The ACORN Story in a Nutshell

Nathon Detroit


I know there have been a few threads already on this ACORN story but this thing just keeps getting better. ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation's largest community organization of low and moderate income, at least that's the cover they use to describe themselves.

And if you don't know the story it goes like this...

Two young adults Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe started releasing undercover videos of themselves posing as a pimp and a prostitute and entering various ACORN facilities around the country asking the ACORN staff for help setting up underage prostitution businesses.

The results have been nothing short of astonishing. ACORN employees are more than willing to help pimps abuse and exploit girls as young as 13 and even have instructed them on how to hide the money from the government, one ACORN staffer suggests burying the loot in a "tin" in his backyard. :rotfl: After watching these videos it's pretty clear that the corruption is rampant. Keep in mind ACORN is funded by our tax dollars. ACORN is also in line to get a massive chunk of the Federal bailout money.

The first video came out of the ACORN Baltimore office.

ACORN Baltimore Part 1

ACORN Baltimore Pt 2

Then the undercover operation moved down to DC...



The undercover operatives now move on to the New York offices of ACORN.

New York ACORN Part 1

New York ACORN Part 2

Now out west to California! Wait until you get a load of what this ACORN worker reveals!! :shocked:

California ACORN Office

The San Diego ACORN office gave advice on how to smuggle young girls over the border.

San Diego ACORN Pt 1

San Diego ACORN Pt 2

When undercover film maker Hannah Giles who posed as the prostitute was asked if ACORN could expect any more videos to surface she responded... "plenty".

What you are really seeing here is liberalism exposed. Left wingers act as if they stand up for minorities and women but in reality it's them who help underage women get abused, and exploited. Liberals are more than willing to help criminals cover up their crimes in the name of "tolerance". It's the same situation with Planned Parenthood which acts as if they support women but instead only help to destroy the lives of women.

There are many aspects to this story besides the story itself such as the main-stream media's unwillingness to cover the story. It should be interesting to see this story continue to unfold.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Dang ... if that doesn't destroy an organisation, nothing will.

Oh .. wait ... :noid:

Nathon Detroit

Liberals are saying that in the last video, the San Bernadino video that the lady who was being filmed actually knew what was going on and was merely "punking" the videographers. Have you watched that video??? I highly doubt that the lady in the video had any clue what was going on (I mean that in more ways than one).

And... this just in...

ACORN Suspends Operations
ACORN, calling the actions of some of its employees “indefensible,” has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.

ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was “ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN’s service programs until completion of an independent review.”


New member
ACORN Backs off of Denials, Suspends Programs

ACORN Backs off of Denials, Suspends Programs

ACORN Backs off of Denials, Suspends Programs

"We have all been deeply disturbed by what we’ve seen in some of these videos," Bertha Lewis, CEO of the national ACORN group, said in a statement. "We will go to whatever lengths necessary to reestablish the public trust. We must get this process right, so the good work can go forward."


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I wonder if it will NOW make the news on NBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN.

If so, I wonder what their excuse will be for not having covered the story that led up to the suspension of programs.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I wonder if it will NOW make the news on NBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN.

If so, I wonder what their excuse will be for not having covered the story that led up to the suspension of programs.

their viewers do not want to hear about it


New member
I wonder if it will NOW make the news on NBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN.

If so, I wonder what their excuse will be for not having covered the story that led up to the suspension of programs.

Actually the repeated release of new videos is forcing their hand.

CBS finally reported it last night for the first time and NBC reported it this morning on the Today Show.

ABC News senior correspondent Jake Tapper has been reporting on it regularly on the ABC News website since 9/11 but as of yesterday morning ABC News Anchors Charlie Gibson was still claiming he had never heard of the scandal.

Liar or way out of the loop? You be the judge!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
their viewers do not want to hear about it

Why not?

I think people like to know if the government is using tax dollars effectively.

Maybe you don't care if the government takes your money and gives it to an organization whose workers give advice on how to exploit underage girls and then hide the money from the government.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why not?

I think people like to know if the government is using tax dollars effectively.

Maybe you don't care if the government takes your money and gives it to an organization whose workers give advice on how to exploit underage girls and then hide the money from the government.

are you aware of the GE connection with NBC and Obama?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
are you aware of the GE connection with NBC and Obama?

What does that have to do with this?

ACORN is evil and people should know about it. Just don't picket or protest them...especially on a holiday. After all, we don't want to ruin anyone's time with their family to expose evil.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What does that have to do with this?

ACORN is evil and people should know about it. Just don't picket or protest them...especially on a holiday. After all, we don't want to ruin anyone's time with their family to expose evil.

I can see that you do not watch FOX


Well-known member
Yea! Glenn Beck and Fox News - courageous heroes and truth tellers. God protect and bless them all ... and certainly the young couple also!

This is an organization that is willing to show people how to steal from the American Tax payers by defrauding loan agencies and the government.

These people make no secret about their allegiance to the liberal agenda nor their support for the Democrats... They should not be allowed to take government money since they do these sorts of things. Certainly a conflict of interest is involved here also.


Well-known member
Here is a personal story that took place at the Washington Tea Party. A liberal woman was out in the streets among the assembling Tea Party crowd. She began to curse and berate the people gathering. One person suggested that she calm down and move along ... and this liberal then spit the food she had in her mouth upon that person . What a classless coward she was! Why coward? Because she got away before the police could be arrive to hold her accountable for what she had done - of course.

Some people, who went to Washington, have personally received threatening calls from liberals at their homes from non-traceable phone numbers.

Oh, these progressive liberals claim that they are the enlightened intellectuals, who have all the right ideas of how things should be done in our country ... who think they are full of love and peace and class and a non-prejudice group at heart... but THAT'S A LIE!

The Tea Party was totally a peaceful legal event ... even the grounds were left clean... except for the vulgar spittle coming from the mouth of a classless liberal's mouth.

The other night on The Huckabee Show a liberal black woman was being interviewed - in order to allow for a liberal point of view I'm sure. She compared the Tea Party participants to dumb beasts being herded like clueless cattle. How insulting!

Now, all this hostile rude name calling coming from our elected Democrat officials, plus talking heads, comedians, and this female activist should certainly fire up the hearts of conservatives.

Revelations about ACORN are probably just the tip of the iceberg of what is yet to be revealed about the hearts of self-professed liberal progressives. AND for one, I hope as many Republicans fall in the process of exposing greed and corruption as do Democrats. May God give us honorable statesmen to take their places.


New member
What you are really seeing here is liberalism exposed. Left wingers act as if they stand up for minorities and women but in reality it's them who help underage women get abused, and exploited.

LOL... yes it is all in the agenda... page 436 of the manifesto.
*bridges fingers in a Montgomery Burns like manner* Excellent...