The Clinton camp just came up with the most ridiculous reason on why Hillary lost


New member

Hillary Clinton’s inner circle gathered for an autopsy of her failed presidential campaign and concluded that media bias in favor of Donald Trump contributed to his historic win.
A political postmortem of the Democratic Party’s Election Day results has concluded that FBI Director James Comey and a media “pass” for Mr. Trump translated into an electoral landslide for the billionaire.

A private conference call Thursday with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, communications director Jennifer Palmieri and other aides addressed what Ms. Palmieri called “the most devastating loss in the history of American politics,” The Hill reported Thursday.
The group’s conclusions differ from assessments of Mrs. Clinton from previously released WikiLeaks documents belonging to Mr. Podesta.

The media always covered [Mrs. Clinton] as the person who would be president and therefore tried to eviscerate her before the election, but covered Trump who was someone who was entertaining and sort of gave him a pass,” Mr. Podesta said. “We need to reflect and analyze that and put our voices forward.”

this is absolutely nuts, did the shock of losing the election leave Hillary's inner circle with brain damage.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

this is absolutely nuts, did the shock of losing the election leave Hillary's inner circle with brain damage.

Absolute nonsense, every network was in the tank for the woman and did their level best to defame Trump brutally & often. Conversely Hillary was treated with velvet gloves, never expected to give account for any of her dubious behavior, she was given a pass by them completely. CNN discredited themselves by allowing one of their employees Donna Brazil to feed Hillary questions before the debates, that was proof positive they are not journalists but, outright propagandists & apologists for the woman. Hillary held very few press conferences choosing to avoid scrutiny altogether and we see where that vacuum left Trump to gain countless hours of free airtime whether good or bad. Really her reclusive style of campaigning coupled with the overwhelming evidence she is a corrupt criminal led to her demise in spite of millions of lawless leftists supporting her in spite of the obvious. She lost because she was a horrible candidate and now the libs know how conservatives felt when good candidates were passed over for the likes of weak candidates such as John McCain & Mitt Romney that were forced upon them against the voters will. The liberals should be looking at their own corrupt nomination process which ignored the popular candidate Bernie that really would have won the nomination if the super delegate scheme that robbed him & his supporters of a non-criminal viable candidate. Bernie probably could have beat Trump so, for that I thank the DNC for being as stupid as the RNC normally is and putting forth a loser. Lastly liberals should blame themselves that they have such low standards in a candidate that they would allow themselves or their party to be so corrupt that a criminal would even be allowed to poison their nomination process which goes back to holding the DNC accountable, you all should be stringing up the likes of Brazil, Wasserman-Schultz, Podesta, et al. You libs did it to yourselves really.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Clinton's personal nurse stated that Hilary was constantly haunted by a chronic tinea pedis. Unable to bend over to scratch her infected toes while on stage or really at any time————— created an unbearable annoyance….

betcha they made her wear one of these at night:


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Clinton's personal nurse stated that Hilary was constantly haunted by a chronic tinea pedis. Unable to bend over to scratch her infected toes while on stage or really at any time————— created an unbearable annoyance….

It probably originated from ending up having to, "Put her foot in her Mouth" most of the time?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
speaking of ridiculous:

I woke up on Election Day like a bride: rosy, thrilled, a little controlling about just how MY perfect day would be spent. After working on the Clinton campaign for eighteen months, I was ready to celebrate, and sure that by nightfall I'd be knocking back glasses of champagne and creating a story to tell my unborn children. Maybe I'd even get close enough to Hillary Clinton to hug her, to whisper "Thank you." I had dreamed about it every night for the last two weeks.

:mock:clinton emos


New member
Hall of Fame

this is absolutely nuts, did the shock of losing the election leave Hillary's inner circle with brain damage.

I don't agree that the media gave Trump a pass, but I think it depends on the types of issues you have in mind. I think it could be true that they didn't take him as a serious candidate and that changed how they reported. I'll quote something I heard and posted in another thread: The media took Trump literally but not seriously. His supporters took him seriously but not literally.

They Trump didn't give Trump a pass but it seems like they focused more on the non-policy issues. Some of this is hindsight but Trump may have benefited from that because a lot of people weren't voting on the types of things that was getting the major focus, like his personality, the old video tapes, etc.