Talk to the guy who tried to do something

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Talk to the guy who tried to do something

Monday March 28th, 2005. This is show #61.

(From Doug McBurney)
When [the police] brought me to my knees...(quickly) I shouted, "Terri, I hear you. I know you're crying out for water. I want to bring you water." And then I turned my head to the crowd and I screamed, "Bring her water. Bring Terri water" until I got to the Patty Wagon at which point I started yelling, "No murder with tranquility."


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And granite, since you thought Zakath's impish little comment was so funny, the question is posed to you as well.


Resident Atheist
Jefferson said:
You're an idiot Zakath.
You're entitled to your opinion. But I'll consider the source and not take offense.

Would you label someone who tried to save Jews in Auschwitz a "ham?"
No. The circumstances are very different. Terry Schiavo is not being illegally executed for her religious affiliation, political views, or sexual preferences...

Would you label someone who executed homosexuals at Dachau a "hero"?


Originally Posted by Jefferson

You're an idiot Zakath.

You're entitled to your opinion. But I'll consider the source and not take offense.

Who would it take at TOL to call you an idiot in order for you to take offense? (I already known it wouldn't be me, proudly I might add.)


Resident Atheist
wholearmor said:
Who would it take at TOL to call you an idiot in order for you to take offense? (I already known it wouldn't be me, proudly I might add.)
I can't think of anyone from the religious side of the house whose opinion I value enough that it would offend me...

And you're right, you wouldn't be on such a very short list... ;)

One must develop a metaphorical "thick skin" to survive as a poster from a minority viewpoint in places like this one. :devil:


New member
Zakath said:
No. The circumstances are very different. Terry Schiavo is not being illegally executed for her religious affiliation, political views, or sexual preferences...
You're right except she's being slowly and painfully murdered for being disabled. Just like the nazis who hated the elderly and disabled.


Zakath said:
One must develop a metaphorical "thick skin" to survive as a poster from a minority viewpoint in places like this one. :devil:

What other kind of thick skin can one develop?


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Jefferson said:
You're an idiot Zakath. Would you label someone who tried to save Jews in Auschwitz a "ham?"

I already went over a similar analogy with Art, so I'll rehash.

One: sneaking food into a concentration camp or saving Jews ala Oskar Schindler is not the same thing as dramatically approaching a phalanx of cops, announcing at the top of your lungs that you're trying to bring her water.

Two: those smuggling food or weapons into the camps risked their lives; these protestors are looking at a slap on the wrist.

Three: assisting Jews was not a publicity stunt, it was an act of treason.

Four: the German people and those they occupied by and large supported the Final Solution and actively assisted it; the Shoah did not take place in a nation with a free press and public discourse.

These Third Reich analogies are knee jerk and thin, not to mention intellectually lazy.


Resident Atheist
Dread Helm said:
It's called "zakath" :zakath: Aptly named.
Actually, that icon may have been purchased and named that way as a deliberate insult.

Not being bothered by such things is all part of the "thick skin" we non-believers must develop when dealing with you religionists.


New member
Hall of Fame
Zakath said:
Actually, that icon may have been purchased and named that way as a deliberate insult.

Not being bothered by such things is all part of the "thick skin" we non-believers must develop when dealing with you religionists.

Kinda like my icon, purchased by TOL's former resident anti-semite, crythvn herself...


Resident Atheist
Dread Helm said:
You're right except she's being slowly and painfully murdered for being disabled. Just like the nazis who hated the elderly and disabled.
I think, if you read history, you'll find that the Reich's removal of the disabled had less to do with hatred and more to do with economics...

Saying that a government "hates" is more inflammatory than accurate, I think.


New member
Zakath said:
Actually, that icon may have been purchased and named that way as a deliberate insult.
No really. :rolleyes:

Not being bothered by such things is all part of the "thick skin" we non-believers must develop when dealing with you religionists.
Along with the thick skin you also develop a hard heart and a stiff neck. :bang:


New member
Zakath said:
I think, if you read history, you'll find that the Reich's removal of the disabled had less to do with hatred and more to do with economics...

Saying that a government "hates" is more inflammatory than accurate, I think.
They hated the jews elderly, disabled, and others. But economics. That's almost worse. Killing the innocent for economic reasons. Kind of reminds you of a holocaust in this country.
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