Somebody Has To Be in the Closet


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Somebody Has To Be in the Closet

This is the show from Wednesday, March 14th 2012.


As soon as homosexuality became publicly “virtuous”, that was the beginning of the all-out assault, (the jihad) on Christian morals and on Christians.


* The First Shall be Third: Why does supposed frontrunner Romney keep coming in third in primaries? Pro-abortion, Pro-gay marriage, Pro-Romney (Obama) care, socialists, Republican Mitt Romney has no answers when asked about his record as governor of Massachusetts.

* Journal Says Killing Babies OK: An article published in the English "Journal of Medical Ethics" says it should be allowed, just as abortions are allowed, to kill newborn babies.

* 7 Days in Jail for Molestation: Oregon law allows for as little as 7 days in jail if an adult male purchases the services of a underage prostitute.

* Women Don't Like X Movies: Hollywood's obsession with filth blinds them to the fact that G and PG rated films are preferred by movie goers and family friendly movies take in more money. 74% of young women and 58% of young boys don't want to see sex, violence nudity or profanity in films. Bob points out that the violence in movies isn't real while the nudity and profanity is.

* Expelled: The great movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" showed several examples of professors, scientists and others being fired because they believed in Creation or Intelligent Design. Dr. Coppedge is suing NASA claiming he was let go for his views on Intelligent Design. The Judge will allow Dr. Coppedge to play one of two great videos (either "Unlocking the Mysteries of Life" or "Privileged Planet") for evidence in the court.

* Christian Band's Speech Gets Principal Fired: An Iowa principal invited a Christian rock band to play at a school assembly and the band has the audacity to actually act like Christians espousing anti-homo anti-abortions speech. A special school board meeting was called and the principal resigned. (which is close enough for government work... to being fired). One of the fundamental laws of the universe is that somebody's gotta be in the closet. So Bob points that either the homosexuals or the Christians will be in the closet.

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The authors provocatively argue that there is no moral difference between a fetus and a newborn. Their capacities are relevantly similar. If abortion is permissible, infanticide should be permissible.

Isn't this an argument against abortion?


New member
The authors provocatively argue that there is no moral difference between a fetus and a newborn. Their capacities are relevantly similar. If abortion is permissible, infanticide should be permissible.

Isn't this an argument against abortion?

To me, it's a reflection of the morality of the one arguing for abortion....I have trouble seeing abortion as the proper moral choice.


To me, it's a reflection of the morality of the one arguing for abortion....I have trouble seeing abortion as the proper moral choice.
I believe they were arguing against it, hidden by sarcasm. Otherwise, the argument would hold true that there is no moral difference between a newborn and a child. If it is okay to kill a newborn, it is okay to kill a child (and so on)