Switzerland to strip jihadis of citizenship in major terror crackdown


[Switzerland to strip jihadis of citizenship in major terror crackdown: Switzerland has passed a law that allows the government to remove dual nationality from jihadists by Siobhan McFadyen
Express.co.uk] "The Swiss State Secretariat for Migration has made changes to its Civil Rights bill to deal with the increasing issue of terrorism in Europe.

A case was brought before the courts when the government applied to strip a 19-year-old of his dual nationality.

The unnamed man, who joined Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria in 2015, also held Italian nationality but posted photos of himself with the decapitated head of one of his victims.

Now the jihadi from Winterthur in the canton of Zürich in northern Switzerland is no longer a citizen although he is also believed to be dead.

Since 2001, the country says 77 people have fled Switzerland to fight in the Middle East.

And the Federal Intelligence Service says 17 of those believed to have travelled to Iraq and Syria had dual nationality.

The country has now toughened up laws which will come into full force in January that allows them to strip terrorists of their status and their passports in a bid to expel them from the country..." Full text: Switzerland to Strip jihadis of citizenship in major terror crackdown Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT :CRASH:
Just don't know what the world is coming to, anymore. Next thing, you'll be seeing the unmentionable two words in the news, Islamic terrorism. And this just when we were making progress, adjusting so well to roving gangs of Abduls and Muhammads, raping young girls in the streets of Sweden and Germany. (Clearly, all that hair showing, they were just asking for it!) Here I'd thought we could move on to banning trucks in the hands of law abiding citizens, tempting otherwise innocent ISIS immigrants, of the religion of peace, to Jihad.