The Appropriate Use of Reality


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The Appropriate Use of Reality

This is the show from Monday, September 10th, 2018


* A Good Start: What do you call a Palestinian Bomber who blows himself up at the Gaza Police Headquarters? And here’s a list of some more, just in case you need some extra encouraging news this week)!

* Defunding Delusion: Bob and co-host Doug McBurney credit Donald Trump for challenging the evil Palestinian fantasy: that Israel does not exist, and for defunding the Palestinian Concentration Camps!

* Policing a War Zone: Listen in to hear insight about how we judge police who operate in a veritable war zone, and how the Just-a-System is failing on every front of that war.

* Why Do You Think They Call it Dope: Bob questions how Elon Musk can tell people not to smoke pot, while smoking pot, and still be considered anything but a fool.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
* A Good Start: What do you call a Palestinian Bomber who blows himself up at the Gaza Police Headquarters?

They should execute people who commit suicide, or try to. :think:

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