The Devil and his Own:


New member
Who is the Devil! – The Devil is spirit, and the Devil has many members; - the same as Christ is Spirit and has many members. – There was a time during Jesus’ walk with us, that the SPIRIT of man was either good or it was evil. Jesus would command, “COME OUT OF HIM!”, and the spirit or spirits came out, and we could see them run down the road. – Who were those evil SPIRITS! ----- They were the “EVIL THINKING” of the evil heart. - They were the demons or devils that existed in the physical sense that could be seen, heard, and touched. They were the children of the Devil, or the Devil’s angels, the SPIRIT OF MAN’S EVIL HEARTS. – The evil spirits “then and now” are the same spirits that dwell in the hearts of the same evil minded fools that preach and teach their evil false christs today. His name is “Antichrist”, made of many anti-christs which are the Devil’s members. - God calls them the Devil’s children.—There are only two, - the god of the darkness and his children and the God of Light and His children. There are NO OTHER GODS AND CHILDREN OF THE GODS. – NOW! – LOOK AROUND; any half witted child can tell the difference between the two houses or kingdoms.

It’s as clear as any Day of God, who is of God, and who is of the Devil, and the lust of their father they are doing these days in the world of their god of darkness!! – If there are any “COWARDS” of the Truth, it’s obviously of the darkness and of the Devil.

Those who abuse the rules of TOL as a routine, and are supported and backed by those who love their own kind, are of; GUESS WHOOO!!

It’s no condemnation to me how anyone conducts themselves here on TOL, and I certainly don’t have to put up with the fools of Satan’s children. --- I haven’t been here to try to convert or save any child of the Devil, but to judge the fools, and you are JUDGED. – All that’s left now is for your carcass to go into its deep sleep, and you will “SEE”:- 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 KJV –“HE THAT IS SPIRITUAL JUDGETH ALL THINGS, YET HE HIMSELF IS JUDGED OF NO MAN”. ----- And you will KNOW WHO JUDGETH YOU!! --- John 12:48 KJV – “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my Words, hath “ONE” that judgeth him: the Word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day”. -------- That last day is the end of the last day of your carcass’ life before it sleeps. ----- PROOF PLEASE!!

Paul – 100411

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I just had a nice hit from my bong-do you think the New Jersey Devils will be any good this year?


New member
Huh? Is this a joke? Are you merely mocking people who believe in the Devil or are you actually pronouncing judgement on 'the children of the Devil'?