The Beat Poet and Art Bohemian Influenced Counterculture of the Sixties and the More


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The Beat Poet and Art Bohemian Influenced Counterculture of the Sixties and the More Marxist Counterculture of the Seventies, and Beyond

Many Hippies of the Sixties Counterculture were anti-Christian. But the more Marxist influenced Counterculture of the seventies was more systematically anti-Christian than the Hippies.
The hippies came partly out of the Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert LSD movement, which mixed mysticism of some Oriental religions with the psychedelic experience.

Another major influence upon the Hippie movement which began in about 1962 were the Beat Poets, such as Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, ,Lawrence Ferlinghetti (who may still be alive at 98),Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, , Philip Lamantia, Michael McClure, and Philip Whalen.

,Kenneth Rexroth can be seen as a member of the Beat Poets, and maybe the American surrealist poet Kenneth Patchen.

Then there are also the Art Bohemians who are forerunners of the Hippie Movement.. The art bohemians go back to 19th century French Painters, and the list of names include Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Paul Cezanne.

The Art Bohemians emphasized freedom from the conventions of bourgeois society.

The Surrealists of about 1920 to 1940 mostly in France continued the lifestyle of the Art Bohemians. And after the end of World War II, the New York Abstract Expressionist painters and sculptors tended to be Art Bohemians. Since many of these painters and sculptors lived in he Lower East Side,of New York City, when the Hippie movement began, some early hippies mixed in with the Art Bohemian groups on the Lower East side and apparently absorbed some of the Art Bohemian Culture.

Even in surrealism there was some interest in mental states. Andre Breton, surrealist poet said in his novel Nadja , 1928, that "La beauté sera convulsif ou ne sera pas du tout," "Beauty will be convulsive or will not be at all."
In the Hippie movement the interest was in mental or Brain States, and pot as well as LSD and other drugs were used by Hippies to change their mental states,

Marxism does not necessarily lead to an interest in using drugs to change your brain state.

But Marxism is so systematically opposed to the absolute nature of scripture and Christian morality that a devoted Marxist does not easily develop faith in Jesus Christ and in scripture. And all who follow Marxism do not know they are Marxists.

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

Some Hippies, under the influence of the LSD-Oriental- Mysticism-Beat Poet-Art Bohemianism did become Jesus Freaks.

The question is, did the Hippies as Jesus Freaks come out of those influences enough to have faith in Christ and come to love his doctrines? Was the mind of Christ in them? Maybe they could come out of the Beat Poet and Art Bohemian influence easier than they could have come out of New Left Marxism?

Could it be said hat some members of the elect of Christ did not come out of fundamentalism but out of the Counterculture?. Usually what is meant by fundamentalism is dispensationalism - Christian Zionism.

Within the Counterculture of the early seventies there was a back to the land. rural commune movement and a movement for the use of herbs and other natural remedies for disease. In fact this was one of the points of origin for the alternative health care movement which gained popularity in the last decades.

The book, Hippies of the religious Right: The counterculture and American evangelicalism in the 1960s and 1970s, by Preston Shires, says " Historical analysis reveals that the countercultural movements and evangelicalism share a common heritage. Shires warns that political operatives in both parties need to heed this fact if they hope to either, in the case of the Republican Party, retain their evangelical constituency, or, in the case of the Democratic Party, recruit new evangelical voters.".

This makes it clear that what Shires means by the Religious Right is dispensationalism.

We know that Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel in Southern California accepted many Jesus Freaks into his congregation in spite of their being too smelly and poorly dressed to come into a conventional church. And we know that Chuck Smith was a dispensationalist. Most likely many of the Jesus Freaks under him became dispensationalists.

But probably the feminists and other Marxists - many of whom did not know they were Marxists - would have been less likely to want to go inside a Church to hear Chuck Smith preach about the dispensationalist version of Christianity.


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There are obvious personality trait differences between the Left - the Leftist leaders and their mass of followers - of the seventies and the political Left of 2016-2017 in its all out battle with the Alternative Media and the Populist-Patriot movement.

