Spiritual ~genetics~:


New member
Since none of you can respond like a Christian; I’ll respond to you with another Thread.

When I was giving you the make up of “Water”, as a compound of few droplets of compressed energy, I didn’t mean to leave you dangling with just “water”. Water is only one of the simplest compound harmonics of compressed frequencies. There are many simple compounds, such as “Salt”, “Sulfuric Acid”, and “Sugar”, and many others. But to get into the more complex compounds such as “Pine wood”, “Coal”, and “Hair”, or the much more complex compounds such as “Earth worms”, “Dogs”, and “Apes”; and Going into the very complex compounds; - the Compounds are seen as not compounds, but beings, - lower than the man. – However, the Man, “Carbon” Compound is still the same as the most simple, or the more complex compounds of any “Primary component”, complex compound, or just Extreme complex compounds. Man is one of the Extreme, “Primary Component”, complex compounds. - Scientists had to start using the term, - “Genetics”, or the “Helix Genetic Ladder”. - The HGL is no different from the simple H2O description of any Compound, simple, or the Extreme, Primary Component, complex compounds. The ( Genetics ) of any Complex Compound such as any animal or plant is still the structure of the Compound. – When the scientists go into the Genetics of Compound Structure, they’re doing no more than showing, or referring to the Complexity of the Compound. The Genetic Helix is the same as the CO2, or H2O, or H2SO4 description of the Compound – Living matter compounds are still only complex compounds of complex compounds, and more. -- HOWEVER, the Life of any creature is not represented as any of the components of any Compounds. – The Life has its own structure of components known as ( “Truths” ). The Spirit is composed of complex Components of “Truth”! – God, or the Spirit of Christ, the Body of Christ is merely composed of all components of the Truth. There is no difference between the, ( Say, - the genetic structure ) of the Christian, Spirit, and God. - They have the same, - Say, - “Spiritual Genetic Structure”. – It really couldn’t be more simple, - if one is Christian, having the same Compounded Structure as God.

Paul – 072212