The 2015 Ramadan Bombathon Scoreboard

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Sorry I didn't keep up on day one. I am busy with other things.


Image pasted from your good friends at It is day 9 of the perverted month of Ramadan.


New member
I can patch you over anytime.

So far, only a few people have threatened me.

90% of people sneak up behind me, slap me on the back and say "Thank you!" .

bwaa ha ha ha


Well-known member
Lutherans are plotting potlucks as we speak, with no intention of allowing inspections by the local health department. Methodists...well, they're probably not doing much of anything. Catholics and their pagan fish fries. Baptists are forcing people underwater in their torturous "water tanking." Evangelicals are compelling innocent children to endure horrible "vacation Bible schools" during the summer. Some wicked parents are even planning indoctrination trips to creation museums. And the worst of the worst, dispensationalists, are meeting in secret "Bible conferences," the biggest threat to freedom known to man.

Why no outrage about this?


New member

Saudi Arabia’s Involvement With ISIS


Photo via Wikipedia

One of the West’s strongest allies in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is also the country least open to Western values. Aside from their depressing position on women’s rights, the Saudi royal family advocates public beheadings for adultery, imprisonment for voicing opinions, and the funding of Islamic terrorists. In 1973, they even deliberately engineered an economic crash in the West as punishment for America supporting Israel. Yet, none of this even comes close to their role in the creation of ISIS.
Since 2012, there has been strong evidence that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait have all allowed millions of dollars to flow to ISIS extremists. Starting last year, Saudi Arabia took the lead in financing extremist Syrian rebel groups. These very same groups are currently turning a large swath of Iraq and Syria into a moral wasteland. The Independent has also called Saudi Arabia responsible for ISIS’s interpretation of Islam and suggested the group’s rise was a deliberate attempt by Saudi security forces to destabilize Syria.
In the months since ISIS made headlines, the Saudi royal family has distanced itself from the group and declared it “public enemy number one.” Yet they continue to finance preachers to spread the influence of Wahhabism, which is their personal version of Islam so intolerant it’s been called the “fountainhead of Islamist terrorism.” At the same time, the country denies any responsibility, and Western governments afraid of losing a valuable ally play along.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I realize it is early, but I am calling this election already. For about the 1300th consecutive year, islam is going to win the bombathon.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

I thought I would ad some color commentary, since a picture is worth a thousand words.


Well-known member
A reported bomb went off on a Rhode Island beach, injuring a woman. One has to wonder...asymmetrical warfare...