Sorry, they aren't legal

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The Barbarian

Trump had senior staff sign nondisclosure agreements. They’re supposed to last beyond his presidency.
Back in April 2016, when the notion of Donald Trump in the White House still seemed fanciful, The Post’s Robert Costa and Bob Woodward sat down with Trump, and Costa, at one point, raised the subject of the nondisclosure agreements for employees of which the candidate was so fond.

Costa: “One thing I always wondered, are you going to make employees of the federal government sign nondisclosure agreements?”

Trump: “I think they should. . . . And I don’t know, there could be some kind of a law that you can’t do this. But when people are chosen by a man to go into government at high levels and then they leave government and they write a book about a man and say a lot of things that were really guarded and personal, I don’t like that. I mean, I’ll be honest. And people would say, oh, that’s terrible, you’re taking away his right to free speech. Well, he’s going in.”
Moreover, said the source, this confidentiality pledge would extend not only after an aide’s White House service but also beyond the Trump presidency.
“This is crazy,” said attorney Debra Katz, who has represented numerous government whistleblowers and negotiated nondisclosure agreements. “The idea of having some kind of economic penalty is an outrageous effort to limit and chill speech. Once again, this president believes employees owe him a personal duty of loyalty, when their duty of loyalty is to the institution.”

I haven’t been able to lay hands on the final agreement, but I do have a copy of a draft, and it is a doozy. It would expose violators to penalties of $10 million, payable to the federal government, for each and any unauthorized revelation of “confidential” information, defined as “all nonpublic information I learn of or gain access to in the course of my official duties in the service of the United States Government on White House staff,” including “communications . . . with members of the press” and “with employees of federal, state, and local governments.”
This is so ridiculously excessive, so laughably unconstitutional, that I doubted, when it first came my way, that anything like it was ever implemented — only to do some reporting and learn otherwise.

Ordinarily I would insert a response from the White House, but this is no ordinary White House: It dealt with my numerous requests for comment, to the press office and the counsel’s office, with complete silence.
Which raises the obvious question: Why is he so consistently frantic to ensure that no one knows what goes on behind closed doors?



Sorry, they aren't legal

Only in "Trumpland" does "David Dennison" have the right to use illegally hacked DNC emails from the Russians to promote his presidential campaign, but forces those surrounding him to sign nondisclosure agreements with $ millions in penalties!

patrick jane

Look at the Trump haters. Each day they get more frantic, flailing and grasping for something, anything that will stick. No Collusion. No Crimes by Don.



Look at the Trump haters. Each day they get more frantic, flailing and grasping for something, anything that will stick. No Collusion. No Crimes by Don.
In true "Trumpian" fashion, his surrogates "demonize" anyone whom they consider to be on the White House's "enemies list," but are quick to cry "foul" should anyone have the audacity to criticize President "David Dennison" - or whatever alias he chooses to use this week!

Today Stormy Daniels has "bested" this President once again, despite all the supposed advantages available to a billionaire in the Oval Office - he has now been forced to tweet that he is "David Dennison!"
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