Spiritual Fitness!!


New member
Has not God made - “GUILT”, -- somewhat of an Illnesses, and death, - both spiritually and Carnally???? - Geniuses of the Mensa Group / Church who call themselves "Christians", -- ( Which are very Few ), - are they not placing themselves in the dangers of the "Disease of Lies, knowing they are Lying????? – How then can these Liars continue in “GOOD” Health, or are they becoming - ( "Secretly very ILL" ) in spirit and in the "Flesh & Mind"?? -- Sleeping well?? -- Mind at Ease?? -- Not for the Known Liar such as they!!!

OOHHHH I think you all Know the answer to that, I do!!

Paul – 060514


New member
it seems those who are dead inside or hate God seem to sleep well, and have a somewhat easy life here.but those with trembling and fear of God have life everlasting.


New member
it seems those who are dead inside or hate God seem to sleep well, and have a somewhat easy life here.but those with trembling and fear of God have life everlasting.

Don’t count on these ”Dead” - as you say, sleeping well. – They’re Liars and Mentally ILL in a Big Way.

Paul – 060514