The Cross They Found In The Wreckage Of The World Trade Center 9/11


Active member
On September 9, 2001 terrorists flew planes into the twin towers
of the World Trade Center, brought both towers to the ground, killed
2,977 people, and caused over 25,000 injuries, with $10 billion in
infrastructure damage. 343 firefighters were killed, and 72 police officers.

In the midst of all that desperation and despair the workers found a Cross amidst
the wreckage. I believe the Cross was put there by the Sovereign God as a
symbol demonstrating that Hope shines in the midst of great sorrow.


We have all seen pictures of the Cross draped with Jesus' grave cloth -- the grave
cloth symbolizing His Resurrection {the empty tomb}. Note the "grave cloth" that is
draped on the Cross they found in the wreckage of 9/11. It is a piece of white metal.

The Cross found in the midst of the destruction and wreckage of the two towers of
the World Trade Center -- Sept 11, 2001 -- proclaims in a strong clear voice that God
is right there in the middle of His John 3:16-Human-Race-Love-Project no matter how
severe the storms and fires we go through. He is right there with us and He will never
leave us or forsake us, and He will bring good out of the evil that men do, overcoming
the evil with good, and He will bring Hope to men and LOVE through the Cross. No
power in the Universe can defeat and stop the power of the Cross of the Lord Jesus to
bring Victory, Love, and Hope to the human race. The Cross found in the wreckage of
the World Trade Center symbolizes this Hope.



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Active member
On September 9, 2001 terrorists flew planes into the twin towers
of the World Trade Center

Typo correction.
On September 11, 2001 terrorists flew planes into the twin towers
of the World Trade Center ,,

