Something I learned in skoo yesterday (a dispatch from a suburb of Sodom)


Well-known member
As I mentioned in another post, I had the opportunity to visit a school yesterday. While I was there, an acquaintance told me of a female student who had made a request via a guidance counselor that, instead of being called by her actual name, he be called by a male name and referred to with the female pronouns he, him and his. Further, the counselor said, the girl's parents are fully on board with it.

I asked if this was just being passed on from the counselor as an FYI, or was this the decision of building admin that MUST be complied with?

Evidently the principal -- not wanting to make the news or be sued -- has decided that if the parents want it, teachers will comply. This is taking place in what I've been told is now the most conservative area left in this southern state. This is evidently also a viral fad in this school (the "boy" is not the only student so "oriented" in the building) so it's probably becoming more widespread throughout many schools. The little rainbow flags and pink triangles on the guidance counselor's doors can only encourage things.

Lawsuits are just a matter of time. Some career teachers (typically but not always older, more experienced and more valuable ones, but who can't retire yet) are now faced with a crisis of conscience: help confirm a child and her fool parents in their perversion and sin, OR refuse to comply and risk getting the district sued/getting fired for "genderqueer discrimination" or some such sodomite insanity. Or, again, some teacher will simply screw up and refer to one of these kids by their real name or with the correct pronoun. Instant reprimand, if not worse.


New member
As I mentioned in another post, I had the opportunity to visit a middle school yesterday. While I was there, an acquaintance told me of a female student who had made a request via a guidance counselor that, instead of being called by her actual name, she be called by a male name and referred to with the male pronouns he, him and his. Further, the girl's parents are fully on board with it.

I asked if this was just being passed on from the counselor as an FYI, or was this the decision of building admin that MUST be complied with?

Evidently the principal -- not wanting to make the news or be sued -- has decided that if the parents want it, teachers will comply. This is taking place in what I've been told is now the most conservative area left in North Carolina. This is evidently also a viral fad in this middle school (the girl is not the only one so "oriented" in the building) so it's probably becoming more widespread throughout many schools. The little rainbow flags and pink triangles on the guidance counselor's doors only encourages things.

Lawsuits are just a matter of time. The person telling me this said some career teachers (typically but not always older, more experienced and more valuable ones, but who can't retire yet) are now faced with a crisis of conscience: help confirm a child and her fool parents in their perversion and sin, OR refuse to comply and risk getting the district sued/getting fired for "genderqueer discrimination" or some such sodomite insanity.

wait till she demands to use the boys locker for P.E., then the lawsuits will really come in. I think placating people like her only enable her to push the social agenda even further. you give an inch and they push for a mile type of scenario will unfold


Well-known member
wait till she demands to use the boys locker for P.E., then the lawsuits will really come in. I think placating people like her only enable her to push the social agenda even further. you give an inch and they push for a mile type of scenario will unfold

I'm told that's already been requested so this student, or another in the same situation, will be allowed to use the bathrooms up in the office.