Well-known member
Hi to all and 2 Cor 5:17 So then , since anyone ( is ) " in Christ " , ( he is ) a new creation , the old things have passed away , behold THE ALL THINGS have become NEW !!

#1, When we are saved we are " in Christ " and as Gal 3:28 say , we ARE / ESTE in Christ forever as the Greek word ARE / ESTE is in the Greek PRESENT TENSE and the Present Tense means a CONTINUOUS action in the present tense !!

#2 , This means that THE / TA old things have passed away , that points to the old man !

#3 , Then THE/TA ALL THINGS in our new life have become new !!

These new things say we are a new creation , we are sealed by the Holy Spirit , we are OSAS
, we PLACED into the Body of Christ , we will have a new body and we setted in the heavenlies !!

The Greek word ARE BECOME / GINOMAI is in the Greek PERFECT TENSE and means , we NEVER lose our position " in Christ "

This Gospel by Paul was never preached by the 12 Apostles BUT by Paul only as Paul was the beginning of the Body of Christ as 1 Tim 1:15 says , Paul was FIRST / PROTO , and Eph 3:2 says so !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi to all and 2 Cor 5:17 So then , since anyone ( is ) " in Christ " , ( he is ) a new creation , the old things have passed away , behold THE ALL THINGS have become NEW !!

#1, When we are saved we are " in Christ " and as Gal 3:28 say , we ARE / ESTE in Christ forever as the Greek word ARE / ESTE is in the Greek PRESENT TENSE and the Present Tense means a CONTINUOUS action in the present tense !!

#2 , This means that THE / TA old things have passed away , that points to the old man !

#3 , Then THE/TA ALL THINGS in our new life have become new !!

These new things say we are a new creation , we are sealed by the Holy Spirit , we are OSAS
, we PLACED into the Body of Christ , we will have a new body and we setted in the heavenlies !!

The Greek word ARE BECOME / GINOMAI is in the Greek PERFECT TENSE and means , we NEVER lose our position " in Christ "

This Gospel by Paul was never preached by the 12 Apostles BUT by Paul only as Paul was the beginning of the Body of Christ as 1 Tim 1:15 says , Paul was FIRST / PROTO , and Eph 3:2 says so !!

dan p


Ephesians 1:6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.