Speaking in False Tongues!!


New member
How dare any of you say, “You speak in tongues”, and you can’t WALK ON WATER!!! – If you can speak in tongues, YOU CAN WALK ON WATER, - IF NEED BE ALSO!!! – The Apostles and those who were ORDAINED to GO PREACH THE GOSPEL, DID SPEAK IN TONGUES, BECAUSE THE “NEED” WAS THERE!!! – You false TEACHERS fake the speaking in tongues for the LYING OF IT!!!

If you can speak in Tongues, you can drink DRAINO, ANTIFREEZE, OR EAT RAT POISON, OR ROTTEN FOODS!!! – You would be immune to all snake bites, and bee stings, and poison ivy, or poison oak would have NO effect on you!!! “NOTHING” COULD HARM YOU IN ANY WAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! ---(((( THAT’S WHAT GOD SAID )))) --- IF YOU CAN SPEAK IN TONGUES!!! ---- READ IT!!!
Mark 16:17-18 KJV – “These signs shall follow them that believe; “-( IN MY NAME )-“ shall they cast out devils; -(( THEY SHALL SPEAK WITH NEW TONGUES,18-.THEY SHALL TAKE UP SERPENTS ; AND IF THEY DRINK ANY DEADLY THING ))-, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. ----- “READ IT AGAIN”, -- THAT’S WHAT GOD SAID!! – You bunch of lying, phony false lost prophets!!!!

When Jesus said, “IN MY NAME” you will do”, - That “MEANS”, HE TOLD YOU ( IN YOUR FACE ) TO DO IT!!!! --- And you call yourselves “CHRISTIANS”. HOW INSULTING CAN ANYONE GET!!!!
OOHH YES!! – You’re going to deny the Word there, and point out something that you’ll say CONTRADICTS WITH THAT!! / “CONTRADICTS” WITH IT!! – You guys NEED HELP!!


Paul – 112111
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New member
I find it Laughable to see these phoney preachers on TV

who throw out this Jibberish at the end of their sermons.

All they seem to want to do is satisfy their need for attention

and their Greed for Money.

Mt 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak,

they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.


New member
I find it Laughable to see these phoney preachers on TV

who throw out this Jibberish at the end of their sermons.

All they seem to want to do is satisfy their need for attention

and their Greed for Money.

Mt 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak,

they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.


Paul -- 112111


New member
I find it Laughable to see these phoney preachers on TV

who throw out this Jibberish at the end of their sermons.

All they seem to want to do is satisfy their need for attention

and their Greed for Money.

Mt 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak,

they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
