The deep state shills

Gary K

New member
I'm sure everyone has noticed the deep state shills being frantic to spread disinformation. Wonder why this frantic posting is going on? Their handlers are deeply afraid of what is going on behind the scenes and are desperate to change the narrative and convince people nothing is happening. The following video will expose the reasons why.

Gary K

New member
Here is another very interesting video on what the deep state is, and has been doing for a long time. This is an interview with an award winning journalist Alex Newman.


The Barbarian

The Founders deliberately produced a deep state that would be almost impossible for a would-be dictator to overthrow. The Constitution and the separation of powers presents an almost insurmountable challenge to any would-be autocrat.

They anticipated people like Nixon and his ilk. We're under attack now, but the Constitution remains deep and unmanagable.

Which is the way it should be.

Gary K

New member
Give us a summary of the highlights of the 58 minute video that you think are worth discussing.

If you're not interested enough to watch the video you're not interested enough to discuss the subject as this video is interesting and informative from beginning to end. I put it here to educate and a short summary is not education. I'm not going to just put out a few bullet points for people to argue over. That was not the purpose for posting it.


New member
If you're not interested enough to watch the video you're not interested enough to discuss the subject as this video is interesting and informative from beginning to end. I put it here to educate and a short summary is not education. I'm not going to just put out a few bullet points for people to argue over. That was not the purpose for posting it.
The Torah is interesting and informative from beginning to end as well, but if I posted a link to the Torah, everyone would be thinking TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) and wondering what points of the Torah I wanted to discuss.

Gary K

New member
The Torah is interesting and informative from beginning to end as well, but if I posted a link to the Torah, everyone would be thinking TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) and wondering what points of the Torah I wanted to discuss.

So, as far as you're concerned it is possible to discuss the Torah intelligently without reading it. I disagree. This is one of the problems happening today. Everyone wants to have uneducated opinions while claiming to understand the issues. It's impossible.

If you can't spend an hour learning, you're not really interested in learning or understanding what is really going on around you and is going to affect directly affect your life in many ways. I pity you, to tell the truth. Anyone satisfied with bullet points rather than knowledge is like someone who tries to satisify his appetite in the morning with a picture of breakfast.

The Barbarian

I think that if you gave us a compelling reason to spend an hour listening to a video, it might help.

My thinking is that if you can't summarize it, you don't yet have it understood.


New member
For anyone interested, this article explains what the "Deep State" is and why we should be aware that it exists:

The Deep State Is A Very Real Thing
This entity is called the civil service, and it was created to limit the power of the president.

There is something ominous-sounding in the deep state. It implies that beneath constitutionally ordained systems and principles, there is a deeper and more potent power in control of the nation. It implies a unified force deeply embedded in the republic that has its own agenda and the means to undermine the decisions of elected presidents and members of Congress. Its power derives from control of the mechanisms of power and being invisible.

The deep state is, in fact, a very real thing. It is, however, neither a secret nor nearly as glamorous as the concept might indicate. It has been in place since 1871 and continues to represent the real mechanism beneath the federal government, controlling and frequently reshaping elected officials’ policies. This entity is called the civil service, and it was created to limit the power of the president.​

The Barbarian

It's basically the thing that told Trump, "No you can't just put Hillary in Jail." And "no, you can't make Muslims wear identifying marks."

It's designed to stop would-be caudillos. And it works. But it can be dismantled a bit at at time. These are times when we need to be particularly vigilant.

Gary K

New member
Deep state shills are paid. There is a massive amount of money behind them. $21 trillion in what has been stolen from the US alone, let alone what the central banks of stolen from the citizens of the US since the Federal Reserve was put into operation.

Gary K

New member
For anyone interested, this article explains what the "Deep State" is and why we should be aware that it exists:
The Deep State Is A Very Real Thing
This entity is called the civil service, and it was created to limit the power of the president.

There is something ominous-sounding in the deep state. It implies that beneath constitutionally ordained systems and principles, there is a deeper and more potent power in control of the nation. It implies a unified force deeply embedded in the republic that has its own agenda and the means to undermine the decisions of elected presidents and members of Congress. Its power derives from control of the mechanisms of power and being invisible.

The deep state is, in fact, a very real thing. It is, however, neither a secret nor nearly as glamorous as the concept might indicate. It has been in place since 1871 and continues to represent the real mechanism beneath the federal government, controlling and frequently reshaping elected officials’ policies. This entity is called the civil service, and it was created to limit the power of the president.​

That has to be the worst definition of the deep state I've ever seen, outside of the one Barby posted but then that is what I expect from Barby the shill.

