The Bride of Christ:


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Matthew 8:20 KJV – “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head”. -----
Hebrews 3:18-19 KJV – 18- And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his REST, but to them that believed not? 19- So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. -----

How is it that you geniuses of god can say that you have entered into Christ’s REST? - Or is it not important to you that you have denied the very “REST” of Christ?
Do any of you smart guys think that the “REST” of Christ has nothing to do with the “GOD HEAD”, the Head of God, or the mind of God, like the “Holy Ghost” that was sent, and we are baptized into the Holy Ghost, and there we FIND OUR REST WITH HIM?
Here’s what you brilliant people have rejected; - you know, - you holier than thou cult! --- Song of Solomon 2:6 KJV – “His LEFT HAND is under my head, and his RIGHT HAND doth embrace me. ----- NOW! - Where do you Spirit of the Word loving christians THINK Jesus’ “HEAD” is “RESTING”? – Jesus’ head is now RESTING on the breast of His BRIDE / SPOUSE or Wife the Church, the Bride of Christ, or His Spouse, or Wife, and is the Lord’s Comforter; the PLACE FOR JESUS TO REST AND LAY HIS HEAD! – Jesus found REST in His BRIDE / WIFE. - Jesus created HER SO! --- Song of Solomon – 4:9 KJV – “Thou hast “RAVISHED MY HEART”, my sister, my SPOUSE”. -----
GENIUSES! ---- What is meant by His “RAVISHED HEART”? --- Jesus LOVED HER SO THAT HE DIED FOR HER THAT SHE MIGHT BE SAVED. - Jesus found refuge in Her heart / mind, the Church, “US”. The Place He prepared for HIS AND OUR PLEASURE, - not YOURS. --- Not for the unbelievers and the fools who have denied Jesus’ LOVE / GOSPEL!
( Jesus died for the Church his Wife, that she might be saved from the curse of the world and damnation and DEATH. – THE SAME as Adam died for Eve, that she and they might not die that day. ). – Had Adam not given his life for his Wife, ( AND LIVED ), the world could not have been a people for God to bring about a Kingdom of God and of Heaven. – Do not any of you really, really smart guys have eyes to see what the SPIRIT HAS DONE? – Without Adam’s sacrifice, and God’s WORKS; there could not have been FAITH. ----- Isn’t that LOVELY?

LOVE and the GOSPEL AS THE SEED OF GOD: --- Revelation 21:9-10 KJV – 9- “Come hither, I will SHEW THEE THE BRIDE, the Lamb's Wife”, --- 10- “And SHEWED ME that great city, the HOLY JERUSALEM”. ----- Romans 6:4 KJV – Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the GLORY of the Father, even so WE ALSO SHOULD WALK IN -( NEWNESS )- OF LIFE. ----- It was the GOSPEL that was planted by the Heaven Father in the womb of Mary the Mother, and Jesus was the NEW BIRTH, or NEW LIFE. – ( You super wizards can’t disprove that either )!

If you are going to go by the “NEW BIRTH” scenario, then the Gospel is planted in the good and honest HEART, the Womb of the Bride of Christ, and the Child of God is BORN due to that “ACT”, called “BAPTISM” or the Heavenly Conception. --- OR, if you are going to go by the “NEW CREATION” scenario, then the Gospel is the River of the Water of Life that Christ / the Hands of the Body of Christ, or the Potter recreates the clay vessel, and washes it inside and out till it is a new, clean vessel. --- OR if you are going to go by the “RESURRECTION” scenario, then the Gospel is IN “DEED” the death, burial, and the “RESURRECTION”, if one DOES, or obeys the GOSPEL which is BAPTISM. --- Choose one or all “THREE”, they all THREE are as the same one and thing. --- If you do go by, - “You must be BORN AGAIN or the “NEW BIRTH”, then that Holy City, New Jerusalem is the BRIDE of the Lamb or Christ. --- AND SHE: --- Song of Solomon 7:2 KJV – “Thy belly is like an heap of wheat”. -&- Isaiah 66:8 KJV – “Shall a NATION BE -( “BORN” )- at once”? --- YES! - THAT’S WHAT IT’S ABOUT! --- You geniuses missed it! --- That’s the BIRTH, the LOST are to take part in by the GOSPEL / BAPTISM. – ( The BIRTH of the Kingdom, or the Nation of Christ ). That is “IF” you believe with all your heart thou mayest”, but we know you scholars and followers are far too smart for that! --- That is how the “BRIDE the Lamb’s WIFE” / that Holy City, New Jerusalem that came down from GOD out of Heaven, - IS ALSO THE –( MOTHER )- OF US ALL! --- Thy Kingdom has COME, and was BORN at once, and thy WILL has been DONE, – KAPUT! --- Galatians 4:26 KJV – “The Jerusalem which is above is the “MOTHER” of us all”. ----- PROVE THAT WRONG!

Paul – 072211