Stakeholder capitalism - communism in new dressings


Well-known member
World leaders are not interested in helping individual nations become freer and more prosperous, they are interested in making every nation in the world equal in wealth or in poverty, in freedom or lack of freedom, in religion or lack of religion, and so forth. Anti-American independence world leaders are floating economic ideas which are clearly anti-capitalism and pro-communism, but they call it "stakeholder capitalism" to make it seem like a great idea.

Covid is being used to bring about what these anti-American, anti-capitalism world socialists refer to as the "Great reset" Stakeholder capitalism will be the new fiscal policy to replace capitalism.

Stakeholder Capitalism at the 2019 Business Roundtable
In August 2019, Business Roundtable released a new "Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation" which said all its member companies share a fundamental commitment to all their stakeholders. “The American dream is alive, but fraying,” said Jamie Dimon, chair and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and chair of Business Roundtable, in a statement. “Major employers are investing in their workers and communities because they know it is the only way to be successful over the long term. These modernized principles reflect the business community’s unwavering commitment to continue to push for an economy that serves all Americans.”
Billionaire philanthropist and Inc. (CRM) co-founder Marc Benioff attributes his company's impressive financial returns to its policy of valuing all stakeholders equally:
" Capitalism, as we know, it is dead. We’re going to see a new kind of capitalism—and it won't be the Milton Friedman capitalism, that is just about making money. The new capitalism is that businesses are here to serve their shareholders, but also their stakeholders — employees, customers, public schools, homeless and the planet." — Marc Benioff, Chair and co-CEO of Salesforce


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
..." Capitalism, as we know, it is dead. We’re going to see a new kind of capitalism—and it won't be the Milton Friedman capitalism, that is just about making money. The new capitalism is that businesses are here to serve their shareholders, but also their stakeholders — employees, customers, public schools, homeless and the planet." — Marc Benioff, Chair and co-CEO of Salesforce
That "new capitalism" plays out in the market and in the courts. Both of which are beyond the reach of lawmakers.


Well-known member
That "new capitalism" plays out in the market and in the courts. Both of which are beyond the reach of lawmakers.
Global warming and covid are being used by World Marxists to overthrow American capitalism in favor of world Marxism.

Leftist world leaders hate capitalism and American freedom and prosperity. They think they do good by destroying capitalism in western nations and replacing it with government-mandated and controlled programs to spread the wealth around so nobody is much richer than anyone else, including Americans, compared to Haitians. Leftist world leaders believe rich nations like the US should bear the lion's share of the trillions of dollars in costs needed to stop global warming. Leftist world leaders believe it is the responsibility of the authoritative government to establish wage and price controls so no business owner gets rich and no worker has wages much lower than CEOs in corporations they work for. Leftists wish to use the Great reset to shower money, favors, special privileges, and selected individual rights on blacks not given to whites because of slavery of hundreds of years ago.

And so sickenly forth.

...But that wasn’t the whole story. Advocates of shareholder capitalism, including Milton Friedman and the Chicago School, had neglected the fact that a publicly listed corporation is not just a profit-seeking entity but also a social organism. Together with financial-industry pressures to boost short-term results, the single-minded focus on profits caused shareholder capitalism to become increasingly disconnected from the real economy. Many realize this form of capitalism is no longer sustainable. The question is: why have attitudes begun to change only now?
The Greta Thunberg effect
One likely reason is the “Greta Thunberg” effect. The young Swedish climate activist has reminded us that adherence to the current economic system represents a betrayal of future generations, owing to its environmental unsustainability. Another (related) reason is that millennials and Generation Z no longer want to work for, invest in, or buy from companies that lack values beyond maximizing shareholder value. And, finally, executives and investors have started to recognize that their own long-term success is closely linked to that of their customers, employees, and suppliers.


Well-known member
World leaders are not interested in helping individual nations become freer and more prosperous, they are interested in making every nation in the world equal in wealth or in poverty, in freedom or lack of freedom, in religion or lack of religion, and so forth. Anti-American independence world leaders are floating economic ideas which are clearly anti-capitalism and pro-communism, but they call it "stakeholder capitalism" to make it seem like a great idea.

