’s promises are of Spiritual things and nothing carnal. – All of you are so carnal minded in your desires and teachings that only Satan could be pleased with you, NOT JESUS CHRIST, the God of all things Spiritual, and those who are Spiritual. -- THERE IS NOTHING OF CHRIST THAT IS CARNAL; NEITHER HIS TEACHINGS NOR HIS GIVING AND LOVE, - “NOTHING”!
So enjoy all your carnal thoughts and gifts and your carnal loving of your foolish brothers in your father the Devil!!

Paul – 102711


New member
Satan is the adversary, not the enemy.

1 Chronicles 21
1And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.​

שטן satan
  1. adversary, one who withstands
    • adversary (in general - personal or national)
  2. superhuman adversary
    • Satan (as noun pr)



New member
Satan is the adversary, not the enemy.

1 Chronicles 21
1And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.​

שטן satan
  1. adversary, one who withstands
    • adversary (in general - personal or national)
  2. superhuman adversary
    • Satan (as noun pr)

Satan is not YOUR ADVERSARY OR ENEMY. - Satan is Christ's adversary or enemy not yours.

Matthew “The servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28- He said unto them, AN “ENEMY” HATH DONE THIS”. – Matthew 13:27-28 KJV –

The Devil or Satan doesn’t SOW anything, the Devil’s “SERVENTS”, or his false prophets the antichrists do all the sowing of LIES.

Paul – 102811


New member
It is servants not servents.:nono:

Why do you always sound so angry in your posts ?:madmad:

You remind me of one of those WWF Wrestlers .:mario:

The Devil wants to pervert and destroy all mankind.:devil:

Re 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


New member
It is servants not servents.:nono:

Why do you always sound so angry in your posts ?:madmad:

You remind me of one of those WWF Wrestlers .:mario:

The Devil wants to pervert and destroy all mankind.:devil:

Re 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

And it is the Devil's ANGELS, his SERVANTS who deceived and continue to deceive YOU ALL, not the Devil, but his servants the angels!!

Paul -- 102811