The Dems Like Polls--But Not This One

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Writing in The Hill, Mark Penn, the former Clinton pollster, highlights the strong public skepticism:

Sixty-three percent of polled voters believe that the FBI has been resisting providing information to Congress on the Clinton and Trump investigations. This is a remarkable finding for an agency whose new head said a few days ago that the agency was in fine shape. No, it isn't.

Fifty-four percent say special counsel Robert Mueller has conflicts of interest that prevent him from doing an unbiased job, also according to this month's Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. So, given this finding, the silence from the special counsel on the subject has become downright deafening.

Like a few (very few) members of the Democrat establishment (Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell are two others that spring to mind), Penn is rising above the petty partisan hysteria prevalent, and considers the national interest:

Clearly these numbers indicate that there is a crisis in public confidence in both the FBI and Mueller.
What makes these findings important is that, with Trump's approval rating at 41 percent, these results include large numbers of voters who don't like Trump yet who now agree that these investigations have veered off course. ...

The Dems and the mainstream press are trying to soft-pedal this scandal but it's not working. The silent majority will no longer trust the Dems or the mainsteam press. It's all over but the crying!



The Dems Like Polls--But Not This One

Only the conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, would boast about undermining the American public's confidence in the only intelligence agency that stands between them and the Russian attempts to once again disrupt a democratic election.

Its bad enough that the nation is saddled with a Trump White House that is in total denial, but it refuses to place the best interests of the country above those of the President's personal agenda, by not implementing the Russian sanctions passed by Congress last fall!

Now this "American Emperor" is determined, with help of his Republican surrogates in Congress, to transform a previously independent FBI, into a modern version of his own "Praetorian Guard!"
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patrick jane

The Dems Like Polls--But Not This One

Only the conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, would boast about undermining the American public's confidence in the only intelligence agency that stands between them and the Russian attempts to once again disrupt a democratic election.

Its bad enough that the nation is saddled with a Trump White House that is in total denial, but it refuses to place the best interests of the country above that of the President's personal agenda, by implementing the Russian sanctions passed by Congress last fall!

Now this "American Emperor" is determined, with help of his Republican surrogates in Congress, to transform a previously independent FBI, into a modern version of his own "Praetorian Guard!"
Sanctions Schmanctions

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Only the conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, would boast about undermining the American public's confidence in the only intelligence agency that stands between them and the Russian attempts to once again disrupt a democratic election.

Congress has oversight in regard to the FBI and so they are merely doing their job when they uncover all of the corruption which went on in the FBI.

It bad enough that people in the FBI tried to overturn the democratic process but what stinks to high heaven are those who actually try to defend those scumbags!

The Barbarian

From the poll;
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president of the United States?
Somewhat or Strongly approve: 41.5%
Somewhat or Strongly disapprove 58.5%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing on foreign affairs?
Somewhat or strongly approve 40%
Somewhat or strongly disapprove 60%

Administering the Government?
Somewhat or strongly approve 41%
Somewhat or strongly disapprove 59%

Somewhat or strongly approve 44%
Somewhat or strongly disapprove 56%

Should Trump be impeached, censured, or no action taken?
Impeached and removed from office 43%
Censured by Congress 14%
No action taken 43%

Do you favor or oppose the tax bill passed a few days ago by Congress?
Favor 36.5%
Oppose 63.5

Do you think the special counsel is trying to find collusion by President Trump with Russian officials during the election or has he given up on that?
Trying to find collusion 76%
Given up 24%

Special Counsel trying to make a case for Obstruction?
Trying 75%
Given up 25%

Was the (Steele Dossier) the basis for the investigation, or was it based on other information?
It was the basis 25%
It was not 37%
Not sure 38 percent

Has the special counsel found evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians during the presidential campaign?
Found 35%
Not found 38%
Unsure 38%

As former head of the FBI and friend of Comey, does Mueller have a conflict of interest?
Yes 54%
No 46%

Has president Trump received harsher treatment from the special counsel than Hillary Clinton received?
Harsher 36%
Same or more lenient 50%
Not sure 14%

This poll looks pretty much like all the others. Don't see how that kind of news helps Trump or those republicans who still support him. The question as to the Nunes Memo shows people uncertain. Airing out the facts as to when the FBI became aware of Carter Page's connections with Russian intelligence would help a lot.

The Memo flap should do that.



Congress has oversight in regard to the FBI and so they are merely doing their job when they uncover all of the corruption which went on in the FBI.

It bad enough that people in the FBI tried to overturn the democratic process but what stinks to high heaven are those who actually try to defend those scumbags!
Current FBI Director Wray, recently appointed by the President, has made a strong public stand to defend the Agency - based on the infallible logic of "Jerry Shugart," that makes Trump's handpicked Director a "scumbag!"

Registered Republicans and Trump appointees Rosenstein, Sessions, Wray - in the "People's Republic of Trump," this President and his supporters have now started to "EAT" their own!