Springing up of the "Untoward Generation"



70 Generations of Luke 3 are Blessed, and the 42 Generations of Matthew 1 are Cursed. The Last Generation or the "Untoward Generations" of Acts 2:40 must come out of the Cursed Generation of Matthew 1. Therefore this Generations must first be Cursed, before it can receive the blessing of revelation.

70 Generations of Luke 3 and 42 Generations of Matthew 1 are summarized by the division of David's Son Nathan, which only appears in Luke, but does not appear in Matthew for this reason the 42 Generations of Matthew must be the Cursed or "Untoward Generation of Revelation", Zechariah 12:12 and 2Samuel12:7.

Prophets, Governments and Chruches blinded by the Curse of Matthew's Generations

God makes their walk of faith more difficult by giving them more sin in their walk of faith so its easier for them to become unfaithful, if there is sin in their testimony. That is what I want to imply, rather than saying they cannot serve as a faithful witness. These are the three abridges in the Genealogy of Matthew, stated in Matthew 1:17:

1. Abraham to David - Lot the Prophet was Cut off Spiritually by Abraham (Genesis 18)
2. David to Babylon - Uriah was Cut off Spiritually by David (2Samuel)
3. Babylon to Christ - Zacharias was Cut off Spiritually by Christ (Luke 1)

1. Fornication was the method of conviction
2. Vulgarity was the method of conviction
3. Silence was the method of conviction

Matthew Declares that 3/5's of the 70 Generations of Luke 3 are shutdown when the New Testament begins, but where are we now?

The "Untoward Generation" of Acts 2:40 is the Last Generation that comes out of the spiritual grave the most of the world's population enjoys. When the "Two Witnesses" come on to the scene, for most of the world's population all of the 70 Generations of Luke are shutdown spiritually. Thus the Antichrist/Two Witnesses must complete this sin which ends on the "Three Days of Darkness", when most of humanlife on earth is terminated the same time they are executed:

Three Days of Darkness = 14 + 14 + 14 of Luke and Matthew
Two Witnesses = 14 + 14 of Luke

Thus we arrive at the figure of 70 Generations of Luke as the fulfillment of the "Untoward Generation"'s Sin against God that must be removed before the Antichrist reigns for 5 months. (so it follows false witnesses follow the pattern in illustrating their sin, or this is their preference in making the gospel an outcast).

Genetic Lines + Spiritually Convicted

We are missing a few key points of information if we remain faithful to the pattern of 14 Generations, that are abridged of 70 Generations, to indicate conviction of Satan that must be completed to furnish the blessing of revelation:

14 = Abraham to David
14 = David to Babylon
14 = Babylon to Christ
14 = Solomon Stalls Contradiction of 4,000 or 40,000 (Four Genetic Lines, Census Report Offenders) (Apostle Paul)
14 = Jehoiachin's Reign Contradiction of 8 or 18 (Two Witnesses Confirming the Covenant)

God has already completed the Spiritual Conviction of the 4 Genetic Lines attributed to Genetic Dan, this was completely relatively when the United States of America was founded perhaps with the Apostle Paul. The Antichrist is convicting mankind now, and this will be completed when the "Three Days of Darkness" begins, as revelation indicates.

Restatement - Recall the Apostle John was told to be "Silent" in Revelation so the Antichrist could take his place as a witness for God

14 = Abraham to David
14 = David to Babylon
14 = Babylon to Christ
14 = Christ to Paul
14 = Paul to Antichrist

Love and Blessings (70 Generations of God that becomes the Curse of Cain for Satan, that must be cleansed by the resurrection of the "Two Witnesses", so that the blessing of Star Wormwood can be bestowed, this is soon to be done)
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If this is the preface.....waiting for the rest of it.....Peace

70 Generations of Sin that must be Redeemed (in sets of 14 Generations)
1. Abraham to David = Books of Moses (Ten Commandments, Exodus 34:28)
2. David to Babylon = Old Testament (Genealogy Division of Matthew and Luke, Zechariah 12:12)
3. Babylon to Christ = New Testament (Jesus Corrects the Law, Acts 1:3)
4. Christ to Paul = Genetics (Blood Curse of Acts 28:8) (Paul Corrects the Law for the Jews, Acts 23:12-13)
5. Paul to Antichrist = Confirmation of Covenant (Little Book Rev. 10:9) (Antichrist Corrects the Law for the Jews, Rev. 13:5)

40 Days in which God reproves the Law before the Generational Conviction is Completed (Timeline)

1. 40 Days "Follow Previous Example"
2. 40 Days (40 Days indicated by 42nd Division of Matthew from Luke's Genealogy) "Follow Previous Example"
3. 40 Days "Follow Previous Example"
4. 40 Days "Follow Previous Example"
5. 40 Days (40 Days indicated by the 42 Months Division from Christ (God) and Antichrist (Babylon)

Timeline = Time it Took for the Bodies of the Saints/Temple Stones to Rise before the Earth = Time it Took before the 40 Days began:

1. Sojourn in Egypt that ended with the, Exodus 12:29
2. Angel Writing on the Wall of Daniel that Ended with, Esther 5:14
3. Jesus Writing in the Sand that Ended with, Acts 1:8-9
4. Paul is Blinded by Star Wormwood that Ends with, Acts 12:23
5. Antichrist is Given Power to Prophecy before God that Ends with, Rev. 11:9

