sometimes we lose sight of the big picture... RE vast sums used to get elected


New member
...all that campaign money being raised, being spent so that someone can get elected... millions and millions of dollars...

no, it's probably (in the end) BILLIONS

and yet no one can, apparently, come up with an idea (much less IMPLEMENT It) as to how to house the destitute in this country, those who have nothing (Believe it or not, there ARE such people) .

I came up with an idea, and maybe i will submit it to my congressman... but you know... I've done that b4 (w/ a different non-related idea)... Most of the time those elitist so and so.s don't even bother to ANSWER you with a Thank for writing but we can't do that See ya later... letter...

too busy partying on the public dime, i guess...

anyway, i just thought i would mention the... elephant in the room.

I heard some prominent politician ( hardly matters the name... they all seem to be like this) when he gets out of office wants HUGE sums of money to build a library to glorify... OOPS, i mean commemorate his time in office...

Again... All that $$ being spent... for vanity.

Think of how much housing all that money could build... It could SOLVE the homeles problem

I am not saying Build fancy housing for the homeless... just (again) simple, one room "cells" for lack of a better word.. so they can get out of the dang weather... If the cells are small, they will not want to live there the rest of their lives... but it could maybe give them stability..

all the money being used to "commemorate" some narcissistic politician who loves spending YOUR money.. could be used to put a roof over... those humans who... well, while they are not as important as those said politicians in WA...

nevertheless would appear to deserve at least a shack or something..



patrick jane

...all that campaign money being raised, being spent so that someone can get elected... millions and millions of dollars...

no, it's probably (in the end) BILLIONS

and yet no one can, apparently, come up with an idea (much less IMPLEMENT It) as to how to house the destitute in this country, those who have nothing (Believe it or not, there ARE such people) .

I came up with an idea, and maybe i will submit it to my congressman... but you know... I've done that b4 (w/ a different non-related idea)... Most of the time those elitist so and so.s don't even bother to ANSWER you with a Thank for writing but we can't do that See ya later... letter...

too busy partying on the public dime, i guess...

anyway, i just thought i would mention the... elephant in the room.

I heard some prominent politician ( hardly matters the name... they all seem to be like this) when he gets out of office wants HUGE sums of money to build a library to glorify... OOPS, i mean commemorate his time in office...

Again... All that $$ being spent... for vanity.

Think of how much housing all that money could build... It could SOLVE the homeles problem

I am not saying Build fancy housing for the homeless... just (again) simple, one room "cells" for lack of a better word.. so they can get out of the dang weather... If the cells are small, they will not want to live there the rest of their lives... but it could maybe give them stability..

all the money being used to "commemorate" some narcissistic politician who loves spending YOUR money.. could be used to put a roof over... those humans who... well, while they are not as important as those said politicians in WA...

nevertheless would appear to deserve at least a shack or something..



i think about it with every election - billions, trillions all told, half wasted on losers - like Trimp