Texas Pushes to Protect Women with 'Bathroom Bill'


[Texas Pushes to Protect Women with 'Bathroom Bill' Austin, Texas | Christian Newswire] "Yesterday Lt. Governor Dan Patrick introduced Senate Bill 6, known as the Woman's Privacy Act, that mandates so-called transgender people must use the bathroom of their biological gender. The bill's author, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, said SB 6 would still allow for accommodations for so-called transgender students, such as single-stall restrooms, on a case-by-case basis. However, public entities that violate bathroom policies based on "biological sex" will be subject to a civil penalty imposed by the state attorney general.

Lt. Gov. Patrick has been pushing for this legislation to protect women in public restrooms. Patrick said, "This issue is not about discrimination — it's about public safety, protecting businesses and common sense. I congratulate Sen. Kolkhorst for filing SB 6 and for her commitment to protecting the privacy of Texans and keeping them safe..." Full text: Texas Pushes to Protect Women with 'Bathroom Bill' Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5 :vomit:


Kudos to the conservative legislatures in the great State of Texas for having a backbone, knowing that boycotts of the State will come.

North Carolina's Governor Pat McCrory stood strong against the gaystapo with similar legislation, and it's believed that it cost him the Governorship in the last election.

VP Elect Mike Pence on the other hand as Governor of Indiana...(let's just say that Pence might have been the one to hand Donald Trump the rainbow flag in my avatar).