Calculation Methods are Various

1. Enslavement
2. Star Sirius (Stars are Reverenced, Possibly Other)
3. Life Span of Jesus Christ
4. Pole Star Polaris (Stars are Referenced)
5. Life Span of Antichrist

1. Joseph (Babylon) was given Authority over Isreal for 430 Years
2. Daniel Measures the Stars by Measuring Babylon
3. Jesus Lifespan is set for an example to reprove Babylon (Luke 3:23, Jesus counted with "Two Witnesses")
4. (Paul was Blinded), "No Man Knows, Not God, Not the Angels, Not the Son of Man", however Babylon does know
5. Antichrist (Babylon) Lifespan is Limited by By David (Hebrews 4:7)

Daniel Numbers Babylon, So He Numbers the Lifespan of the Antichrist

1290 of Daniel 12 = 1260 of Rev. 11:3 + 30 of Luke 3:23 or 12210 Days which is about 33.4 years which Parallels David's Reign over Jerusalem.

1335 of Daniel 12 = 1290 of the Antichrist Lifespan + 40 Days of Tribulation + 5 Months of Revelation or 1335.

(The Interpretation is Doubled because God has established the Law)

3:23 of Luke which declares the "Two Witnesses", also restates Matthew 18:16, this states that 3/23/2016 Ends the 12210 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan, completing the 40 Days of the Tribulation.


New member
Thank you for your reply, I'm going to study this some. I love hearing the sound of "many waters". Peace


Thank you for your reply, I'm going to study this some. I love hearing the sound of "many waters". Peace

(1260 Days + 30 Years = 1290 or 12210 Days ... ... ... ... Gona change the tone slightly)


LUKE 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
LUKE 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

This is a parable about the Antichrist. When Lazarus died, he did not go with the Angels, but he was placed by the Angels into Abraham's Bosom instead. Jesus places the Antichrist in his bosom also in John 13:23 ... this statement continues in John 19:26-27 when Jesus identifies the "Man Child" of Revelation, that is the child of the Holy Spirit, by reason of Joseph (Babylon).

1. Moses Killed A Unknown Man, Exodus 2:12
2. David Killed A Unknown Man, 1 Samuel 20:36
3. Christ Killed A Unknown Man, Matthew 21:19
4. Paul Killed A Unknown Man, Acts 28:4
5. God Killed A Unknown Man, Revelation 11:10

This follows how the Law of the Gospel was Given in our Previous Description, as an abridge more correctly than the statement of Matthew 1:17. Between right now, and the initial beginning of the 40 Days of the Tribulation, only loss of life will reprove the suicidal nature of humanity the Antichrist is contending with by giving the gospel. Even if they choose not to acknowledge the position, using any measure of force to attack the Antichrist is suicide and this must be illustrated soon, if we follow the gospel, and as it is necessary.

40 Days of the Tribulation will be used to resolve Aaron's Genetic Line and Clergy as it is stated in the New Testament.

Blood Sacrifice of Genetic Dan = 185,000 (Berodachbaladan)
II KINGS 20:12 At that time Berodachbaladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present unto Hezekiah: for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick.
ACTS 20:8 And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.
ACTS 20:9 And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.

Aaron's Son, Eleazor is not used as a substitute for Aaron instead the word Eutychus is used to indicate the Blood Sacrifice that must be done, or the Separatist Inheritance* of Aaron is invalidated, along with all of them when the "Three Days of Darkness" begins. The Book of Revelation calls this the "Devil and Satan"'s War, because Genetic Dan will become a human predator (Isiah 21:9-13, declares the Genetic Lines of Genetic Dan will become weaponized when the Sign of Antipas/Antiparticle/Divorce, happens). Love and Blessings.

way 2 go

Well-known member
Daniel Numbers Babylon, So He Numbers the Lifespan of the Antichrist

1290 of Daniel 12 = 1260 of Rev. 11:3 + 30 of Luke 3:23 or 12210 Days which is about 33.4 years which Parallels David's Reign over Jerusalem.

1335 of Daniel 12 = 1290 of the Antichrist Lifespan + 40 Days of Tribulation + 5 Months of Revelation or 1335.

(The Interpretation is Doubled because God has established the Law)

3:23 of Luke which declares the "Two Witnesses", also restates Matthew 18:16, this states that 3/23/2016 Ends the 12210 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan, completing the 40 Days of the Tribulation.


which are you unstudied or here to fool us ?

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2Ti_4:3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

Israel did not repent at Jesus preaching
and were cut off Rom 11:15

they all died
Mat 16:28 Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

that GENERATION passed away
Mat 24:34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

Daniels prophecies were for a repentant Israel.
Israel was cut off so your conclusions are wrong.

Jer 18:9 And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it,
Jer 18:10 and if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it.

way 2 go

Well-known member
(1260 Days + 30 Years = 1290 or 12210 Days ... ... ... ... Gona change the tone slightly)

LUKE 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
LUKE 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

This is a parable about the Antichrist. When Lazarus died, he did not go with the Angels, but he was placed by the Angels into Abraham's Bosom instead. Jesus places the Antichrist in his bosom also in John 13:23 ... this statement continues in John 19:26-27 when Jesus identifies the "Man Child" of Revelation, that is the child of the Holy Spirit, by reason of Joseph (Babylon).
this parable is not about the antichrist.

John was the disciple that was at Jesus side not Judas



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70 Generations of Sin that must be Redeemed (in sets of 14 Generations).......


I think I'll just stick with the Bible. I don't think it's meant to be this hard.