Star Of Bethlehem: Proof -

patrick jane

This video is an awesome testament to the Power of God. The video shows through scripture, astronomy software, and deduction the real Star of Bethlehem. He also calculates the Day of the Cross and how there was a blood moon at the hour of Jesus' death. The video is so good that an hour goes by quickly. This is a MUST watch for every CHRISTIAN AND SKEPTIC alike. It's proof to me, but I believed before I saw it.



Well-known member
I would read a synopsis of the movie, or some other source that explains this- if you provide a link. I am not going to watch a one hour film, no matter how many times you bump it .


New member
Patrick, just between you and me the "star" that levitated over the house was an angel. But don't tell anybody. it's our secret.

patrick jane

Patrick, just between you and me the "star" that levitated over the house was an angel. But don't tell anybody. it's our secret.
Wrong, jamie. God moved heaven and earth to show the star at that exact time. You really must watch the video to see, he displays the stars and Jupiter, which crowns Regulus in Leo - King, King, King and there's much more. You will be riveted and on the edge of your seat, the 60 minutes will fly by.


patrick jane

Astronomical stars don't stand over a house, they would burn up the house.

I don't subscribe to astrology.
It was Jupiter and it's called retrograde motion, which he goes back in time to show the astronomical alignments at the conception through birth. Here's a shorter version