Here is a much better one. It is written by a former CIA officer.

The Horn

There is no such thing as a "deep state ". This is nothing but another conservative urban legend There are only the principled members of the Democrat party in Washington and the REAL news such as CNN as well as millions of concerned Americans who are trying to stop Trump from destroying America and possibly the entire planet .
The Democrats are not trying to "destroy " Trump. They are trying to stop HIM from destroying this country . For eight years, the Republicans in congress, the fake news at Fox, Infowwars, Breitbart and elsewhere tried to destroy Barack Obama , but fortunately, they failed miserably .


New member
For anyone interested, this article explains what the "Deep State" is and why we should be aware that it exists:

The Deep State Is A Very Real Thing
This entity is called the civil service, and it was created to limit the power of the president.

There is something ominous-sounding in the deep state. It implies that beneath constitutionally ordained systems and principles, there is a deeper and more potent power in control of the nation. It implies a unified force deeply embedded in the republic that has its own agenda and the means to undermine the decisions of elected presidents and members of Congress. Its power derives from control of the mechanisms of power and being invisible.

The deep state is, in fact, a very real thing. It is, however, neither a secret nor nearly as glamorous as the concept might indicate. It has been in place since 1871 and continues to represent the real mechanism beneath the federal government, controlling and frequently reshaping elected officials’ policies. This entity is called the civil service, and it was created to limit the power of the president.​

That's a pretty good article.

The "deep state" is a conspiracist's term to make something normal and reasonable seem sinister. It refers to a real thing. A shallow state would necessarily be a dictatorship. But it's really quite simple: The government is not designed to turn on a dime at each election. The vast majority of the people in the government are neither politicians, nor political appointees, which, if you think about it, is a good thing, if you contemplate the prospect of appealing to a politician to honor your rights and treat you fairly at every turn. And that's how the Constitution and the many laws have established the government set it up, and it's explicitly within the control of the legislative process of Congress to change how the system works. Democracies are built around institutions and consensus, ours included. And this is why the people who work for the government, either in the civil service or the military, swear an oath to the Constitution. Because serving the country is not serving a person, it's serving an institution. And it's also why the fact that the man who purports to be President has on at least a few occasions attempted to get people working for the government to swear an oath to him personally is very concerning.

So, why are we hearing so much about the "deep state" in the last year and a half? Because the country is under attack by people who find its institutional depth to be an obstacle. On the one hand, you have Trump, who is determined to have one-man rule under himself, and who is contemptuous of courts, members of Congress, officials in his own administration who are meant to be independent, anyone who might oppose him. He's set up a state-within-a-state of lackeys he can place in official roles, and family members. And on the other hand, you have Russia, which is running an intelligence op against us, deploying a massive amount of agitprop, and buying or building propaganda networks in order to convince Americans to tear down their own government and to undermine their trust in independent sources of information.

Don't fear the "deep state". The threat is from the people who want to rule over you without democratic institutions or processes to protect you.

The Barbarian

As noted before, the Founders were careful to make the state deep enough to keep any aspiring dicatator from grabbing power and ruling by decree.

Hence, the separation of powers dividing the executive, legislative, and judicial functions. It is impossible, barring almost complete agreement among widely diverse people in the government, to turn the U.S. into a dictatorship.

Deep State (noun) "Whaaaaa! I got to be president, but they still won't let me throw people into prisons! No Fair!"


Deep state shills are paid. There is a massive amount of money behind them. $21 trillion in what has been stolen from the US alone, let alone what the central banks of stolen from the citizens of the US since the Federal Reserve was put into operation.

Ah, the Federal Reserve, the boogie man of the sovereign citizens.

Where is that $21 trillion now? Who has it? How can we get it back? And give it to whom it rightly belongs, Trump's cabinet members

Gary K

New member
Ah, the Federal Reserve, the boogie man of the sovereign citizens.

Where is that $21 trillion now? Who has it? How can we get it back? And give it to whom it rightly belongs, Trump's cabinet members

I'm always amazed at how proud a lot of people are of their ignorance. Here's a link to documentation, summary reports, and interviews with those involved in this investigation.

This is no small investigation by people who have no idea as to what they are doing. Oh, I know without a doubt that you will scoff at it and say what they found means nothing. But I didn't put this link here for you. I put it here for those honest people who are interested in learning. I already know you're not.