The Anti Christ


From - hi-lights mine.

political leader in the history of Mankind will emerge from Europe. After taking over that area by diplomatic cunning and deceit, he will launch a military campaign that will result in his acquiring “authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation” (Revelation 13:7). His empire will be the most extensive in all of history, encompassing the entire world, and his rule will be the most demonic the world has ever experienced.

He will begin his rise to power as a dynamic, charismatic, insightful, visionary leader who will astound the world with the cleverness of his solutions to world problems. He will appear to be the savior of the world. But as he consolidates his power, his true nature will be revealed. He will emerge as a Satan possessed and empowered person who hates God and is determined to annihilate both Christianity and Judaism. For this reason, he is identified in scripture as the Antichrist (1 John 2:18), for he will stand against God and His anointed one, Jesus Christ.

2000 years ago the Jewish nations were anticipating a new king who would exhibit great power and might, crushing and conquering the enemies and persecutors of the Jews.

They got Jesus, the total opposite of a mighty powerful war lord. The Jews did not comprehend what was happening before them - which is no criticism of them in anyway.

In our time, Christian are expecting the rise of the Anti-Christ with the attributes described in the article above, and many like them. What if....

Not intending to get political; what if a mighty leader comes along who appears to most, not like the description above, but a bumbling, incompetent, ego driven.... Someone who does NOT, as the article above says "astound the world with the cleverness".

A question I would like to put before this forum is - Are we, in our era, making a similar mistake to the Jews 2000 years ago?


Well-known member
The Anti-Christ is the Muslim Mahdi who will come from Syria and will be Shia. He will be like a Muslim Hitler and will hate Christians and Jews. He is alive and well now and will appear in 2022 (11th October) in Damascus and he will rule the world till 2029 when Jesus returns.


New member
He won't be a Nationalist (like Hitler), he will be a Globalist (like the previous US President).
There is a "wave" of Nationalism across Europe as a resistant to the Globalist agenda of "one world".
George Soros is the foremost financer and proponent of this Globalist agenda.


Well-known member
He won't be a Nationalist (like Hitler), he will be a Globalist (like the previous US President).
There is a "wave" of Nationalism across Europe as a resistant to the Globalist agenda of "one world".
George Soros is the foremost financer and proponent of this Globalist agenda.

The Muslim Mahdi is neither, he is a religious leader who only believes that people must submit to Allah or die by beheading.

By 'like Hitler' I meant the mad, megalomaniac, psychotic, genocidal type of aspects .


New member
The Muslim Mahdi is neither, he is a religious leader who only believes that people must submit to Allah or die by beheading.

A lot of earth shaking events could occur before we arrive at a place where a "global government" might be the only solution. The U.S. could experience an EMP attack that leads to its collapse and disappearance from world affairs. The Psalm 83 War could occur between Israel and Arab neighbors, which would totally humiliate and shame Islam and "Allah". The Ezekiel 38-39 War could occur, which would virtually wipe-out Russia and bring down the remaining Islamic nations. In the aftermath of these type of events, there would be a vacuum in global leadership, which could result in a "global government".
PS: I don't subscribe to Joel Richardson's conjectures.



anti-Christ is people denying Jesus with their action, especially people who are confessing to be His followers yet not producing fruit.

good thread:)


Well-known member
A lot of earth shaking events could occur before we arrive at a place where a "global government" might be the only solution. The U.S. could experience an EMP attack that leads to its collapse and disappearance from world affairs. The Psalm 83 War could occur between Israel and Arab neighbors, which would totally humiliate and shame Islam and "Allah". The Ezekiel 38-39 War could occur, which would virtually wipe-out Russia and bring down the remaining Islamic nations. In the aftermath of these type of events, there would be a vacuum in global leadership, which could result in a "global government".
PS: I don't subscribe to Joel Richardson's conjectures.

The Anti-Christ takes over all the governments of the world.


New member
You know, some have proposed that the Anti-Christ will be a human-alien hybrid,
as was the case with the Nephilim, except rather than a physical "giant" he will
be a mental "giant".


Well-known member
The Anti-Christ is the Muslim Mahdi who will come from Syria and will be Shia. He will be like a Muslim Hitler and will hate Christians and Jews. He is alive and well now and will appear in 2022 (11th October) in Damascus and he will rule the world till 2029 when Jesus returns.


You are predicting the day of the appearance of "the Anti-Christ" too? :crackup:

So according to WatchmanOnTheWall:
1) The tribulation begins in 2022 and lasts until 2029.
2) The Anti-Christ will appear on the 11th of October, 2022, in Damascus.
3) Jesus will return on the 24th of September, 2029.



Well-known member

You are predicting the day of the appearance of "the Anti-Christ" too? :crackup:

So according to WatchmanOnTheWall:
1) The tribulation begins in 2022 and lasts until 2029.
2) The Anti-Christ will appear on the 11th of October, 2022, in Damascus.
3) Jesus will return on the 24th of September, 2029.


That's what I'm guessing because Satan will want to try and usurp Christ by copying what days Jesus will return on 7 years later.

patrick jane

From - hi-lights mine.

political leader in the history of Mankind will emerge from Europe. After taking over that area by diplomatic cunning and deceit, he will launch a military campaign that will result in his acquiring “authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation” (Revelation 13:7). His empire will be the most extensive in all of history, encompassing the entire world, and his rule will be the most demonic the world has ever experienced.

He will begin his rise to power as a dynamic, charismatic, insightful, visionary leader who will astound the world with the cleverness of his solutions to world problems. He will appear to be the savior of the world. But as he consolidates his power, his true nature will be revealed. He will emerge as a Satan possessed and empowered person who hates God and is determined to annihilate both Christianity and Judaism. For this reason, he is identified in scripture as the Antichrist (1 John 2:18), for he will stand against God and His anointed one, Jesus Christ.

2000 years ago the Jewish nations were anticipating a new king who would exhibit great power and might, crushing and conquering the enemies and persecutors of the Jews.

They got Jesus, the total opposite of a mighty powerful war lord. The Jews did not comprehend what was happening before them - which is no criticism of them in anyway.

In our time, Christian are expecting the rise of the Anti-Christ with the attributes described in the article above, and many like them. What if....

Not intending to get political; what if a mighty leader comes along who appears to most, not like the description above, but a bumbling, incompetent, ego driven.... Someone who does NOT, as the article above says "astound the world with the cleverness".

A question I would like to put before this forum is - Are we, in our era, making a similar mistake to the Jews 2000 years ago?


I am kind of relieved on reading these responses.

Tambora, many thanks for the 24 reputations you gave me. I'm collecting dots .....

Cheers :kiss: