The Dirty Cops at Obama's FBI

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Yesterday we saw the following exchange between Inspector General Horowitz and Senator Ted Cruz before the Senate Committee investigating FISA abuse by Obama's FBI:

Cruz: "A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement to the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?"

Horowitz: "That's correct. That's what occurred."

Also, Sen. Lindsey Graham asked the following question about Obama's FBI surveilling the Trump campaign:

Graham: “Let’s put it this way, if you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it is that bad?”

Horowitz: “Absolutely.”

Graham: ”Is that spying?”

Horowitz: “It’s illegal surveillance.”

This was a counter-intelligence investigation and by law Obama had to be informed of this illegal spying on his political opponents!

This is a huge scandal and the mainstream media will be searched in vain for any mention of these shocking facts!

Its time for all you progressives to stick your heads in the sand and pretend that none of this actually happened!

Gary K

New member

Good post. I'll just say this. A very large percentage of the people posting the disinformation on this site already know that what is being done to Trump is illegal and a total lie, but they keep on posting in favor of it any way. It's typical socialist behavior. When you're out to destroy western civilization and Christianity lying is no big deal to those participating in the destruction. They follow in their father's footsteps, and I'm not referring to Marx.

A lot of what and who inspired Marx came out of the French revolution, and the French revolution was completely, totally anti-God so immoral behavior is the norm for people who accept that way of thinking.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It's so sad that those who claim to be proud Americans really don't want to defend the principles which made America great. Their little brains think that they know a better way to do things, including defending the dirty cops in Obama's FBI.

The only reason why those dirty cops did what they did is because they can know that there will be plenty of brainless people who will actually defend them.

Those brainless Democrats who tried to defend Obama's FBI in yesterday's hearing proved once more that the law means nothing to them! To them the end justifies the means and they think that they are above the law!