Covid is being used to bring about what these anti-American, anti-capitalism world socialists refer to as the "Great reset" Stakeholder capitalism will be the new fiscal policy to replace capitalism.

Stakeholder Capitalism at the 2019 Business Roundtable
In August 2019, Business Roundtable released a new "Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation" which said all its member companies share a fundamental commitment to all their stakeholders. “The American dream is alive, but fraying,” said Jamie Dimon, chair and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and chair of Business Roundtable, in a statement. “Major employers are investing in their workers and communities because they know it is the only way to be successful over the long term. These modernized principles reflect the business community’s unwavering commitment to continue to push for an economy that serves all Americans.”
Billionaire philanthropist and Inc. (CRM) co-founder Marc Benioff attributes his company's impressive financial returns to its policy of valuing all stakeholders equally:
" Capitalism, as we know, it is dead. We’re going to see a new kind of capitalism—and it won't be the Milton Friedman capitalism, that is just about making money. The new capitalism is that businesses are here to serve their shareholders, but also their stakeholders — employees, customers, public schools, homeless and the planet." — Marc Benioff, Chair and co-CEO of Salesforce
Biden's stupid global tax initiative falls flat on its face as other nations reject the nonsense outright.

Too many stupid Americans voted the bozo in not knowing how stupid and detrimental his leftist ideas were and now we are faced with one embarrassment after another as Biden seeks to spread his leftist insanity around the globe. Leftist democrats think morons like AOC or Al Gore are right to promote global warming fears, so we find Biden trying to tax other nations as well as Americans to collect and spend the tens of trillions of dollars the idiots think must be invested to keep the world from being destroyed. Global warming is also not just about the weather, as world experts keep reminding us. Biden needs the trillions of tax dollars to spend in efforts to rid the world of poverty, of racism, of fundamental religion, and of capitalism, among other goals.

Nine countries have refused to sign onto an international tax reform framework that includes a 15 percent global minimum corporate tax pushed by the Biden administration as a way to reduce international tax arbitrage by U.S. multinationals and blunt the impact of President Joe Biden’s proposed domestic corporate tax hike.
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Well-known member
World leaders are not interested in helping individual nations become freer and more prosperous, they are interested in making every nation in the world equal in wealth or in poverty, in freedom or lack of freedom, in religion or lack of religion, and so forth. Anti-American independence world leaders are floating economic ideas which are clearly anti-capitalism and pro-communism, but they call it "stakeholder capitalism" to make it seem like a great idea.

Covid is being used to bring about what these anti-American, anti-capitalism world socialists refer to as the "Great reset" Stakeholder capitalism will be the new fiscal policy to replace capitalism.

Stakeholder Capitalism at the 2019 Business Roundtable
In August 2019, Business Roundtable released a new "Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation" which said all its member companies share a fundamental commitment to all their stakeholders. “The American dream is alive, but fraying,” said Jamie Dimon, chair and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and chair of Business Roundtable, in a statement. “Major employers are investing in their workers and communities because they know it is the only way to be successful over the long term. These modernized principles reflect the business community’s unwavering commitment to continue to push for an economy that serves all Americans.”
Billionaire philanthropist and Inc. (CRM) co-founder Marc Benioff attributes his company's impressive financial returns to its policy of valuing all stakeholders equally:
" Capitalism, as we know, it is dead. We’re going to see a new kind of capitalism—and it won't be the Milton Friedman capitalism, that is just about making money. The new capitalism is that businesses are here to serve their shareholders, but also their stakeholders — employees, customers, public schools, homeless and the planet." — Marc Benioff, Chair and co-CEO of Salesforce
Most Americans will never see it coming until it is too late.
The US is currently one of the richest if not the richest nation in the world. World financial and policy leaders are determined to change that as they implement changes they think will help reduce world poverty, income inequality, wealth inequality, global warming, and a host of other ills they think are threatening the world. The Global Reset will rob Americans of wealth, savings, retirement benefits, wages and income, and so forth. Most Americans do not believe that will ever happen, but they are wrong.

