Swaggart Co. Inc.

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New member
Where under God or in Christ’s name do you guys get your Doctrines? You just pull them out of the air of the devil’s world. – Is the GAP DOCTRINE now your doctrine? – There is nothing that even hints at such a “Truth”. - Do any of you have the slightest idea what the TRUTH IS? – The Word of God is the evidence of what ever the CHRISTIAN teaches. – Not the absence of the Word! – You all go on and on about the cross to each other; like the folly of your ministry. – PAUL SAID / GOD SAID “ALSO”!, - Hebrews 6:1-3 KJV – 1- “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, LET US GO ON UNTO PERFECTION; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2- Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, AND OF RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, and of eternal judgment. 3- And this will we do, IF GOD PERMIT”. ----- GOD SAID THAT ALSO! -- Christ also said, “I know thy WORKS, and I’m AGAINST YOU”. ---&--- Unless you repent, ye shall also parish”. --- But have it your way! --- With ALL your prayers, - for your success in your feeble ministry, - I am against you also. – Now let us see whose prayer will overcome; - yours or mine.

If your enemy is not false doctrine, or the doctrines of the devil the LIAR, then you are the ENEMY also. – If I’m your enemy, we are at war with one another. However, you have on your side, the help of ALL the other nations / churches of the false christ / the Antichrist NOW! --- Ephesians 6:12-13 KJV --- That’s the TRUTH ALSO! --- I am but one, and I have all the help of all the Angels of the Lord I need. --- Hebrews 12:22-23 KJV --- God also said that. – If that is YOU, you will deserve to defeat me. – However, if that is me, Christ will deliver you into my hands. – UUHHH! - I think that’s the way it goes, isn’t it?

You and your world are under judgment of Christ now, and you run and hide in the dirt with the other scholars and scholar sympathizers, such as the wisdom of the Ask Mr. Good Works guy.
It’s not your government’s place to TEACH GOD; it’s the true Church’s place to teach GOD! – How wise does one have to be to believe what God has said about anything?

The good and honest heart is not the dishonest heart. - There could be a multitude of honest hearts that have not been taught Christ and his Gospel by the true Church. – The Christian teaches the TRUTH, not anything else, concerning God. The Truth is only the Word of God, in the letter of it, AND THE SPIRIT OF IT! – The Christian does not teach against any person, whether that person is a “Dignitary” or not. - ONLY a “Dignitary” can have “DIGNITY”, no one else. --- 2 Peter 2:10-11 KJV – “Presumptuous are they, self-willed, THEY ARE NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK EVIL OF DIGNITIES. 11- WHEREAS ANGELS, WHICH ARE GREATER IN POWER AND MIGHT, bring not railing accusation”. -----

The “dishonest heart” cannot be taught Christ, no matter what Christ said, and that is the world of false prophets who have studied for years and still cannot learn and teach only the Word of God. - If you are right then the catholics are wrong. If any other person / prophet is right, then YOU ARE WRONG and are under the judgment of Christ through Satan. – Read JOB! – YOU have missed the resurrection / “THE RAPTURE?”. – You have already been judged to be in error by the things the Lord has said and the things that are written in the Books of the Lord / Bible / the Scriptures. – The New Testament is the “Book of Life”. It’s the Book the God of Life has given to the Christian to LIVE BY, and all of you have denied the very words that give Life to the Children of Christ. – If your name is not written in the Book of Life / The New Testament, you are but a false prophet or a follower of that devil that teaches from his own dishonest heart. – Christ is the Word of God and is the Anointed Word which is the giver of Life to those who believe the whole Christ / the Anointed Word / Jesus. The Gospel that Jesus shed is the Blood that flows through the Body of Jesus the Christ. – The Christian’s new name is the “Word of God”, that’s his name; which is Jesus Christ’s new name given to us. The “Word of God” is the “NAME” that is written in the New Testament / the Book of Life; with our NAME, the Word of God.

NONE OF YOU can prove me wrong in this. If any of you could, you would fall all over yourselves to prove me wrong, but you cannot.

The Christian / the Church’s only duty is to fight false doctrines, and save souls from the devil and his doctrines. --- Mark 16:15-16 KJV – 15- “He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. 16- HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED; but he that “believeth not” shall be damned”. ----- ( AND ( IS ) Baptized ). --- Acts 8:36-37 KJV - See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? 37- And Philip said, IF THOU BELIEVEST WITH ALL THINE HEART, THOU MAYEST”. ----- God said that ALSO, - why is that NOT the TRUTH? - That is more spoken of God than that foolish “GAP garbage” you now teach.

Paul – 012611

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Where under God or in Christ’s name do you guys get your Doctrines? You just pull them out of the air of the devil’s world. – Is the GAP DOCTRINE now your doctrine?
Has anyone around here have advanced it? :squint:

– There is nothing that even hints at such a “Truth”.
I think the theory is reaching, but that's not an altogether accurate assessment. Here's a place that at least demonstrates how some are connecting those dots, if you're interested in picking it apart by particulars.

- Do any of you have the slightest idea what the TRUTH IS?
Sure. And thanks for asking. :thumb:

– The Word of God is the evidence of what ever the CHRISTIAN teaches. – Not the absence of the Word!
You haven't read it then. It's not all about absence. There are affirmative treatments as well, whatever you think of the thinness. Again, not my theory, just saying you should criticize what's there to be had.

– You all go on and on about the cross to each other
Try finding salvation without it. I'll wait. :plain:

You and your world are under judgment of Christ now, and you run and hide in the dirt with the other scholars and scholar sympathizers, such as the wisdom of the Ask Mr. Good Works guy.
Envy isn't becoming in a Christian, no matter what you wrap it in.

The good and honest heart is not the dishonest heart.
And your elbow isn't a sandwich. Right.

NONE OF YOU can prove me wrong in this. If any of you could, you would fall all over yourselves to prove me wrong, but you cannot.
You know, I had a cousin who loved to play chess but if he was ever cornered and his king was set to be taken he'd grip it in his fist and hold it upright. Nobody could beat him...sort of. :D


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I never shop at the Gap.....personally I think their stuff is kinda gay. :plain:

some other dude

New member
Has anyone around here have advanced it? :squint:

I think the theory is reaching, but that's not an altogether accurate assessment. Here's a place that at least demonstrates how some are connecting those dots, if you're interested in picking it apart by particulars.

Sure. And thanks for asking. :thumb:

You haven't read it then. It's not all about absence. There are affirmative treatments as well, whatever you think of the thinness. Again, not my theory, just saying you should criticize what's there to be had.

Try finding salvation without it. I'll wait. :plain:

Envy isn't becoming in a Christian, no matter what you wrap it in.

And your elbow isn't a sandwich. Right.

You know, I had a cousin who loved to play chess but if he was ever cornered and his king was set to be taken he'd grip it in his fist and hold it upright. Nobody could beat him...sort of. :D

Town - LA goes to bed having spent the day watching stuff like Swaggert. Maybe he eats a few too many peanut butter and sliced onion sandwiches too. He wakes up in the middle of the night and bangs on his keyboard like a roomful of amphetamine crazed monkeys until he passes out. When he wakes up in the morning, he cuts and pastes to TOL and clicks send.


New member
Has anyone around here have advanced it? :squint:

I think the theory is reaching, but that's not an altogether accurate assessment. Here's a place that at least demonstrates how some are connecting those dots, if you're interested in picking it apart by particulars.

Sure. And thanks for asking. :thumb:

You haven't read it then. It's not all about absence. There are affirmative treatments as well, whatever you think of the thinness. Again, not my theory, just saying you should criticize what's there to be had.

Try finding salvation without it. I'll wait. :plain:

Envy isn't becoming in a Christian, no matter what you wrap it in.

And your elbow isn't a sandwich. Right.

You know, I had a cousin who loved to play chess but if he was ever cornered and his king was set to be taken he'd grip it in his fist and hold it upright. Nobody could beat him...sort of. :D

Christ and the Devil is not a chest game to me, but maybe is to you guys.

Paul -- 013111

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Christ and the Devil is not a chest game to me, but maybe is to you guys.
Chest game? :think: Freudian slip? A little thumping concern under the surface there?

For out of the abundance...but hey, prove me wrong. Find an argument that doesn't revolve around you. :plain:


Well-known member
Chest game? :think: Freudian slip? A little thumping concern under the surface there?

For out of the abundance...but hey, prove me wrong. Find an argument that doesn't revolve around you. :plain:

A little hard to do when you are the center of the known universe ... and the fount of all knowledge ...

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
I remember Jimmy Swaggart from the old days when he was at the top of his game. And then he sinned ...


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I remember Jimmy Swaggart from the old days when he was at the top of his game. And then he sinned ...

That was against me 'ya know....he sinned against me. He said so on T.V. He was crying when he said it though, so I didn't get too mad. :plain:


New member
That was against me 'ya know....he sinned against me. He said so on T.V. He was crying when he said it though, so I didn't get too mad. :plain:

I believe those tears caused any number of trembling old ladies to rush for their checkbooks!

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
That was against me 'ya know....he sinned against me. He said so on T.V. He was crying when he said it though, so I didn't get too mad. :plain:
:chuckle: Never thought of it that way. What I thought at the time was, "oh-oh."

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
I believe those tears caused any number of trembling old ladies to rush for their checkbooks!
Apparently wasn't enough. He lost a considerable number of congregants and funding for a good portion of his TV syndication.
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