The first personality difference than can be seen between the Left of the seventies and that of today is the Left's lack of creativity. When the Left even in the seventies was still somewhat under the influence of the Hippies, who go back to the Beat poets and the Art Bohemians to some extent, the Leftist leaders were more creative.

The Leftist mass of followers are now followers of the mainstream Establishment media and the Leftist repeat what that media says. The Left does not seem to hace enough discernment to understand that the financial and corporate elite - George Soros, for example - co-opted the Marxist Left as far back as the first Clinton administration. And the Left is not sophisticated enough to know that the kind of Marxism they are promoting is not focused so much on economics as it is on psychology.

The Leftist leaders of the Counterculture era had greater cognitive abilities than do the Left leaders of today. They had greater knowledge in long term memory, they were better at thinking. The mass of Leftists in 2016-17 just shout slogans, and write one or two liners.

The creativity within the alternative health care movement is coming much more out of those who are allied with the patriot-populists than from the Marxist Left. In fact the ideology of Marxism stifles creativity. This is partly why Socialist and Marxist regimes fail.


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The people in the Alternative media do not seem to know about the insights of Dean Gotcher - his explanation of the Marxist version of the dialectic.

Yet the Left, including the feminists, are more addicted to the use of the highly simplified version of the Marxist dialectic than those in the Alternative media. I see no evidence that Trump himself knows what the dialectic is, but he is more creative, or was. The Marxist version of the dialectic makes use of tactics in quarrels which is dishonest, and this can be seen in the attacks by the Left in the last year or so against their enemies in the patriot ranks. The left will initiate an attack upon someone based on what are mostly lies and then build upon those lies. The crazy attack on some individuals saying they were Russian agents was an example of this. As Michael Savage says, the Left is mentally ill. Savage has more creativity than the Leftists and can beat them by his cognitive abilities. His Ph.D is not in clinical psychology but in Ethnomedicine and Epidemiology.


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Theodore W. Adorno, 1903-1969, was a member of the Marxist Frankfurt School who migrated to the U.S. in the thirties after the Nazis took over Germany. He was given a position at the University of California at Berkeley where he and his crew of American psychologists produced the research which is the basis for the book, The Authoritarian Personality of 1950, by Adorno and others.

A large number of personality-social psychology grad student read the research that came out of The Authoritarian Personality and many contributed to the research, using Adorno's F Scale to measure the extent to which people had an authoritarian personality..

At first the Adorno group at Berkeley wanted to find the correlates of the Anti-Semitic personality,. But they changed the wording to the correlates of the Authoritarian Personality. The California F-scale, a paper and pencil questionnaire, created in 1947 was meant to measure the Authoritarian Personality, the tendency to support fascism.

Here are the areas covered in the F Scale:

Conventionalism: conformity to the traditional societal norms and values of the middle class

Authoritarian submission: a passive notion towards adhering to conventional norms and values;

Authoritarian aggression: punishing and condemning individuals who don’t adhere to conventional values;

Religion and Ethiccs

Superstition (astrology)

Power and "toughness";

Anti-intraception, i.e. "rejection of all inwardness, of the subjective, the imaginative, the tender-minded, and of self-criticism";

But - Adorno et al claimed to measure the Authoritarian Personality and not Right Wing Authoritarian Personality. And they tended to believe that a high score on their F Scale indicated mental illness,

Soon, however, Milton Rokeach published his 1960 book, The Open and Closed Mind, and reported on studies he and others did using his new Dogmatism Scale. Rokeach was critical of Adorno and his crew for using bad methodology in claiming to measure the "Authoritarian Personality" because Rokeach knew that there was also a Left Wing Authoritarian Personality. This insight and finding by Rokeach has much relevance for the very dogmatic and authoritarian Marxist Left of today in its conflict with the Patriot-Populists and Alternative Media. It turns out that contemporary Marxist Leftists and the Feminists, who often do not know they are Marxists, are highly authoritarian..