Source of Syrian refugees ( it's not Assad)


New member

We have created a wave of immigration into the west since we thought we needed to give the middle East the blessings of democracy. Arab spring my butt. We should keep our Alice kravitz hands out of everyone's business.

Beyond this, my cynicism regarding globalists gave me another idea. We did all this with the intention of flooding the west with Islam. They want to further move the west away from its roots.

We have created a wave of immigration into the west since we thought we needed to give the middle East the blessings of democracy. Arab spring my butt. We should keep our Alice kravitz hands out of everyone's business.

Beyond this, my cynicism regarding globalists gave me another idea. We did all this with the intention of flooding the west with Islam. They want to further move the west away from its roots.

Amen. It's difficult to nail the agenda, beyond the one, in any case, overriding fact: Satan's agenda is being promulgated in this Middle East upheaval. It's been my opinion there are two things in play, the globalist agenda and the destruction of Israel, if there’s anything afoot apart from greed and empire, in the minds of corrupt men.

It's commonly known that it's out of chaos that you can get people to part with their rights and advance dictatorship, “never let a good crisis go to waste", in the West Muslims useful idiots, attack dogs to create that insecure atmosphere government will need to step in and solve, by regulating more of every aspect of your life, of course. Trying to kill freedom of speech and expression is big now, using the Muslims to make critical speech illegal, in the name of Islamaphobia, for fear of Muslims. (May as well advance an agenda to also accommodate fearful criminals, then, when government has always found it necessary to go on the offensive, fight them, jail them, not create criminal safe spaces, not find ways of placating criminals, which would reward criminality. How stupid would that be?)

It’s a joke how Christian expression is banned in the West, in such as the military, while Islamic expression is being advanced. Anyway, once you've managed criminalizing speech, criminalizing opposing religious faith or complaining of the Satanic dictators is cut from the same cloth, what psycho, Satanic dictatorships always do, rule by terror, make people live in fear to speak their minds, destroy and gag all opposition. Also, the rabid Islamic dog on the loose is happy to murder Christians and Jews, and, obviously, that thoroughly Satanic, anti-Semitic dog off the leash a great danger to Israel, advances that never ending agenda by Satan to destroy God's people: same tired, very old story, and mankind never learns, even despite Nazi Germany. Ecclesiastes 1:9

There's that saying, "It's all good." Well, in the case of that bogus "Arab Spring" you refer to, yes, "It's all bad." Sunni terrorists, the likes that brought the WTC down, are, again, being used as instruments of hypocritical U.S. policy. Then there's the simple, base instinct of greed at work. War and chaos are big business for defense contractors, their stockholders and the career stepping stones for professional warmongers. Got to have those boogeymen, splashed all over the mainstream news with the CIA talking points, to budget for, and the bigger the boogeymen the better. A world at peace and people not fearing for their security will never do, if your career and fortune are based on bullying every corner of the globe and piling up bodies. If you don’t have an enemy, you create one; if you don’t have a war, you make one.

When it comes down to it, who is the world really more concerned for the stability of, afraid of: North Korea, or the U.S.?

Habakkuk 2

4 Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.
5 Furthermore, wine betrays the haughty man, So that he does not stay at home. He enlarges his appetite like Sheol, And he is like death, never satisfied. He also gathers to himself all nations And collects to himself all peoples.
6 Will not all of these take up a taunt-song against him, Even mockery and insinuations against him And say, 'Woe to him who increases what is not his-- For how long-- And makes himself rich with loans?'
7 Will not your creditors rise up suddenly, And those who collect from you awaken? Indeed, you will become plunder for them.
8 Because you have looted many nations, All the remainder of the peoples will loot you-- Because of human bloodshed and violence done to the land, To the town and all its inhabitants.
9 Woe to him who gets evil gain for his house To put his nest on high, To be delivered from the hand of calamity!
10 You have devised a shameful thing for your house By cutting off many peoples; So you are sinning against yourself.
11 Surely the stone will cry out from the wall, And the rafter will answer it from the framework.
12 Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed And founds a town with violence!