T-Minus 9 Hours till Weitz Permanent Collaborator Status

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T-Minus 9 Hours till Weitz Permanent Collaborator Status

This is the show from Thursday January 31st, 2008.


* By Midnight Tonight: billion-dollar Weitz will be hit with Permanent Collaborator Status if they don't stop building Colorado's abortion clinic. Hear from a Florida protester, newly affiliated with the Denver-based Collaborators Project, while he's outside the Weitz Florida HQ.

Post-show Note: Michael Reagan on his radio show January 24 asked Ann Coulter about the criticism against her from National Right To Life. She corrected him, and said, no, it's coming from American RTL, and Coulter added that ARTL is a front group for Mike Huckabee, which of course is completely false. Here is the press release that Reagan was referring to (and while the conversation went on for some time, Coulter did not refute the accusations here):
ARTL Rebukes Ann Coulter
Why? Because Coulter Endorsed Pro-Abortion Mitt Romney

For Immediate Release
(see ARTL Action for corroborating links)
American RTL Action president Steve Curtis is challenging the wisdom and pro-life leadership of Ann Coulter for her endorsement of pro-abortion Mitt Romney for president. The group's ARTLaction.com site (just below) documents Romney's recent promotion of child killing with links to official government websites, Romney's own campaign, mainstream sources, and audio and video clips of the candidate himself:
Mitt Romney claims, "On every piece of legislation, I came down on the side of life." "That is a lie," said Curtis, former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party. In April 2006 Romney signed the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Plan that pays for even elective abortions. Today he falsely claims a 1981 court ruling about "medically necessary" abortions forced him to provide tax-funded elective abortion, showing he prioritizes socialized "health care" over protecting kids, even when that "health care" actually intentionally kills children. Romney gave a permanent seat on the Massachusetts payment policy advisory board to the nation's leading abortionists at Planned Parenthood. Romney signed the 2005 bill that promotes chemical abortions with Plan B. As Governor he appointed openly pro-abortion Democrat Matt Nestor to a district court; and disputing a ruling from his own state health department Romney personally argued that pro-life hospitals must dispense abortifacients. Romney claims to have been personally pro-life for many years, but also claims a recent pro-life conversion on Nov. 9, 2004 while talking to Harvard researcher Douglas Melton about embryonic stem cells. However Mitt still openly supports killing the baby of a rapist, and killing the tiniest of humans for research. Dr. Melton has even disputed Romney's account of their conversation, and "pro-life" Romney even attended a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. During the years that Romney says he was personally pro-life he aggressively claimed to be second-to-none in asserting abortion as an essential right. And in October 2005 Romney asked the federal government for a waiver for a major increase in funding for abortion "counseling" and for tax-funded abortifacients.
Coulter repeatedly suggests in a Jan. 16, 2008 column that pro-lifers should let liberals help them pick their nominee. "The candidate Republicans should be clamoring for is the one liberals are feverishly denouncing... Mitt Romney." Coulter mocked primary voters who "do absolutely zero research on the candidates" and then concluded without presenting any legislative research but instead mouthing Mitt's own sound bite, that "Romney governed as a pro-lifer."
"She is good at debunking claims," said Curtis, "so she should go to our website and try to disprove our damning evidence that Romney is aggressively pro-abortion. Romney has deceived Ann Coulter and maintained his godless pro-abortion position."
"The evidence is indisputable-- Mitt Romney is lying to get Christian votes," said vice president of ARTL Action, Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough. "When 'pro-life' leaders lie, more innocent children will die, so Ann has either been tricked, or is helping him trick others. American RTL is calling Coulter to account." In the early primary contests the new 527 group American RTL Action ran anti-Mitt TV ads only in Iowa and South Carolina, the two states where Romney was trounced because his pro-abortion actions were exposed.
For more information, please contact:
American Right To Life Action
1-888-888-ARTL (2785)

BEL Note: So, Michael Reagan and Ann Coulter are very much aware of these criticisms, and so far, no rebuttal other than Ann's false and wild-guess that she stated as though it were researched fact, that ARTL is a front group for Huckabee.

Today's Resource: If you subscribe to the BEL Televised Classics, you will be able to watch one of the shows just transferred from studio beta tape to DVD, titled, Bob Debates Evolution. It's a classic in and of itself. Click on the Subscription Department in the BEL Store, or call us at 800-8Enyart to subscribe to Bob's Topical Videos, or the BEL Televised Classics, or what our longtime listeners tell us is the best resource ever created by Bob Enyart Live, our Monthly Bible Study Albums!
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