The 10 levels of TDS

The Barbarian

A weird borrowing from an earlier president, when things like tan suits were presented as evidence of evil/incompetence on the part of the president:

Obama Derangement Syndrome
The state of paranoia in which people fear President Obama so much, they stop thinking logically and stop using common sense. Usually a direct result of watching too much Fox News.

Announcer: This is Skeeter.

Skeeter: Kenyan, Muslim, Communist, Socialist!

Announcer: Skeeter is suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Skeeter: He bowed to other world leaders! He had a hip-hop barbecue!

Some Trump loyalists have adopted the modified term to include people who accurately quote Trump and report things he actually does.

LOL! All anybody can say is that is great! I did learn one thing from the liberals, how to laugh and mourn, at the same time, for civilization. Well, mainly laugh anymore, to be honest. Anybody else that's finding all of it funnier and funnier, perhaps you're not in bad company?

Psalms 2:1-4 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Meanwhile, in Sanityville, Trump is the biggest embarrassment to ever hold office and even plenty of Republicans acknowledge this after fours years of Captain spray tan. Still, he might get another four years yet given his support base...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm puzzled that grown women would act out like that. Is this a generational thing? They look to be in their 20's and 30's.

I spent a lot of time over the Winter and the Spring before I got called back to work observing this phenomenon on some of the feminists groups on Facebook. I participated but I was very measured in what I was saying there or I would have been banned right away.

They are insane. They are absolutely insane. If you want to get an eye opener go to Facebook and just type in feminist in the search string and look at the groups and look at what they're talking about. They are totally insane.
Actually, there's nothing so strange about any of it. The left is doing the devil's work. Where the Spirit of Christ is absent, you get the other guy. If a lot of them are acting like Gadarene demoniacs, it's merely a matter very similar that bears do what they do in the woods. Put it this way. You were expecting what, from spiritually dead degenerates?

Wherever there is the world, flesh and the devil, you're likely to find the world, flesh and the devil. Sorry. Maybe that comment belongs in the Religion forum, is more a matter of 50+ pages of long, contentious debate, a debate that can, somehow, get the chicken or the egg, diminishing Christ's deity, sabbaths or Calvin worked into it.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I'm puzzled that grown women would act out like that. Is this a generational thing? They look to be in their 20's and 30's.

You're right. It's what happens when every child gets a trophy. It results in the snowflake generation that can't handle not getting their way.


Staff member
Super Moderator
The Dems are desperately trying to find similar videos filming Trump supporters after the election but they can't find any. Do you see the difference between the two groups?
The Dems are desperately trying to find similar videos filming Trump supporters after the election but they can't find any. Do you see the difference between the two groups?

Seriously, I don't care, bottom line. I can't get the least excited over any of it. If the people have spoken, and they want to suck the kneecaps of the devil, Hollywood and Sodomites, have at it. The world is the world, nothing new under the sun. Nothing shocking, nor even creative. Liar are liars, manipulators manipulators, not worth your time. Guile is guile, and of no value. It's been all over TV all my life, regardless the politician, strutting in Washington, thinking they rule the universe. Nothing truly important will change, either. Tomorrow will merely be sleazier than today, in their world. To me, it's just another four years of liberals on a pay no mind list. Also, I feel no less joy today than any day, as the Lord wills, not man. Some corrupt and addled old fool in the White House isn't going to change me one whit, nor alter my freedom of association: I have no unity with the devil. I tune them out completely, won't listen to their speeches, etc. My brain is not for garbage in, garbage out, thank you. I paid no attention to Obama or any of his, and had a very good eight years, changing the channel. People without a moral compass, that are enemies of God, bottom line, have nothing to say I'm interested in. The double minded offer nothing, but their own degeneracy and confusion, and are filled with guile to try and manipulate others. They're just psycho control freaks. Not in my face, anyway. Out of sight is out of mind, and that's good. No problem. No Biden Derangement Syndrome. They would have to mean something as people, first, be Godly and righteous, to be even worth listening to, instead of being the same old, deceptive, narcissistic, tiring repeats of Nimrod, screwing up history. Is that yawn or what, after thousands of years of Godlessness and its idiotic, disastrous results, like clockwork? More phony baloney, and what else is new, pray tell? It shall all pass, in God's time. What you do is have a good day, in the Lord, give your time and energy to what is worthwhile. There are things eternal, and things that just don't matter. I also believe Mr. Trump may find that he didn't lose anything, as, bless his notion to drain the swamp, that's not even possible, was never possible, far above his pay grade. Read Revelation. Some things become obvious, the blessing of reading Revelation seeing the world for what it is, in no uncertain terms, and rather looking to what is eternal, not the futile and doomed cat fight that is the temporal, fallen world of Satan's world system, and a system already written down for destruction, Republican or Democrat making no difference, on that score. You can't get any political derangement syndrome, if your eyes are on God, in the first place.

Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
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The Barbarian

The Dems are desperately trying to find similar videos filming Trump supporters after the election but they can't find any. Do you see the difference between the two groups?

Most of the crying Trump supporters are the wannabee thugs who get caught by police when they assault people:

Tough guys until the law catches up with them. They they magically turn to snowflakes. Just like their hero.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Most of the crying Trump supporters are the wannabee thugs who get caught by police when they assault people:

Tough guys until the law catches up with them. They they magically turn to snowflakes. Just like their hero.

Pics of random people?

Liar :yawn: