Stunning TOL Debate on McCain

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Stunning TOL Debate on McCain

This is the show from Tuesday October 14th, 2008.


* Read this Stunning Last Post at TOL: Will Duffy and Jim Scofield teamed up to debate a couple of Republicans over at You'll want to read this stunning last post of the debate called Battle Royale XIII: Is it Immoral to Vote for McCain.

* Reason 433 to Pull Her Out of Public School: In a town near you, another pervert public school teacher molests students.

* American Right To Life Action Blasts John McCain: Check out this ARTLA Presidential Voter's Guide at ARTL Action's website (click on the chart to see a larger version).

* Rocky Mountain News Letter to the Editor: M.D. Bernhardt, Arvada, published Oct. 13, 2008: "Sarah Palin would have us believe she is pro-life. She says that the abortion issue should be decided by the individual states. I would like to ask Palin one question: What is the difference between saying a woman has the right to allow her unborn children to be killed and saying a state has the right to allow its unborn children to be killed? We mustn't be duped by this pro-choice politician. America's Independent Party presidential candidate Alan Keyes and his running mate, Colorado's own Brian Rohrbough, know that a righteous federal government should never allow the intentional killing of the most innocent among us. They know that personhood begins at fertilization. And that, Sarah Palin, is the true meaning of pro-life." Headlined: Keyes, Rohrbough the pro-life candidates. BEL: " deceive, if possible, even the elect."

Post-show Note:
-McCain Rejects the Right To Life of the Unborn
-McCain Gives $100s of Millions to Abortionists
-McCain Kills the Tiniest Kids for Research
-McCain Rejects Human Life Amendments
-McCain Promises Judges who Reject RTL
-McCain Doesn't Even Seem to Truly Oppose Roe
-McCain and Palin Refuse to Enforce 14th Amendment
-McCain Funds Surgical Abortions

* Focus II: An organization at the domain name "" doesn't want you to see the groundbreaking DVD, Focus on the Strategy II. You may want to check it out anyway!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources! And if you subscribe to the BEL Televised Classics, you will see this debate on TV, since it is one of the many extraordinary programs that come to your home on DVD when you subscribe!
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