That "BLANK" Should Be Regulated by the States

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That "BLANK" Should Be Regulated by the States

This is the show from Wednesday March 5th, 2008.


* The New BIG LIE: From President Bush, Dick Cheney, Ron Paul, etc., committing ____________(fill-in-the-blank-with-any-atrocity-or-run-of-the-mill-crime) should be regulated by the states (i.e., could be de-criminalized). Bob wonders if these leaders would apply that kind of moral relativism only to America or to every nation on earth? Russia opposes killing Christians but lets its 21 republics decide. Germany opposes killing Jews but lets its 19 states decide. Japan opposes kidnapping women for prostitution but lets its 47 prefectures decide. Worldwide every nation's government is against abortion but each lets its provinces decide? Brilliant. And should the states follow Ron Paul's argument that these "difficult issues" are best decided at the local level, and perhaps California should allow L.A. and San Francisco to decide marry homosexuals and kill unborn children.

* Presidential Update: Colorado RTL vice president Leslie Hanks joins Bob in studio lamenting that there is no pro-life presidential candidate other than Ambassador Alan Keyes, and most people don't even know that he is running.

* Chicago Might Ban Zip Lock Bags: Bob reaches back in his memory, and wonders, which city banned, or attempted to ban, the following:
- spray paint,
- super soakers,
- silly string,
- first floor apartments (because a boy was shot to death from a first-floor window).
Now, a Chicago councilman is urging the city ban small zip lock bags because they are used by drug dealers. What's a liberal to do?

* Liberal Prof Agrees- Moses on Sinai was NOT a Legend: Benny Shanon, a professor of psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wrote in the Time and Mind Journal of Philosophy and told Israeli public radio on Tuesday, "As far Moses on Mount Sinai is concerned, it was either a supernatural cosmic event, which I don't believe, or a legend, which I don't believe either, or finally, and this is very probable, an event that joined Moses and the people of Israel under the effect of narcotics." Of course this unbeliever rejects the God of Abraham, but it is interesting to see the concession to a thousand archaeological finds that the basic story of the Old Testament, even as far back as Moses, is factual, i.e., not legend.

* Ron Paul won Re-election: Texans voted last night and Ron Paul won re-election. ARTL Action ran a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of the Victoria Advocate in Paul's 14th Congressional District. The ad is a devastating but accurate presentation of Ron Paul's promotion of tolerance of child killing by the federal government, that FILL-IN-THE-BLANK should be regulated by the states.

Post-show Note: Please realize when you hear conservative Christians up in arms this week over Obama's support for same-sex unions, that Obama's position is very similar to vice president Dick Cheney's (recall that Dr. James Dobson threatened to withhold support from G. W. Bush unless he selected a v. p. supportive of Christian values) and to president G. W. Bush's position.

* Obama Supports Same-Sex Unions: "I don't think it [a same-sex union] should be called marriage, but I think that it is a legal right that they should have that is recognized by the state," said Obama on the presidential campaign trail, Mar. 2, 2008.

* Bush Supports Same-Sex Unions: "I view the definition of marriage different from legal arrangements [but] I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that's what a state chooses to do," said Bush on the presidential campaign trail, Oct. 24, 2004.

* Cheney Supports Same-Sex Unions: "...people should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into... that matter is regulated by the states... I try to be open-minded about it as much as I can and tolerant of those relationships," said Cheney on the campaign trail, Oct. 5, 2004.

* Jill Stanek is Taking a Poll on Personhood: On her very popular blog, Jill Stanek is taking the temperature of the pro-life movement, and so far, we're not quite at 98.6, but we're doing pretty well, and personhood, the #2 option, is coming on strong! Praise God!

Today's Resource: The movie, Get Out of the Matrix, has a parallel to the spiritual battle in that people prefer to live a lie than to know the truth. Notice the student who is morphing out of the matrix in this artwork on Bob's powerful DVD in which he debates an entire college philosophy class and their professor, it's called: Get out of the Matrix!
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Hall of Fame
We are talking about abortion right? My concern is I do not think the central, or federal government will ever do anything about it. The federal government under Reagan did not challenge Roe vs. Wade.

Some states, North Dakota have tried to make abortion illegal, but the fed said no. If the states had the autonomy to make abortion illegal, I think many states would do so. It might be a flaw in my thinking, but as I see it the fed. Is never going to do anything the people feel is morally right.


New member

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Amendment 13 - Slavery Abolished. Ratified 12/6/1865. History
1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

I cite these two amendments to demonstrate the issue.

An amendment is needed to grant the power to the United States to have anything to say at all on the issue of abortion.

Roe V Wade is illegal, and any other Supreme Court decision on the issue would also be illegal, UNLESS power is first granted to the United States to enforce anything regarding abortion.

Yes...we should pursue a Constitutional amendment defining life beginning at conception and all God given liberties apply to the unborn and protections of law to ensure those liberties are enforced.

Ron Paul, for example, has even introduced legislation to do this very thing.

The Supreme court has NEVER had the authority to rule on the abortion issue. If it were left up to the states to adopt their own laws on abortion, then abortion on demand would not be a reality in at least 32 states.

We can amend the constitution to protect the unborn just as much as the born.
Acknowledging what the law really is now is an important first step.

Returning to the current Constitution would allow States to do what they already have the right to do. 32 States would end abortion on demand if the Supreme Court would just get out of the way and stop it's illegal rulings.

Ratifying a Constitutional amendment to protect the unborn should be pursued, just like Amendment 13 (cited above) was on the issue of slavery. Until then the United States can only act illegally just as it has with Roe V. Wade.

Now, if you do not wish to uphold the Constitution of the United States, then we have another problem to discuss.


New member
Another point.

The Constitution of the United States does not grant rights to the people.
It grants rights to the government.

The people have not yet granted the right to the United States to rule on abortion at all.

Think about that...
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