Some candidates aren't ashamed of Christianity, some are

Cruz has fought in the Supreme Court for religious freedom, and has consistently upheld the right to life of ALL humans.

I'm less sure about Rubio's position on life, but he has made a vague statement that he favors life over [convenience or whatever you call it]

i find it interesting that there is NO doubt regarding Cruz about life, but others, well, others there is either doubt or they are pro-death (Clinton, Mr HugeEgoConnections2theMob)

That last one claims to be pro-life (has to, in order to get R votes) but supports Planned Parenthood. He lies about virtually EVERYTHING. By now you probably have heard about how he said he wasn't in favor of single-payer but there is a video to prove he did, that he refused to pay workers... that he was convicted of conspiracy to hire illegals (and fined $1 million).

that last one is a whopper, isn't it? Rambling on and on about he is going to send the illegals back and build a wall, when all along, he has absolutely NO intention of doing that

only people who have Stockholm Syndrome vote for such a person.. and masochists who want to destroy the home (country) they live in.. lots of self-destructive people in the land, isnt there?

very sad


we can thank the media (Fox & etc) for promoting this egomaniac crook
it's really amazing how all those career politicians in WA dislike Cruz. The People like him, have made him the non-Trump forerunner :) through their votes!

but WA still doesn't want him. They don't care that the people want Cruz, they want some go along to get along knucklehead they can manipulate. There is something REALLY creepy going on in WA that "they" dont want u to know about.. and Cruz being president.. well, they don't want that b/c "their deeds were evil"


People are foolish voting for candidates based on their alleged religious openness or values. You may as well be making your basis on nothing. It's annoying to hear it always be a prime subject of who is best for office.



People have gotten sick of the Left and their ridiculous antics


The GOP is reaping the fruit of it's own rank woodenness and inability to change
People are foolish voting for candidates based on their alleged religious openness or values. You may as well be making your basis on nothing. It's annoying to hear it always be a prime subject of who is best for office.

you've got to be kidding?

I am not voting for Cruz b/c he is.. what you say here. I am voting 4 him because he is intelligent and knows how to use his intelligence for the good of the country. I am voting for him because he puts We the People first, the Constitution & laws over lawlessness, equality over crony capitalism, the free market system over--crony capitalism. And he believes ALL humans have rights, not just the ones who have survived the womb


People have gotten sick of the Left and their ridiculous antics


The GOP is reaping the fruit of it's own rank woodenness and inability to change
i am not againt "woodness" and inability to change, w hatever woodeness is supposed to mean (??)

Rs are angry b/c there are few true Rs in congress. They promise but dont deliver. They value getting along with liberals more than they value getting along with voters