

[France Outlaws Spanking Kids, Bringing Ban Total to 52 Countries by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. | Breitbart] "The French parliament has passed a formal ban on spanking children, bringing the global total to 52 different countries where such corporal punishment in homes is against the law.

The new law that went into effect for 2017 bans “any cruel, degrading or humiliating punishment, including any use of physical violence,” including spanking in the home.

In passing the new regulation, France has joined a long list of countries that have outlawed corporal punishment. Unsurprisingly, the first country to make spanking illegal was Sweden, in 1979, followed by Finland in 1983. The last to join the list before France in 2016 were Mongolia, Paraguay and Slovenia..." Full text: France Outlaws Spanking Kids, Bringing Ban Total to 52 Countries


Should a Christian continue spanking his/her children if it is illegal?