soemthing else USA has in common with terrorists


New member
We both want the extremist/terrorists


yes, both parties want DEATH, one group wants this because it believes murder is wrong

one group b/c they want to go to some so called paradise they have convinced themselves exists...

but in any case, we both have the same goal: annihilate the monsters..

So again.

What's the problem here??



New member
oh, I forgot... the Caliphate.


Who would want to belong to that society?

a society of monsters, sickos... psychos...

yeh, I can see why teens are attracted [sarcasm alert]

I mean who wouldn't want to live with these kinds of people...

can you spell Trust Issues?

geez... people are insane... No wonder Jesus said few find the way to Heaven... You have to be a little bit... uh... you know... sane or something?



New member
We both want the extremist/terrorists


yes, both parties want DEATH, one group wants this because it believes murder is wrong

one group b/c they want to go to some so called paradise they have convinced themselves exists...

but in any case, we both have the same goal: annihilate the monsters..

So again.

What's the problem here??


The problem is a lack of Love for God... on both sides. Its kind of a human condition...


New member
The problem is a lack of Love for God... on both sides. Its kind of a human condition...


And I do pity those sickos sometimes... (not often but sometimes)

I mean, anyone who really, really KNOWS Jesus (and his Church) would... well, OK, sometimes I (member of His Church) don't feel much love for.. the hierarchy in the Church... and etc...

I have SERIOUS issues with "the Church" (people therein) but anyway... Anyone who really has Jesus and knows Him and realizes how much Jesus loves him/her would not become... so sick...

But pity the monsters or not, we have to defend our country and other helpless people, victims of the the monsters-without-souls