A controversial plan to boost global liquidity means the days of the U.S. dollar being the undisputed king of the international monetary system may be coming to a close, experts told The Epoch Times.
Losing that status could contribute to a serious crisis for the United States involving a dramatic loss of economic purchasing power, a geopolitical realignment and everything associated with those shocks.
For well over a decade, leading commentators and even political leaders around the world—including Communist Chinese central bank officials and numerous European leaders—have called for making the SDR into a true global currency.
Those calls are growing amid the push for a “Great Reset.” The “reset” plan, which would transform everything from business to governance, is being promoted by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the IMF, the British monarchy and other power centers as a way to improve the world.
Ostensibly aimed at making the world more “green” and “sustainable,” the shift would require a much larger role for the public sector at the national and international level while moving the world away from what remains of the free-market system. Widespread proliferation of new technologies associated with the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” are a critical component of the effort, too.
A restructuring of the international monetary system led by the IMF on the way to the globalization of currency—with the looming SDR issuance as a major step—is likely to play a key role in the global reset as well.

Right Divider

Body part
That "new capitalism" plays out in the market and in the courts. Both of which are beyond the reach of lawmakers.
That makes no sense. Lawmakers make the laws that the courts are supposed to uphold.
And laws effect how the "market plays out".
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Well-known member
That "new capitalism" plays out in the market and in the courts. Both of which are beyond the reach of lawmakers.
The 'new capitalism' is a leftist concept, along with the 'global reset' and 'bail-in' ideas. American courts will not be able to stop world financiers from cutting off American access to credit which, if that is done, will devastate the American economy and obliterate trillions of dollars in market-held wealth.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The 'new capitalism' is a leftist concept, along with the 'global reset' and 'bail-in' ideas. American courts will not be able to stop world financiers from cutting off American access to credit which, if that is done, will devastate the American economy and obliterate trillions of dollars in market-held wealth.
:unsure: Oh, I'm sure they will come up with some sort of identification for those who jump through their little hoops of subjugation to identify them so they can buy and sell necessities. They still need our labor.....And there will be enough luxuries available that the more foolish ones (the majority) can call themselves "middle class".



Well-known member
:unsure: Oh, I'm sure they will come up with some sort of identification for those who jump through their little hoops of subjugation to identify them so they can buy and sell necessities. They still need our labor.....And there will be enough luxuries available that the more foolish ones (the majority) can call themselves "middle class".

The destruction of American values and freedoms is the goal of secular world leaders who want America made to conform to Marxist ideals they desire to force all nations into conformity with. Under globalist Marxism every nation will be made to contribute to the global secularist fight to reduce global warming, poverty, income inequality, religious extremism, sickness and disease, population overgrowth, and much more. Free enterprise and free markets will be replaced with the new Marsist business model "stakeholder capitalism" which is just another way of saying the government owns the business, not individuals or shareholders.

Americans will lose their freedoms, their wealth, and their voices as the fascist one-world Marxists convert the whole world to a global Marxist system of brutal totalitarian government.


Well-known member
Point of order; you can't classify it as a "loss" if you throw it away with both hands. Just sayin'. 😐
I grieve for the good Americans who will lose their freedoms and wealth because bad politicians and their bad supporters are throwing good peoples' freedoms and prosperity away.


Well-known member
Global warming and covid are being used by World Marxists to overthrow American capitalism in favor of world Marxism.
Global warming foolishness and hysteria is rooted in the activism of the young and ignorant of earlier decades, as exposed by one expert who knows best.

Moore said the push for net-zero carbon emissions by governments around the world is “purely a political slogan.”
“I’m not sure how they could reduce CO2 emissions if they didn’t stop using fossil fuels virtually altogether,” he said, questioning how the transportation, agriculture, mining, and forestry sectors could function without them.
“I believe this is an unattainable political goal for society. And I also believe it is a goal that will bring greater hardship than people have endured since the great wars, since the great disease epidemics of the past.”
