Thank you Trump! ObamaCare "mandate" is DEAD

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
ObamaCare mandate says goodbye in 2019, as health law faces new threat

The Affordable Care Act will lose its teeth in 2019, as the penalty for not buying insurance disappears – leaving the health care law’s future as murky as ever.

On one hand, recently released enrollment numbers indicate the system may be able to survive the elimination of the so-called individual mandate penalty – which was stripped as part of last year’s tax overhaul.

While the requirement to buy insurance was considered a crucial part of the original law, enrollment dipped but did not dive in anticipation of that penalty disappearing. The official numbers show enrollment in the 39 states that use the federal exchange declined by 4.2 percent from last year – from roughly 8.8 million to 8.5 million

.......“The funny aspect to the individual mandate is that it mostly was [threatening] to penalize people who were already going to buy insurance anyway,” said Robert Graboyes, a senior research fellow and health scholar at George Mason University’s libertarian-oriented Mercatus Center.

In other words, Graboyes said, the vast majority of people who signed up on the government-run portal did not need the threat of a penalty

The Horn

So it's now OK in America to allow anyone who can't afford medical treatment either to die or be left permanently disabled ? It's OK to make health care so expensive that only a limited number of Americans will be able to afford it ? OK to allow people who aren't even poor to go bankrupt in order to get medical treatment ?
Hmmmm . . . . . . something is very wrong with this country . We're the only major industrialized nation without universal health care . And is this in any way Christian "?
Supposedly , universal health care is socialist , and if America adopts any government program which is socialist , we are on an automatic path to communism . So the only way to preserve "freedom " in America is to make sure that no one gets any kind of medical treatment unless he or she can afford it . Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it ?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So it's now OK in America to allow anyone who can't afford medical treatment either to die or be left permanently disabled ? It's OK to make health care so expensive that only a limited number of Americans will be able to afford it ? OK to allow people who aren't even poor to go bankrupt in order to get medical treatment ?
Hmmmm . . . . . . something is very wrong with this country . We're the only major industrialized nation without universal health care . And is this in any way Christian "?
Supposedly , universal health care is socialist , and if America adopts any government program which is socialist , we are on an automatic path to communism . So the only way to preserve "freedom " in America is to make sure that no one gets any kind of medical treatment unless he or she can afford it . Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it ?

Eh, affording everyone access to healthcare and provision automatically equates to communism in some circles. Go figure...


Eh, affording everyone access to healthcare and provision automatically equates to communism in some circles. Go figure...

Standard right wing rant. "Once you get even close to universal health care you are on the road to Venezuela."

In the meantime, heads of big health insurers and big pharma get to fly first class while the best country in the world does not have the best health care system.


Hall of Fame
So it's now OK in America to allow anyone who can't afford medical treatment either to die or be left permanently disabled ? It's OK to make health care so expensive that only a limited number of Americans will be able to afford it ? OK to allow people who aren't even poor to go bankrupt in order to get medical treatment ?
Hmmmm . . . . . . something is very wrong with this country . We're the only major industrialized nation without universal health care . And is this in any way Christian "?

Well ... that is the aim ... BUT no, it is not okay.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So it's now OK in America to allow anyone who can't afford medical treatment either to die or be left permanently disabled ?

no, it's not ok - you need to go back to college, get training, a degree and certification working in the field of health care and then offer your services to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, for free

if you don't, you're not a Christian


Currently the 'Right Wing' wants to

>raise taxes for the poor
>make healthcare harder for the poor to obtain
>attempt in vain to separate a continent because of it's poor
>keep minimum wage low
>support capitalist abuse; assault unions
>Dumps 600 billion dollars into the military each year; blames food stamps for the deficit

Yeah, it's basically laughable at this point to even consider that anyone could harbor that rank hypocrisy and then want to talk about some Christianity. Simple fact is that a black man became president so now the entire western hemisphere must pay for it and recant it's sins- needless to say there's a reason why others hear 'America first' as something a good deal different.


Thank you Trump! ObamaCare "mandate" is DEAD

Trump and the Republicans may be adept at terminating those Democratic programs with which they disagree - unfortunately they lack the political leadership and skills necessary to provide viable replacements!

With a Democratic majority in the House, Republicans will be forced to reinstate and/or make a number of compromises on healthcare, immigration policy .... if they expect to pass their own legislation!